


History of African Americans in the US







first slaves
are brought
to America
further importation
of slaves is
declared illegal
end of segregation
in schools and

first slaves are brought to America 1619 1807 1948- 1954 further importation of slaves is declared illegal end of segregation in schools and army public opinion turns against slavery 1852 1955 African Americans are not seen as citizens of the U.S. 1857 political activists fight for the rights of colored people (Rosa Parks, M.L. King, Malcolm X) 1965 1963 SEGREGATED: LA DEMAND RULES NOVOTING RIGHTS assassination of M.L. King 1968 250.000 protest for equal rights; M.L. King gives his 'I have a dream' speech Civil War + 1861- 1865 History of African Americans in the US police brutality leads to widespread protests abolishment of slavery, guaranteed 1863 citizenship,right to vote Slaves are legally free Ron Brown is the first person of color to head a major party 1989 1865- 1870 1991 1877 restriction of rights in southern states Civil Rights Act strengthens the rights of employees against discrimination 'separate but equal' → segregation Barack Obama becomes the first African American president of the US 2008 1896 1909 founding of the 'National Association for the Advancement of colored people' (NAACP) 2013 Start of Black Lives Matter movement 2020 BLM flares up again ↳Killing of George Floyd due to police brutality

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