


How to analyse a speech







Writing about choice of words.
- to use emotive adjectives /aceverbs that... appeal
to the
- to express ideas
Writing about choice of words.
- to use emotive adjectives /aceverbs that... appeal
to the
- to express ideas

Writing about choice of words. - to use emotive adjectives /aceverbs that... appeal to the readers colloquial - to express ideas orcler associate... way - to as... in - the... meant orcler emocions to 3 more connotations of make the to. with positivel negative words. to... informac words like. are reader... Simple present: ~ Einfache Form der Gegenwart ~ nie geschieht -Grence form (+-5 bei 3.pers. Sg.) -chuckt aus, was wiederholt always, sometimes, often, never, every day, in at the the morning, weekend, on Monday oder -he/she/it -S ! gues, watches, Eries! -don't/ doesn't → Das verb nach does / cloesn't!... stent - Do/Does Grande form immer in dler Most boys like football. present progressive: ~ Verlaufs form der Gegenwart ~ waiting such -drucke aus, class etwas genadle jetzt geschieht, oder class jemand gerade etwas tut (auch um zu Beschreiben) now, at the moment, just, sticl Bilder have/has + 3. Form verb (ecc) -haun'é/hasn't be (is/are) + verb+ing-Form -I'm/ You're Kare) -He's /She's/lis) -They're/(are) -I'm not -You aren't. -He/She isn't - they aren't Apresent perfect: - drückt aus, class etwas irgendwann geschehen ist, Zeitpunkt ist unwichtig Lo just, alreally, always, ever, never, not... yet, since, for Since: Anfangszeitpunkt - for: Zeitraum I have forgotten my umbrella Our neighbour's dog is barking. D How to analyze a speech Step 1 = Reach. Step 2: Evaluate Step 3= Write -mark clevices -Most common clevices →thetorical question →→ repetition (anaphaa, rule of three/ parallelism) 44se -which devices often? - which of inclusive "we" - Create feeking of unity no in Speeches! clevices L▶ Example: - Tocking - which clevices support cloes the speaker most striking! interesting. the message best? -write in paragraphs, each should include Name of device → Quote/Reference to čeké → Expaboration of intention/effect text/ copy - post phrases paragraphr the following information about climate change. Obama parallelison when he points out,...

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that "in America", "in our west" and "in heartland" (1. 11-13) the negative effects already be fect. Thus, it becomes that the problem cloes no E Cię future but affects us Citizens Loday. By mentioning different regions the 054. Obama underlines that the offects are not limited to specific areas. can clear in the in se GISE a out ļuse the present tense! Writing about stylistic clevices: - The author uses metaphorical language to.. - The outhor employs stycistic devices to... - The author uses figures of speech to.. - The stylistic devices underline lenhance the arguments/message of the text, - The stylistic device supports / affirms the author's the text's message. -The stylistic device/metaphor.... brings out the message... - to examine/ explain / analyse the stylistic devices - to make 3 comparison...