


Speech Analysis, President Bush’s speech 4th of July, 2006







1. Klausur Englisch LK
On the 4th of July 2006 & President Bush delivered pu
his radio Address on the occassion of the Inde-
1. Klausur Englisch LK
On the 4th of July 2006 & President Bush delivered pu
his radio Address on the occassion of the Inde-
1. Klausur Englisch LK
On the 4th of July 2006 & President Bush delivered pu
his radio Address on the occassion of the Inde-
1. Klausur Englisch LK
On the 4th of July 2006 & President Bush delivered pu
his radio Address on the occassion of the Inde-

Juli 01.03.21 1. Klausur Englisch LK On the 4th of July 2006 & President Bush delivered pu his radio Address on the occassion of the Inde- pendence Day. He adresses all the Americans with this speech to wish then a safe and happy day. The main idea of this speech is to look back to the American history and to thank and honor the mem- bers of the amy (such as the founding families) ✓✓ sp. det det sp. Bush starts his speech by talking about the former presi- det dent John Adams. He says that Adams vanted this day 2 Wo quotes in a summary! to be "comenorated with pomp and parade [...]" (1.9). Bush also vants to honor the people who made freedon Possible in America through their "bravery and sacrifices" No quotes! (ll.14-15). He talks a lot about the past and especially I does V the people who were involved in vars and fought for America's freedon. Not only • the talles about what these str. people accomplished but also that there were many failures which, in his opinion, "make their accomplishments all the more remarcable" (ll. 19-20). President Bush also refers to the past generations to bonor their Sacrifices such as those who are fighting in vars right nou. Me vonts the Arrericans to support then' and "thank those who defend [their] freedon" (1.34). ✓ Another aspect Bush talks about...

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is that equality is also inportant because he vants every one to "pronale. respect for hunan dignity" (1.39) ✓ Eine gute Zusammenfassung. Aber bitte keine Zitate in einem Summary" benutzen! → No quotes! str → No quoles! ✓→ Wo quotes У лор pry.. griexp ор voz, sp م در mame it! voc (2) into in The Speech can be divided in four paragraphs. The first section (ll. 1-11) is Bushes introduction where he wishes everyone a happy day and says that he will be able to personally thank many soliders in person. Further on, he recalls to the former president John Adams. and uses a quotation (ll. 8-11) to show what his idea of the Independence day was. In this quole there is an → expuneration (ll. 9-10) to stress, how much of a celebration the day deserves and also a metaphor (8.10) to create anillustration in the minds listenersi minds the listeners by saying that "from one end of this continent to the other" they should celebrate the 4th of July. In the second paragraph (ll. 12-28) Bush talks about as other generations which have honored this day because it shous America is a country where freedom is valid. He also recalls to the American ideals and adresses the people of the founding generations (1.21). To stress what they do to "give thanks to their freedon" (1.14) Bush uses on enume- name it! ⇒ration (1.14) and emotive language to show that this topic voz s.a. (1.17) gr means a great deal to him (1.14-15). He also uses many personal pronans such as "we" (lk. 12, 14) to give the Americans a feeling of unity. The president uses a con- trast (1.17) to show that they are fighting against "tyranny [to] live in freedom to show that it is ha humanly to make mistakes P Bush makes use of another contrast (l. 19) because in his opinion. failures make [...] their accomplishments all the more remarkable "(Il 19-20). Further on he directly thest adresses the "brave men and women of [their] founding gene- ration" (1.21) to thank them because they fought for the belief that freedon is a gift of God" (1.22) where he also → name it his religious beliefs. To emphasis hou strang their str, voc Convictions were he makes use of two personifications in one sentence (1.23). Dish At the end of this paragraph Bush uses a melaphar to create a picture in the audiences. beads (1.26-27) because he wants to stress how much the Americans "sacrificed for the principles of [the] fanding". Far the same reason he uses on alliteration in p the sane sentence 1.27). 2 name it! vor no The next paragraph Ull. 29-35) is about today's generation. Bush makes use of emotive language (ll. 29-30) to describe their enemies and stress that even at this har, the men and women of [their] Armed Forces are facing danger [...]". He uses emotive words such as "families" (1. 32) or " loved one's" (2.32). He wants the American citizens to think about then and to thank those who defend [their] freedor" (1.34). Therefore he personally adresses the Citizens (1.34) to establish contact with the audience. pop as In the last sectian (ll. 36-46) Bush talks about equality "the promises of liberty [...] apply to all people" (ll 36- 37). The president repeats the word "freedom" (ll 37 fi) to enphasis the topic of this day and to make it a key word which sticks in the Citizens heads for a while. He also says that God gave every life its worth and to stress that he uses an alliteration (1.38). Further on Bush makes use → mame it of a contrast (ll 39-40) and adresses to groups of people: s.a. "those who live in tyramy" (1.39) and "those who yearn for freedor" (1.40). He also makes use of personal pro- sp s.a. gr nons again (1.38, 1.41) to stress that they are one Nation Ze which should " be proud of [their] heritage [..]" (1.4.1). The name it! → president also makes use of an exuneration (ll. 41-42) to en- phasise what the Americans can be thankful for. He also re- calls to 176 again (1.43) to show that even after so many years "the spirit [...] lives on" (ll. 42-43). Bush is proud of the Nation's freedon which he underlines with & metaphor (1.493). To emphasise that he "places [his] trust " in the pro- tection of divine providence" he makes use of an alliteration. At the end of his speech the president uses on anaphora (ll. 43-45) by also using the 1st person plural to show their unity again. He also uses a parallelism (1.44) to stress what they "tege [their] "pledge [...] to freedom's defense" (l. 44-45). In his whole speech Bush after repeats "the 4th " Ⓒ form e it!_ AP that day is. which shows how important (1. 25.1.36) s.a. str 15 15p ASS Julie deine Analyse ist nehir, gut strukturiert und du mennst viele richtige Stilmittel und deren Bedeutung -Festrede und Wirkung auf den Zulierer. Speech Du hättest manche Stilmittel jedoch konkret mit Angabe von Zitaten belegen können. Du nennst mur die Zeilen in denen die Stilmittel und Celebratery The nain point in Bush's speech is that he wants to thank the solides and people who sacrificed so much for the American freed on. He talks a lot about the past when talking and is very open i even rabout failures. He wonts to the American Citizens to hanor this day because in history it neens a big deal and he vents then to thank the people who are still fighting for America right now. häufig zu finden sind. Sprachlich ist deine Arbeit sehr, -flüssig 12.3.2021 abwechslungsreich in den Strukturen.