


How to write an Article







How to write au
catchy headline reffering to the topic.
→ interesting intro to catch readus attention
La Have
ever hea
How to write au
catchy headline reffering to the topic.
→ interesting intro to catch readus attention
La Have
ever hea

How to write au Headline catchy headline reffering to the topic. Introduction → interesting intro to catch readus attention La Have ever heard of...? you ↳ You won't belive what happened... is can you imagine In the introducing the topic/ ↳ the problem is / question is... ↳ What we have to Article news. Main part me I heard my position ↳s From my point of view ↳ In my opinion ↳ If ash you ask ourselves is... prosenting arguments: in a ↳ On the one hand / on the other hand. ↳ In contrast to.... ↳ Besides ↳ We must also concider ↳ Some people think that / others that.... say deviding my arguments with linking words. Firstly /Secondly ↳ Moreover logical order (pro-om) ↳ In addition to is what is also important to say is... ↳ Further more. 13.04.2022 - explaining my argument. Therefore ↳ That's why ↳ For this reason. L because ↳ although → giving examples! ↳ For example... ↳ For instance.... as... با → use paragraphs clearly shows/illustrates argument, explanation, example PARAGRAPH Conclusion → sum up your main points ↳ To put it in a nutshell ... ↳ To cut a long story short... sum up ↳ To conclude ܘܐ ܝܐ ↳ The only possible solution give an outlook for the future is... J to my arguments show that we will have to be careful when..... In future... 13.04.2022

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