


Gran Torino







Lernzettel Englisch Termin: 29.11.2024 P2
Topic: Gran Torino, writing an essay
Main Information
Directed Clint Eastwood
The s
Lernzettel Englisch Termin: 29.11.2024 P2
Topic: Gran Torino, writing an essay
Main Information
Directed Clint Eastwood
The s
Lernzettel Englisch Termin: 29.11.2024 P2
Topic: Gran Torino, writing an essay
Main Information
Directed Clint Eastwood
The s
Lernzettel Englisch Termin: 29.11.2024 P2
Topic: Gran Torino, writing an essay
Main Information
Directed Clint Eastwood
The s
Lernzettel Englisch Termin: 29.11.2024 P2
Topic: Gran Torino, writing an essay
Main Information
Directed Clint Eastwood
The s
Lernzettel Englisch Termin: 29.11.2024 P2
Topic: Gran Torino, writing an essay
Main Information
Directed Clint Eastwood
The s
Lernzettel Englisch Termin: 29.11.2024 P2
Topic: Gran Torino, writing an essay
Main Information
Directed Clint Eastwood
The s
Lernzettel Englisch Termin: 29.11.2024 P2
Topic: Gran Torino, writing an essay
Main Information
Directed Clint Eastwood
The s

Lernzettel Englisch Termin: 29.11.2024 P2 Topic: Gran Torino, writing an essay Main Information Directed Clint Eastwood Produced: Plot The story follows Walt Kowalski, a recently widowed Korean War veteran alienated from his family and angry at the world. Walt's young neighbor Thao Lor, is pressured by his cousin into stealing Walts prized 1972 Ford Gran Torino for his initation into a gang. Wall thwarts the theft and subsequently develops a relationship with the boy and his family. What leads to the sacrifce of himself for thao and his Sister Sue, so that they could live in peace. Main Characters older 2008 confident finds Wall funny wants Walt Kowalski Retired worker from Ford veteran of Korean War r lives in Detroit rather tall American with polish heritage Sue and Thao (siblings) →hmongs → probably both graduates gender roles" live in Detroit widower father, grandfather lives with his dog is has lung cancer s indipendent Both have a big impact on Wall • Starters of the Plot to college L Development of the characters J CLINT EASTWOOD younger has a driver license befriends Walt shy to more open GRAN TORINO SURVIVALIS → hmong gang Side Characters (IMPORTANT ONES) spriest promised Walts Wife to look after him, after her death (30 threatens Sue and Thao Angry White Male Mens consider themselves as true, while Americans brutally raped Sue and beaten Thao up Starter of the plot meaning: sign of trust and friendship ↳ Thos learns to value it gradually دا • Believing that America has lost its unique greatness constitutional right to bear arms...

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and defend their home country bitter patriots believing collective identity crisis most of these mans come from flourishing industrial core regions takes care of all situation himself language : harsh, racist expressions frustated by non-American immigrants give everyone a fair chance, if they work hard, play by the rules and learn and speak english Is the Gran Forino a Mac Guffin? & Walts two sons with wifes and kids I don't really care about him don't respect his boundaries only care about the money →-→> Walls way of showing is pride and patriotism Portrayed in a parallystic way → Characters are interested in the car (eg. his niece, the gang) Wuclear and Extended Family ((or and Walls Family) Walls Family: his relatives thinks that he is old and helpless and probably pity him his grandchildren don't seem to care about him at all family don't really know him • display of a kind of superficial and forced friendliness grandchildren are disrespectful . ● → Nuclear family . Lor Family they. see him as independent seem to actually care about him and involve him in their lives . ♥ ♥ • more space and privacy feeling of isolation freedom and independence Lor children are more respectful even when they make honest fun of him honest friendliness → Extended Family • develop and experience a wide variety of relationships unable to experience privacy can come under stress individual attention take often responsibility . roles are stereotyply set Cinematography (End Scene) long terms of anxiety not acting one own initiative establishing shot lots of low angle shols and cross-cuts tracking shot of Wall 8998 Interpretation equal portrayal of both parties atmosphere is suspenseful • refers to role-models in western or action 。 movies Zoom-in on Wallfinger gun cuts: fast-slow-fast Wall falls in slow motion high angle shot of dead Wall with zoom-out and tilting Peach us Coconut culture Peach culture • • ·more open minded friendlier to the outside world Smile and try to be friendly as possible Friendly equal to relationship= X not a long lasting friendship 1,He knows contruction" (Scene) Is Thao gets a job is not formel Gangs (and Vidence) • They share Hmong ethnictity Peach culture ↳ Tim Kennedy knows Walt so he gives Thao a chance Friendly conversatation • They live together •The claim their territory They have guns for threads and shows that they are violent in one house They seem to share going symbols ad as a unit and try to earn respect have nicknames (Spider) Structerd (Spider leader) Guns (in America) Gran Torino-> Wall and the gang • tuming point: slow->fast; still → moring; quiet -> loud, " Walt: weak/old-strong (even though dead) Coconut culture • closed of to strangers (hard to break) after a while they get friendlier and nicer • slowy build! friendliness up long lasting friendship friendly equal to relationship = √ uses guns Different culture, Thao gets a job, even without a degree is friendly to him and show him that he is like showing something smiliar. His boss a friend youth-street-gangs Definiton · featers: of people (age-8-22), viewing themselves as a gang gang and recognized by others as such; sharing identity and expressing it with related symbols, language and overall behavior; claiming territory and showing street presence; owning and lor using of guns, commiting violence and being involved in criminal activity; (violent and /or criminal) intitations for joining; group displays some level of permanence and organization. ог group Gun control common thing to use and own loopholes to get a gun When you get shot, the person could not go to jail . They think its tradition It is part of their identity Racism and prejudice towards people based r 7 different types of Racism positive and negativ racism overl racism Quersive racism institutional racism Is the believe in the superiority of one ethnicity (or race) over another, which often results in discrimination on their ethnicity. cultural racism scientific racism reverse racism L color-blind racism a gun Integration Melting pot • Mixing until new everyone is american -> Mainstream is very dominant, giving up identies • Gun ownership rate: 88.8 guns per Gum homicide rale: 29.7 million per 1 million people 7 Walls discribtion of Integration Racism in · Wall uses Gran Torino racist expressions Cookie-Cutter → WASP mold → cutting out - if you fil in, you Succed Could be excluded for ethnicity and/or religion IN GUN WE TRUST many Walt has prejudice Maybe Wall was a victim of racism, because of his polish heritage Salad bowl Com 100 people -> mixing -> keep own culture but also become american ↑ →Mainstream culture might be harmed by minorities being strong The Lors discribtion of Integration Patriotism Germany •Eg. Captain America, lots of Eg rather little show of patriotism/ flags/including printed on produds might even feel weird to fly flags, overall usally year round, 4th of July, proud, American Dream Reasons: fougth for freedom and won, produce worldwide culture, own society and less proud, soccor, health care, cars, the,,Autobahn", German thinkers Reasons ww2, trying not be percieved as nazis, Little inpact : being divided in two and the Marshall plan economy; . building American Dream Wall Kowalski -Eg worked for US car company (hates other car brands) and owns a car, teaches Thao to be more American; lives as a role model, American (polite, conficlent, manly, honest, disciplined), flys US Flag outside his house, probably eats and drinks only american products Reasons: was USA Analyzing plot Key terms exposition rising action ·climax falling action resolution a soldier in war and imigrated to us from Poland, fulfilled American Dream Gran Torino "A plot is a plan or from believable and realistic human response" (Robert /Jacobs 1987) How to write an essay J ground work for a story based in conflicting human motivation with actions resulting 1. Brainstorm and research the topic (where, who, when, why, how) 2. Think about a entry 3. Write an outline 4. Start writing (paragraphs!) 5. Pay attention to how you cite references 6. Edit your work (maybe each paragraph after writing it!) Essay structure Bleck Introduction Counter Arguments Arguments conclusion Note: Thesis statement may come at end of the introduction Point-by-point • Introduction Context The problem you are addressing Broad question or issue with some context Main points Overview of argument Introduction Your position / thesis statement Your answer to the problem Counter argument Argument Counter-argument Argument Conclusion Formal and Informal language Formal: less personal Informal: →→ more personal Formal Passive voice No phrasal verbs Informal Full sentences • Correct grammar No centractions eg. I would Contractions • Idioms • No Idoms •Active voice ·Phrasal verbs Shorl sentences Lack formal grammar No abbreviations No exclamation marks • No imperatius Useful Words and Phrases Explaining Adding: • In order to • In other words ● Moreover • Furthermore Coupled with Demonstrating However •Then again Adding Despite this Nonetheless Examples For instance Importance Significantly Summarising In conclusion • To put it another way • That is to say What's more Likewise • Firstly /Secondly ♥ On the other side That said With this in mind Nevertheless To Abbreviations Exclamation marks imperatives give an an illustration Notably All things considered •Above all @ To that End As well as Similary •Another key thing to remember Not only... but also • Not to mention /to say nothing of •Having said that • Yet Provided that Notwithstanding •Importantly • Persuasive By contrast/in comparison "In view of /in light of • Compelling