


Linking words







Additional comments or ideas
additionally - zusätzlich
in addition
also auch
Too - auch
moreover außerdem
furthermore darüber hin
Additional comments or ideas
additionally - zusätzlich
in addition
also auch
Too - auch
moreover außerdem
furthermore darüber hin
Additional comments or ideas
additionally - zusätzlich
in addition
also auch
Too - auch
moreover außerdem
furthermore darüber hin

Additional comments or ideas additionally - zusätzlich in addition zusätzlich also auch Too - auch moreover außerdem furthermore darüber hinaus again - erneut further des weiteren/zusätzlich then - dann besides außerdem similarly ähnlich correspondingly - entsprechend indeed tatsächlich regarding - bezüglich not only... but also nicht nur... sondern auch Alternatives whereas wohingegen conversely - umgekehrt in comparison - im Vergleich by contrast - im Gegensatz another view is... - eine andere Sichtweise ist... alternatively Alternative although obwohl otherwise sonst instead stattdessen Analysing results therefore deshalb accordingly as a result of als Folge the result is/results are die Folge ist/sind the consequence is die Konsequenz ist resulting from resultiert aus entsprechend consequently folglich it can be seen - es ist zu sehen evidence illustrates that Beweise zeigen, dass because of this - deswegen thus - somit hence daher for this reason - aus diesem Grund this suggests that - Dies deutet darauf hin, dass das folgt, dass it follows that otherwise in that case ansonsten in diesem Fall Compare compared with verglichen mit in comparison - im Vergleich in the same way likewise despite this trotzdem ebenso except außer in contrast - im Gegensatz Equally gleichermaßen as compared with im Vergleich dazu auf dieselbe Weise Rephrasing in other terms in anderen Begriffen rather eher or- oder better besser in view of this im Gegensatz dazu in contrast - im Gegensatz Sequencing first (ly) erstens second (ly) - zweitens third (ly) - drittens another ein anderer additionally - zusätzlich finally moreover - endlich auch also auch subsequently später eventually später next als nächstes then dann Summary or Conclusion in conclusion - abschließend to conclude zum Schluss therefore deshalb on the whole - insgesamt hence damit thus to summarise so zusammenfassen altogether...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

insgesamt overall insgesamt All things considered - alles in allem in a nutshell- kurz zusammengefasst finally endlich in short - kurz gefasst to sum up zusammenfassend Persuasion Surely Sicherlich clearly offensichtlich doubtless natürlich of course-natürlich decidedly entschieden certainly sicherlich evidently offensichtlich indeed in der Tat undoubtedly - zweifellos Contrast by contrast dagegen although obwohl compared with verglichen mit conversely umgekehrt despite trotzdem however trotzdem nevertheless - trotzdem yet noch Cause/Effect as a result of results from because as - wie since da als Ergebnis von ergibt sich aus Weil comes from kommt von in so far as- soweit wie the reason why - der Grund warum is caused by verursacht von therefore daher Emphasising earlier Statements however trotzdem nonetheless - trotzdem furthermore - außerdem in the final analysis in der endgültigen Analyse despite... trotz... in spite of ... trotz while...may be true während... vielleicht stimmt although obwohl though - obwohl after all nach alledem at the same time - gleichzeitig even if...is true - auch wenn ... wahr ist Introducing examples for example for instance as follows wie folgt as exemplified by - wie beispielhaft von such as wie beispielsweise including einschließlich especially insbesondere particularly insbesondere in particular insbesondere zum Beispiel zum Beispiel notably insbesondere mainly vor allem Basic 9: Connecting ideas →S14 Useful phrases for essays Short simple sentences are easier to read and understand than long complex ones, but to make your writing flow you need to connect them up. 1 Here is a list of useful connectives. Consult a dictionary for the meaning of any word or phrase you do not already know. Look at the connectives in the box on the right and put them under the correct heading on the left. 1. To add information and also as well as moreover too. 2. To give ideas or events a sequence thirdly eventually secondly firstly . while 3. furthermore finally then next meanwhile afterwards To equally likewise as with like in the same way similarly 4. To contrast 3 Basic writing skills although whereas instead of otherwise or else unlike but on the other hand having said that even if in spite of despite To show cause and effect because since so (that) therefore thus as a result since. in order to thot (the reason) why 6. To further explain an idea however, unless except apart from yet if provided that as long as nevertheless actually besides, notable 7. To emphasise above all in particular especially significantly indeed 8. To give examples for example such as in the case of as revealed by namely for instance furthermore • similarly for instance • consequently • besides außerdem • notably • eventually • alternatively 2 Now decide which connective best links up these sentences or sentence parts. Underline the best one in each sentence. 1. This is a beautifully written essay. (However/Furthermore/Especially), the arguments are totally convincing. 2. Our hero returns home. (As a result/Meanwhile/Afterwards) his enemies have been plotting against him. 3. This problem will have to be sorted out. (Unless/Otherwise/Therefore) there will be trouble. 4. There has been a great deal of rain and (eventually/consequently/besides) the threat of flooding has grown. 5. I can't stand laziness. (Above all/Or else/Nevertheless) I hate it when people fail to live up to their potential. 6. She was an excellent student (for example/as a result/as well as) being one of the top athletes of her year. 7. You don't expect me to believe your version, do you? (Besides/However/Meanwhile), you weren't even there. ut in suitable connectives from the list above to complete this comment. Even if the events surrounding our recent election have encouraged me, they have also made me feel deeply pessimistic. On the other hand I see two positive signs. , the number of people out on the streets before the election showed that we have not been blunted by years of suppression and economic hardship. the desire for change is very much alive. , at last an opposition leader , the growth of Internet and satellite Indeed has stood up to challenge the government and president. communication has helped opposition activists to reach more people than ever before. election result, which was clearly manipulated, has left me deeply saddened. authorities have admitted some "irregularities", they are unwilling to hold a re-election. Tuesday's events people will be more afraid of joining protest rallies in future. effecting change from within are reduced. , I feel things could have been different. The president's propaganda goes straight to the people alouah the truth about the state of our country is censored or only available in English and DISO does not reach the majority. Month more critical programmes are broadcast in our language, things are unlikely to change. although the ,after the chances of the B 87