


Joe Biden, Summary







Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography
Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could
make a good president.“
- JOE BIDEN Topics
Little Biography

Joe Biden „In my heart, I'm confident I could make a good president.“ - JOE BIDEN Topics ● ● ● ● ● Little Biography Official-Act Official-Promise Differences in Policy Changes until 2024 Sources 14.05.2021 Little Biography *20. November 1942 Joseph Robinette Biden Jr University of Delaware in Newark US-Senator (1973-2009) Archmere Academy (School) Vice President (2009-2017) Scranton, Pennsylvania USA Jill Biden (2.Wife) 14.05.2021 Little Biography 4 Children: „Beau"+, ,,Robert", ,,Naomi"+ „Ashley" Beau" had recently died of a brain tumor This was 2015 First wife and daughter died by an accident Jill Tracy Jacobs 1977 married Close friendship with the Obamas 1972 was this horrible year President of the USA 2021 14.05.2021 Little Biography His inland successes as a senator include restricting the holding of weapons, extending the death penalty and defining new crimes in the areas of immigration, drugs, gang organization or sexuality. ● ● ● As Vice President, Biden was a committed support of health reform in his country. Joe Biden published 3 books so far. With Kamala Harris as 1st female Vice-President→ Biden has brought a new way of thinking. 14.05.2021 Official-Act ● ● As his first official act, Biden signed 17 decrees a few hours after his swearing-in, more than any previous president. Biden ordered re-accession to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Re-entry into the WHO has also been announced. ● Biden stopped building the wall on the border with Mexico. Biden lifted the so-called Muslim Ban and other travel restrictions imposed by Trump on the first day of his term in office. 14.05.2021 Official-Act As his first official act, Biden signed 17 decrees a few hours after his swearing-in, more than any previous president. ● Other decrees concerned emergency measures to combat the Corona pandemic, including a mandatory masking requirement in...

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all federal facilities for an initial 100 days. ● For the whole world to have access to the COVID- 19 vaccine, Biden decided to support the COVAX organization with 2 billion US dollars. 14.05.2021 Official-Act ● As his first official act, Biden signed 17 decrees a few hours after his swearing-in, more than any previous president. In the week of his inauguration, Biden ordered that transgender people are allowed to join the U.S. armed forces. On January the 25th 2021, it was discussed whether to show Harriet Tubman on the 20-dollar bill. 14.05.2021 Official-Act ● As his first official act, Biden signed 17 decrees a few hours after his swearing-in, more than any previous president. Biden and Putin decided to extend the last major nuclear disarmament treaty (New-START) with Russia, which would otherwise have expired in early February 2021, for a further five years. ● Furthermore, he ordered the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline to be stopped again. This had previously been stopped by the Obama cabinet and continued under the Trump cabinet. 14.05.2021 Official-Act ● As his first official act, Biden signed 17 decrees a few hours after his swearing-in, more than any previous president. The ceiling on refugee admissions has been raised from 15,000 to 125,000. For the time being, Biden was unable to implement the Democratic Party's goal of gradually raising the national minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 by 2025 in late February. 14.05.2021 Official-Promise ● Rebuild the middle class. In doing so, he refers to the American Dream: traits such as skin colour, sexual orientation or religion should not play a role in what a person can achieve.... Bring the US back onto the international stage. According to the Biden website, the next president must repair relations with US friends. The Democrat wants the US to take a leading role in the world again. . . . an inclusive democracy. According to Biden, politics excludes too many Americans. In this process, constituencies are reshuffled so that the voters of a particular party get a majority. 14.05.2021 Official-Promise Education Coronavirus Tax policy Judiciary Foreign policy Climate policy Health 14.05.2021 Official-Promise Domestic production Customs Trade policy Infrastructure China Innovation 14.05.2021 Differences in policy Economic and social policy: Trump promised millions of new jobs. According to Augsburger Allgemeine, however, the rate of new hires was higher under Obama and his predecessors. Trump still relies on punitive tariffs against the European Union (EU) and China. ● ● Biden wants to double the minimum wage to $15. According to the world, the Tax Foundation expects almost four billion dollars more in ten years. (Higher tax) 14.05.2021 Differences in policy Climate protection: Climate protection played a very subordinate role in Trump's election platform. He denied climate change. At the very least, he announced he would "work with other nations to clean up our planet's oceans." ● ● The challenger wants to invest $1. 5 trillion to make the U. S. carbon-neutral by 2050. He also support a return to the Paris climate agreement, which Trump quit in 2019. 14.05.2021 Differences in policy Foreign policy: American interests should come first. And Trump had promised to end the alleged "dependence on China." He had skilfully sets hopes that could never be fulfilled. ● ● Biden would try anything to get the US back to sanity. Especially in terms of foreign policy, he wants to achieve a lot. Many such points have also been enshrined in his promises. 14.05.2021 Changes until 2024 The relationship between Germany and the US will become better than under President Trump. The US will get a clear stand in the Global policy. Hopefully, the US will build up in the government trust. Thanks to the United States, innovations will once again make the world view positive. Biden is a good example of what a next president might be. ● ● ● ● 14.05.2021 Changes until 2024 People will feel more comfortable, and racism will be fought in a sustainable way. Cooperation with advanced countries is quite possible. ● ● Through the Vice-President, women in the country get more courage and make good policies. Environmental protection is an important issue for Biden. Exhaust gases are substantially reduced, and national parks are financially supported. 14.05.2021 The greatest gift is the ability to forget- to forget the bad things and focus on the good things. 22 - JOE BIDEN 66 Thanks 14.05.2021 Sources https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Joe Biden_official_portrait 2013_cropped.jpg https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe Biden#Personal https://www.allgaeuer-zeitung.de/welt/politik/joe-biden-steckbrief-familie-politik arid-247476 https://www.zeitgeistusa.de/joseph-joe-biden-biografie/ https://www.usa-info.net/usa-wiki/joe-biden/ https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article161339330/Die-tragische-Geschichte-des-Mannes-der-Trump-besiegt-haette.html https://web.de/magazine/politik/thema/joe-biden https://www.swp.de/politik/usa-wahl-2020-us-demokraten-was-sind-die-ziele-von-joe-biden_klima-corona-mindestlohn-52159457.html https://www.watson.ch/international/usa/237073388-zukuenftiger-us-praesident-das-sind-joe-bidens-wichtigste-wahlversprechen https://www.baymevbm.de/baymevbm/ServiceCenter/Au%C3%9Fenwirtschaft/Zielland-USA/Joe-Bidens-politischen-Ziele-und- Wahlversprechen.jsp 14.05.2021