


Comment Schreiben Englisch Beispieltext: Einfache Tipps und Satzanfänge


Comment Schreiben Englisch Beispieltext: Einfache Tipps und Satzanfänge
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A comprehensive guide on writing comments in English, covering structure, key elements, and useful phrases for students.

• The guide outlines the purpose, structure, and language tips for writing effective comments in English.
• It provides a clear framework for organizing thoughts and expressing opinions on various topics.
• Numerous example phrases are given for each section of a comment, from introduction to conclusion.



Writing a Comment in English: Structure and Examples

This page provides an overview of the purpose and structure of a comment in English writing.

A comment is used to express one's opinion on a topic, provide an assessment, offer criticism, or make comparisons. The basic structure follows a typical essay format with an introduction, main body, and conclusion.

Key Elements of a Comment

  • Purpose: To express your opinion on a topic
  • Tense: Simple Present
  • Structure:
    1. Introduction
    2. Main Body
    3. Conclusion


The introduction aims to capture interest and set the stage for your argument. It should include:

  • A reference to the task or topic
  • A general statement introducing your opinion
  • A clear position on the issue
  • A brief justification for your stance

Example: "Recently there was a discussion about..." or "Nowadays, people..."

Highlight: The introduction should end with a transition to the main body, such as "Is that right?"

Main Body

The main body is where you present and justify your arguments. It typically includes:

  • Your standpoint
  • 2-3 supporting arguments
  • Justifications for each argument
  • Examples to illustrate your points

Vocabulary: "Standpoint" refers to your position or point of view on the topic.


The conclusion summarizes your main points and may offer:

  • A brief recap of your key arguments (in your own words)
  • An outlook, solution, consequence, or implications of your stance

Tip: Always use the Simple Present tense throughout your comment.

,Comments' werden eingesetzt, um die eigene Meinung zu einem Thema wiederzugeben, eine
Beurteilung zu schreiben, eine Kritik zu äuße

Useful Phrases for Writing a Comment

This page provides a collection of helpful phrases and sentence starters for each section of your comment.

Introduction Phrases

To begin your comment effectively, consider using these phrases:

  • "Recently there was a discussion about..."
  • "Nowadays, there are..." / "Nowadays, people..."
  • "The discussion about..."
  • "Many people think..."
  • "In the following, I'd like to discuss the pros and cons of..."
  • "In the following, I'd like to discuss the various arguments supporting/denying..."

Example: "In the following, I'd like to discuss the pros and cons of social media usage among teenagers."

Main Body Phrases

For presenting your standpoint:

  • "My personal view is that..., because..."
  • "In my opinion..."
  • "From my point of view..."
  • "Moreover, I think..."

For introducing arguments:

  • "It may be argued that..."
  • "Another argument for/against is..."
  • "The pro/contra argument is..."
  • "On the one hand..."

Highlight: Use transitional phrases like "To begin with...", "Next...", "Finally..." to structure your arguments.

For providing justifications:

  • "The central/main argument is..."
  • "Furthermore..."
  • "Another powerful/important argument is that..."
  • "It should be mentioned/seen/taken into consideration that..."
  • "As a matter of fact..."

For presenting counterarguments:

  • "To the contrary..."
  • "On the other hand..."
  • "Nevertheless, it should be thought about..."

For giving examples:

  • "An example for this argument is..."
  • "... is a good example for that (argument)"
  • "That means..."

Tip: Always support your arguments with concrete examples to make your comment more convincing.

Conclusion Phrases

To wrap up your comment effectively, you can use these phrases:

  • "In conclusion, you can say that..."
  • "What it comes down to is that..."
  • "In summary, one can say..."
  • "With respect to the arguments above, I am of the opinion that..."
  • "To sum it up..."
  • "In a nutshell..."
  • "As a result/consequence..."

Example: "In conclusion, you can say that while social media has its drawbacks, its benefits for connecting people globally outweigh the negatives when used responsibly."

Highlight: Your conclusion should reinforce your main argument and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

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Comment Schreiben Englisch Beispieltext: Einfache Tipps und Satzanfänge

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77 Follower


A comprehensive guide on writing comments in English, covering structure, key elements, and useful phrases for students.

• The guide outlines the purpose, structure, and language tips for writing effective comments in English.
• It provides a clear framework for organizing thoughts and expressing opinions on various topics.
• Numerous example phrases are given for each section of a comment, from introduction to conclusion.








Writing a Comment in English: Structure and Examples

This page provides an overview of the purpose and structure of a comment in English writing.

A comment is used to express one's opinion on a topic, provide an assessment, offer criticism, or make comparisons. The basic structure follows a typical essay format with an introduction, main body, and conclusion.

Key Elements of a Comment

  • Purpose: To express your opinion on a topic
  • Tense: Simple Present
  • Structure:
    1. Introduction
    2. Main Body
    3. Conclusion


The introduction aims to capture interest and set the stage for your argument. It should include:

  • A reference to the task or topic
  • A general statement introducing your opinion
  • A clear position on the issue
  • A brief justification for your stance

Example: "Recently there was a discussion about..." or "Nowadays, people..."

Highlight: The introduction should end with a transition to the main body, such as "Is that right?"

Main Body

The main body is where you present and justify your arguments. It typically includes:

  • Your standpoint
  • 2-3 supporting arguments
  • Justifications for each argument
  • Examples to illustrate your points

Vocabulary: "Standpoint" refers to your position or point of view on the topic.


The conclusion summarizes your main points and may offer:

  • A brief recap of your key arguments (in your own words)
  • An outlook, solution, consequence, or implications of your stance

Tip: Always use the Simple Present tense throughout your comment.

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Useful Phrases for Writing a Comment

This page provides a collection of helpful phrases and sentence starters for each section of your comment.

Introduction Phrases

To begin your comment effectively, consider using these phrases:

  • "Recently there was a discussion about..."
  • "Nowadays, there are..." / "Nowadays, people..."
  • "The discussion about..."
  • "Many people think..."
  • "In the following, I'd like to discuss the pros and cons of..."
  • "In the following, I'd like to discuss the various arguments supporting/denying..."

Example: "In the following, I'd like to discuss the pros and cons of social media usage among teenagers."

Main Body Phrases

For presenting your standpoint:

  • "My personal view is that..., because..."
  • "In my opinion..."
  • "From my point of view..."
  • "Moreover, I think..."

For introducing arguments:

  • "It may be argued that..."
  • "Another argument for/against is..."
  • "The pro/contra argument is..."
  • "On the one hand..."

Highlight: Use transitional phrases like "To begin with...", "Next...", "Finally..." to structure your arguments.

For providing justifications:

  • "The central/main argument is..."
  • "Furthermore..."
  • "Another powerful/important argument is that..."
  • "It should be mentioned/seen/taken into consideration that..."
  • "As a matter of fact..."

For presenting counterarguments:

  • "To the contrary..."
  • "On the other hand..."
  • "Nevertheless, it should be thought about..."

For giving examples:

  • "An example for this argument is..."
  • "... is a good example for that (argument)"
  • "That means..."

Tip: Always support your arguments with concrete examples to make your comment more convincing.

Conclusion Phrases

To wrap up your comment effectively, you can use these phrases:

  • "In conclusion, you can say that..."
  • "What it comes down to is that..."
  • "In summary, one can say..."
  • "With respect to the arguments above, I am of the opinion that..."
  • "To sum it up..."
  • "In a nutshell..."
  • "As a result/consequence..."

Example: "In conclusion, you can say that while social media has its drawbacks, its benefits for connecting people globally outweigh the negatives when used responsibly."

Highlight: Your conclusion should reinforce your main argument and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

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