


Gran Torino, Mock Exam







Walt Kowalski
widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski)
Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma)
Walt Kowalski
widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski)
Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma)
Walt Kowalski
widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski)
Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma)
Walt Kowalski
widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski)
Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma)
Walt Kowalski
widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski)
Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma)
Walt Kowalski
widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski)
Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma)
Walt Kowalski
widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski)
Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma)
Walt Kowalski
widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski)
Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma)
Walt Kowalski
widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski)
Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma)
Walt Kowalski
widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski)
Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma)
Walt Kowalski
widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski)
Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma)
Walt Kowalski
widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski)
Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma)
Walt Kowalski
widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski)
Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma)

3. GRAN FORINO ExapacTERS скаластье Walt Kowalski widower (former wife: Dorothy Kowalski) Korean War veteran (still haunted by his trauma) Feels guilt towards his wife (,,the best thing that ever happened to me") and the people he killed in war (at least 13 men, including one innocent teenager) aggressive, grumpy, racist, old-school and direct attitude, lonely strong need of independency, refuses help smokes & drinks a lot, swears, ready to use weapons, violence, owns a muscle car (-> the Gran Torino) -> stereotypical manly" behavior, "hard man" unknown illness, coughs blood, knows that he will die soon treats women with respect-> seen in his relationship with Sue 50:46 -> I may not be the most pleasant person, but I got the best women that was ever on this planet to marry me looks lean and clean, he becomes a hero the friendship shows tolerance The action reveals him to... 1 3. RON FISTIVO Walt Kowalski Charakter development: realizes he has got more in common with his Hmong neighbours than his own family develops a friendship to Sue and Thao saves Thao and Sue several times is a role model for Thao -> spare father figure Questions his prejudices towards the Hmong people -> In the End: is he successful archiving a sense of belonging? -> yes, he is not grumpy, arrogant, distanced anymore he opens up, finds a new...

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family and purpose in life becomes a role model for Thao ->no, he sacrifices this life known as quite a racist but develops into a caring role model -> no close relationship to others no real friends Sense of belonging estranged from his sons and their families EXRPRETERS -> only superficial friendships : barbershop, drinking buddies part of polish-catholic community -> Walt used to belong to his wife but not really to his sons or the church -> takes care of Thao as if he was his son (in his own way) 3- GARN TORING EXORRETERS L Walt Kowalski Ambiguity of belonging -> Ambiguity of belonging: feeling of not fitting in with the changed conditions -> especially that his neighbourhood is now dominated by Hmong Americans -> he does not fit into the modern American society = old timer with special respect for: ideal with predominance racial prejudice against minorities respect for old -> he is torn between his own "spoilt rotten" family and the Lor family where he gets what he misses with his own relatives -> he chose Hmong neighbours instead of his own family -> relation to church remains unclear WALT AS A WAR VETERAN The Hmong and the secret war > began around the time US became officially involved in the Vietnam War > about 60% of all Hmong men joined "secret war" > after the US withdraw, Hmong people became targets > many Hmong refugees were resettled in the US after the Vietnam War The Korean War > began when the North Korean communist army entered the non communist South Korea > officially, the US intervened as part of a "police action " run by UN when actually the UN simply being manipulated by US and NATO anti communists interests > peace treaty was signed to end the Korean War 3 GRAN TORINO CHARRETERS Thao L sensitive, shy, insecure, girlish low self-esteem/-consciousness (easily persuaded by the Hmong gang into stealing the Gran Torino as an initiation ritual) is under constant pressure born into a Hmong family, he doesn't fit in the stereotype of a real man suffers from his resistance to join the gang (cigarette, drive-by shooting) no friends/relationships no plans for the future does not have feelings of belonging that's why he try to steal Walt's car in order to belong the Hmong gang later he belongs to Walt who helps him and takes care of him raised by a single mother and grandparents Charakter development: Walt mans him up" by adopting the stereotypes that were forced upon him inherits the Gran Torino, gets a job (construction worker), starts to date Youa seeks revenge after Sues.rape in the end: Is he successful archiving a sense of belonging? -> Yes: shows stability and support for his sister and family, has begun to actively shape his life he takes responsibility, accepts that he will have to take care of his life himself stands up for his ideas develops plans for the future 3 Thao Ambiguity of belonging: has difficulties finding cultural identity Hmongs are scattered in Asia torn between Hmong and American culture tries to integrate into American society (lacks simple things like a car or a job) ->he is unsure about his gender identity --> Latino and Hmong gang members question his masculinity, not seen as "man of the house" -> grandmother worries he can't fill the role of the man in the house ->gets basses around by his sister Thaos cousins keeps them away from the American dream 3 GRAN TORINO CHARRETERS Sue is integrated very well (school, has American friends, Trey) strong, independent, pretty, smart, admired by her peers, confiden deeply rooted in Hmong culture and at the same time a part of the American society remains patient and calm, shows Walt how ignorant he has been speaks up against Smokie and Spider Charakter development: her optimism comes to an end when she is raped by her cousin's gang -> ending condition: broken, traumatised, hurt →> in the end: Is she successfully archiving a sense of belonging? ->no: from the optimistic, sensible and life-affirming young woman to a struggling broken girl Sense of belonging -> part of American society: goes to school, meets with friends -> strong feeling of belonging' well integrated -> part of Hmong culture -> part of a huge family Ambiguity of belonging -> deeply rooted in the Hmong culture, but also perfectly at ease with the American way of life -> white boyfriend Trey 1880 3 GRAN GRAN TORINO CHARACTERS The Barber Walt and Martin call each other by their names ->not in a serious way Martin as another example for an adult man shows Thao how to talk like a man I also carries a Rifle Grandmother Phong representative of first generation immigrants racial prejudices against Americans( beginning-> fight with Walt) doesn't speak Hmong lives strictly according to her traditions Father Janovich an inexperienced "overeducated, 27 year old virgin" learns about life and death Walt's direct way of telling him his opinion and his hidden war experiences change father Janovichs outlook on life Walt had a influence on him 3 GRAN TORINO Relationships Walt & Thao: Thao works for Walt; though love; father-son/mentor-student relationship (role model) -> Thao gains confidence due to Walt's ,manning up process": Walt is protective towards Thao sister Walt & Sue: Sue teases Walt (,,Wally"), father figure & protective behaviour, Sue tries to integrate Walt in society and helps him get over his prejudices, Walt admires Sue for being smart and brave Sue & Thao: Sue takes care of Thao and defends him, she wants him to be the best version of himself, empathizes with him, Thao looks up to his Thao and the Hmong Community -> the girls go to college, the boys go to jail ->he lacks self-confidence, torn bet gender roles, Hmong tradition and American standards of living he does not know where he belongs to and searches for an identity Character map: The Lor family Ħ 4 attack rape 3 GRAN FORING Relationships The Asian Gang family family Sue good sa Thao & relationship friends A friends Walt like a mentor) the African-American gang Kowalski Family old friends Barber & Kennedy begin to get along BARBER •shop. father Janovic 3 GRAN TORINO SETTING Detroit Detroits Boom: motor city, mass car production (-> Ford) -> rise of population and popularity Detroits Fall: Ford couldn't Life up to the customers demands anymore due to new technologies which replaced the assembly line production -> Bankruptcy, loss of jobs and population, poverty, inequality Highland Park T www.movie-locations.com A prestigious white middle class neighbourhood until the 1960s where car plant workers with the same cultural background lived 2008: multicultural community, bad reputation (crime rate) Shabby and abandoned Walt is one of the only white people left in the district; he's been living in Detroit his whole life and worked for Ford -> pride and importance Now that inferior" and foreign" people are invading" his neighbourhood 3 • SYMBOLISM: • IMPORTANCE IN THE MOVIE: -> WALT'S PRIZED PROCESSION; ASHLEY IS INTERESTED IN INHERITING IT; THAO IS SUPPOSED TO STEAL IT AS AN INITIATION RITUAL INTO SPIDER'S GANG; WALT OFFERS IT TO THAO TO TAKE YOVA (HIS CRUSH) ON A DATE; GIVEN TO THAO AFTER WALT'S DEATH -> MASCULINITY, TRADITIONALISM GRANTORING EXAMPLES --> SETTING 1: (AFTER DOROTHY'S FUNERAL, ASHLEY AND WALT IN THE GARAGE) ASHLEY: "SO WHAT ARE YOU LIKE GOING TO DO WITH IT LIKE WHEN...YOU DIE?" => MERE MATERIALISTIC GAIN --> SETTING 2 (DURING THE BARBECUE IN WALT'S GARDEN, THAO AND YOVA PLANNING THEIR FIRST DATE) - WALT: "THE BUS?! THAT'S NOT GOOD. A CHARMING YOUNG LADY LIKE THIS DESERVES TO GO IN STYLE." THAO: "THE GRAN TORINO? YOU'D LET ME DRIVE IT?" WALT: "SURE, WHY NOT.". => MASCULINITY, FRIENDSHIP 3- LITE, DEATH AND RELIGION -> IMPORTANT IN THE MOVIE: MOVIE BEGINS AND ENDS WITH A FUNERAL SCENE (DOROTHY AND WALT); THEME OF FATHER JANOVICHS SERMONS AND HIS CONVERSATIONS WITH WALT: HMONG BIRTH CEREMONY AS OPPOSED TO DOROTHY'S FUNERAL RECEPTION; WALT HAS A CRITICAL ILLNESS AND SACRIFICES THIS LIFE FOR THAO AND SUE. (DIES IN CHRISTLIKE MANNER) EXAMPLES: -> SETTING 1 -DOROTHY'S FUNERAL -> SETTING 2 - DOROTHY'S WISH FOR WALT TO GO TO CONFESSION -> WALT'S REJECTION OF THE CHURCH -> CHRISTIAN WIFE, FAMILY PAYS RESPECT IN THE CHURCH -> SPEECH FATHER JANOVICH "WHAT IS DEATH? IS IT THE END... OR IS IT THE BEGINNING? AND WHAT IS LIFE?" -IN/OUTSIDE WALT'S HOUSE -> TRIES TO LOOK AFTER WALT AND WANTS HIM TO GO TO CONFESSION -> WALT DOES NOT WANT TO AND MAKES CLEAR THAT HE REJECTS THE CHURCH -> SETTING 7 - CONVERSATION BETWEEN WALT AND FATHER JANOVICH IN BAR -> TALKING ABOUT LIFE AND DEATH: WALT REVEALS THAT HE IS HAUNTED BY HIS PAST -> LIVED WITH DEATH FOR THREE YEARS IN KOREA -> KILLED SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD KIDS -> HONEST, OPENS UP TO FATHER JANOVICH - FJ:"SOUNDS LIKE YOU KNOW MORE ABOUT DEATH THAN YOU DO LIVING." WALT: "MAYBE SO" -> SETTING 29 - WALTS CONFESSION AT CHURCH ->-FINALLY CONFESSES, ACCEPTS FATHER JANOVIC AS A PASTOR -> LATER, PERSONAL CONFESSION TO THAO -> SETTING 31 - WALTS SACRIFICE -> SETTING 32. - FATHER JANOVICHS DEVELOPMENT: LEARNS ABOUT LIFE AND DEATH THROUGH WALTS EXAMPLE -> SALVATION THAT WALT NEEDED, KNEW HE WOULD DIE SOON FROM CANCER. 3 -> Gun -> Americanism, Tradition, masculinity, protection, violence -> the right to bear arms -> the second amendment to the Constitution grants every citizen the right to -> Beer and cigarettes-> masculinity, loneliness, drinking away pain/guilt -> mirror -> self-recognition of Walt -> cross -> Walt lies with his arms spread out as he dies -> symbol of his salvation HUNERAL I SYMBOLS the U OMC Walt's American Dream -> takes pride in his cars (cherishes the Gran Torino) -> House = Perfect Image of American suburbia) -> Conservative values: patriotism, family, buying American flags Walt's family problems STRUCTURE KILTIIN Ulivlili Sues harassment by the African Americans Get off my lawn" initiation ritual of stealing the Gran Torino rivalling gangs, Thao and the Hispanic gang Drive by shooting, sues rape S Walt's death 6 Walt's last wi HUZWαAL F R А