


Jerry - Laurance Harger







What happens?
Catch me if
Веи sprayis
gym filmed him.
Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs Tailor
discovered him, so
What happens?
Catch me if
Веи sprayis
gym filmed him.
Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs Tailor
discovered him, so
What happens?
Catch me if
Веи sprayis
gym filmed him.
Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs Tailor
discovered him, so
What happens?
Catch me if
Веи sprayis
gym filmed him.
Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs Tailor
discovered him, so
What happens?
Catch me if
Веи sprayis
gym filmed him.
Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs Tailor
discovered him, so
What happens?
Catch me if
Веи sprayis
gym filmed him.
Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs Tailor
discovered him, so
What happens?
Catch me if
Веи sprayis
gym filmed him.
Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs Tailor
discovered him, so
What happens?
Catch me if
Веи sprayis
gym filmed him.
Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs Tailor
discovered him, so
What happens?
Catch me if
Веи sprayis
gym filmed him.
Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs Tailor
discovered him, so
What happens?
Catch me if
Веи sprayis
gym filmed him.
Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs Tailor
discovered him, so
What happens?
Catch me if
Веи sprayis
gym filmed him.
Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs Tailor
discovered him, so
What happens?
Catch me if
Веи sprayis
gym filmed him.
Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs Tailor
discovered him, so

What happens? Catch me if 1 can Ben Веи sprayis the is to wall, camera gym filmed him. Mr. O'Reilly and Mrs Tailor discovered him, so his a parents punished hill wed him. Ben до to school for rest of the year. you graffiti but get Baige. on a Welcome to the Shack ܠܥܢ 2 The Like "Perfect, Pal". It's app and an to into prate a graffit" schops, i think. But then they new member! GROUP members don't Characters Personal comment cool chapter, Ben 14 years old, (Reckord), I think it's a not so smart, maybe alone but I don't know the work of the book. curious Ying may be a little bit Knuckles 15 years old, 6 feet tall, body of a weight lifter they plan Jetta staring at laptop John Edwards math teacher know why, but I Like Mr. O'Reilly not friendly, shar friendly, sharp Ben's character. Maybe it's grey eyes, ever body called "Eagle" Mrs Taylor steruly, but just because I like art and graffiti art (often). is gives Ben chance Ben's parents shocked, we working hard I don't like this chapter very much. It's totally different. The first chapter was better. I don't know, character is which best this very the Trixie worried about Paige The Mouth called Monfie chapter. Paige new member, skateboard in What happens? 3 The great escape Ben is out of the window. His perfect pal checks out the and they help other. They talk about quotes and music. house each 4 people Watching Ben and Jerry walking down the street. Melanie Reckords, are Ben's Mom, has noticed that he Ben trying to flee kitchen mobile games, so a Вел wanto sees girl with Ben C sneaked out. video to shop. But then, a shop was a trick with was wanted to he what doing. 5 The magic is watching how Ben the is girl doing very good magic Knuckles, beautiful table. curious graffiti but Knuckles wourt agree that the trick was good. There Was in and ave Piol (Paige). see, the when the show over. Then, Ben 5 pounds to the Characters Personal a chapter Like very It's Jerry may be perfect pal robot This is Ben...

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Reckords 14 y abysitter not boring. I thank I dourt unch. It's Aniela maybe very exciting but ог a sister I like character, but it's not good idea to from Melanie Reckords Ben's Мош, а lawyer Ben Reckords curious, little bit games smart home app maybe addicted to video his mobile and Jerry system on in a the with an in smar the with cameras house no name, The girl hairs, pale face, is table a carrying black Paige is doing magic Mouth motivating a flee comment It's a chapter. I character. It's coal Like Jerry's home. a very clever system, but in this case I think it betray will Ben. I don't like this chapter very mich; Knuckles angry, unfriendly, dund it's very eragguated durat Who Ben Redkords mby in love with and spectators won't agree with unlikely. is doing a magic trickk a and throw cards the in I like Paige's character, because she is very honest. air? I think what happeus? spilled A 6 drink talking with Ben was his Dad, steve. After Ben went to bed, his mother Melanie back home. The parents argued about Вен. came 7 Wake-up call The GROUP is at the shack are again. They talking about the graffiti) can They cameras they and how they Paige maybe get famous. talk about sky and what could do next. 8 The er hit and his parents launch of Ben visit the the new system Perfect Pal +. Ben sees Knuckles and remembers. discovers that him. Ben the the to plug plan of the The GROUP was very good, but prod. they get GROUP wanted Characters Melanie Reckords stressful It's Steve Reckords chilled Ben Rechords maybe little bit shuy system. The Mouth happy Ying may be shy Trixie brave, excited. Jetta excited, happy ble 9 manager Richard Sykes COMPANY'S top Ying maybe? sky The Mouth excited, little bit angry, stressful Kuudes excited, scared, stressful angry. Jetta clever, plugs into system Melanie Reckords the happy, worked hard Steve Reckords software engineer + Perfect Pal + Ben Records excited, clever Personal comment. very good chapter. The between Melanie and steve was realistic described. In this chapter I like Steve's character, because he's chilled. a I like because they discuss this chapter, about the graffiti. I'm they next. a exciting It's chapter. It's дет curious do very cool little a than the others, but it's very exciting. way the author describes I like the the plan with detail. I like every the character of Knuckles, because he is catched. clever to not 3 7 In chapter 3, Ben feels excited. He is about the fact, that his parents punished him. Maybe he about Jerry, augry with Ben. is little bit because talk curious. He feels. text: Ben= Jerry wants a litt chapter 4, Ben home because Ben new he but the to then In chapter 5, Ben the is alone. Maybe dourt want to his parents would gives In chapter 6, Ben dad is Ben him, so girl's with isn't Love 5 pounds to feels magic the friendly heard that maybe in back home, punish him again. excited. He's interested show. Maybe he is Girl, because he end. the girl at the feels happy but to him, they chapter 7 ( because In chapter 8. Ben feels excited. He 8, clever and wants to GROUP is doing. The Launch system terested into boring for him, the secret GROUP. his may be a know, what the of the So of parents chapter 6 In chapter 6, Ben's parents Melanie very stressful but Ben, angry down. Melanie Pal + and Perfect that is Steve but he discovered but Steve tries because floor. She eaten much. I and pass Reckord لهناء and isn't. He has talked says, want spray to help (P₁ graffitis COMPANY'S system. heroes, because are to that she Ben's anguin go agressive, nothing. Melanie is drink spills very. on the the hungry, because she hadn't whole day. They both think they shouldn't work so long their family. work very some with criminals x heroes her need is really glad they The members of the GROUP want to everybody against the with warn the COMPANY, beause all dafas of every body. They but and to plug the by help. and What happeus? 9. Ben phones Matches (Paige). They talk about the magic square's 10. Ben and Paige meet at yukateboarding They Eden show. They want meet at Eden fountain. talk about and school. Ben discovers that she's. part of the GROUP. He wants to find out about the GROUP. more 11. Ben is argueing with parents, because thinks that they hina. He's he so not talking with his parents. 12. The GROUP is talking about new want the plaus. They сомрачен to for том informations. 13. Melanie the of are the want the Records and other members COMPANY the Spying GROUP. They to discover GROUP. 14. Ben From He with want something, know what. gets, in formatious his Pod's PC. the shares to but do personal comment don't like this chapter. to understand and friendly really spying 1 It and isurt's easy little under t boring. There's nothing exciting. It's Loug chapter, but it's cool. It's very exciting. a I like this chapter. His very exciting and cool. Bencs character I think they are On I like she's wants good getting discovered. Jetta's character. clever and very to find solution without dourt chapter very othe It's boring like informations but bany way. don't a like this much. bit sometimes. this chapter very It's exciting. chapter ong. pro Jerry • always safe from kidnapping • parents about •If there's have the •If you is • you Trixie you don't have to their They Like are know still is I'm mobile. can Jerry helps plan childrens worry housebreaker, you cameras in holidays, that you standing talk cunous. informations. Trixie informations. That's really risky, gets Beu and a cold person. and not swe But he with him with do House if She asks the contra Jerry have all о шаубе, expensive they • they know everything feel can't. into SO you 'you very Secret really the she's datas everything about you observed much. They plan to COMPANY to get brave. very password. Jerry is everything together. Jevry is Jerry wants that he's do anything an very high standars. He Ben quite. Now his app very clever. ماه just get more My personal hero GROUP. They haven't fighted privacy. ✰✰✰✰✰ "Jerry" exciting you are for dourt some is very and very good book. It's too long. Sometimes something new to in won understand words that classes should the but in vocabulary compartment. At first it was difficult understand the after was context, but easier. For reading good book, but start slowly. in it's you it book they've is the X but there what happens? 23 Paige cone police station. Ben ignores the throws out They или - of 2414 The and way. his and Ben his parents. On home he phone the window. into the a GROUP meets shack. with at celebrate the alcoholic drinks. cake. Ben surprises. with Paige ● present. He made t-shirt for her. 6 25 Connor wakes up his parents in the morning it's christmas. early because They pack out the presents. Connor gets COMPANY new assistant. Connor called. him Jery. personal comment I like 1 1 this chapter. like that the describes author Ben's thoughts and feelings when throws his phone out he of the window. to this chapter. It's understand it's exciting. good that they It's don't drink alcohol.` I like easy and I don't like this chapter. If I were the author I would have made happy end. It's bad that they've a new made COMPANY assistant. a reading log personal comment Ms Mrs Rechords 19 like it's a to the are driving COMPANY. They plan to to what happens? ans Melanie is a too late. In the meeting. her gets some Ibiza with Ben. little bit phone a message that cameras of the broken. She thinks, GROUP has the were that kidnapped Ben. The GROUP is at 20 Shack. They the to want. stay at the Shack when the police because they they search them they flee. The think comes and they get arrested. comes that if police all the 21 Mr Sykes Coses and the The press about security. They ask Can us you assure that today's latest revelations from the are untrue?" GROUP (p. 86, (1.18 +19+20) a COMPANY has talks. 22 with She Knuckles Kundhules. get released few conference. control press gets loud. asks very much Jetta reads the press articles. will in minutes. They talk about the press. and what they the journalists." to confusing. I understand that Reckords worried about 1 dourt think that the GROUP has kidnapped Ben. 1 this chapter, but little bit don't like the why they The talk Shack. This chapter good is Ben, but is okay. It's and exciting exciting but bit con confusing. this I don't understand dourt flee. I like little bit little journalists by one, a this chapter. It's short but it's good, the auther I like that describes the thoughts and feelings. What will happen next? I think the police will catch GROUP, but the can Maybe they against the 10 think Ben his helps work more 1 поре that everybody. the not the I hope they don't. and fight COMPANY. have will GROUP. But I hard so things with that the COMPANY Bed. press is also more on big, think they'll Ben and shares spying the fact, on with what happens? 15 Paige and Bea Ben knows all the information because he was on his He father's computer. offers help because he thinks the are on they good side. When shopping, Ving 16 sees Trikie the phone with dark-colored hair and black clothes. Trixie make 1 17 wears ир. take tells about it, Trixie in. the 6 go strong مصالب a Trixie has faked CV and plans to job at the COMPANY in disguise. GROUP V comes She to the GROUP and flies to the interview. The GROUP is at 18 Ben's father's computer. They find out, that Trixie is a COMPANY spy. personal comment I like this chapter. Ben's character is very good. I like he wants. to GROUP. I think I would do that may be not This is chapter not special. It's not thin very important. don't need chapter information. plan is and will you whole I Like Trixie's character a 1 for these be Her very good now. think 9 success. I like this chapter. Trixie isn't honest. if she's really COMPANY So dourt Like Trixie's character I like Jellymort. Now character. She's clever. very