


speech analysis Michelle Obama







Analysing a political speech
Michelle Obama DNC (04.09.2012)
The given excerpt is from Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National Co

Analysing a political speech Michelle Obama DNC (04.09.2012) The given excerpt is from Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. on 4th september 2012. It is addressed to the Convention's audience, America as a whole, but in particular to the Republican foreuner Mitt Romney. In her speech, Michelle Obama represents and supports the middle class of America with regard to the American Dream. The intention of the speech was thus only to reach the voters of the middle class. In the following I am going to analyse this speech regarding to the rhetorical and formi cal devices, Michelle Obama begins her speech with insights into her private life at side of us-President two daughters. She uses these insights and personal impressions to reach her listeners on It does not intent to act purely economically, scientificially or politically. using alliterations, such as in the lines 6 to 14 (I've or I have), she illustrates her own subject of the American Dream and shows the audience that she and her husband have also made it from the underclass to the top. experiences on the Barack Obama and their personal level. a For this purpose, using the alliteration just mentioned, she also uses the possibility of enumerating various people who have realized exacty this American Dream. Hichelle Obama...

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creates the conviction that she is not only talking about the incidents and life situations of the citizens, but has also experienced them herself and has formed her own picture of these people, which gives the Americans a feeling of being upliftet and of understanding (cf.II. 5). With first-person pronoun, like "us" (1.40) or "we" (e. 117), she involves the listeners and gives them the Opportunity to identify. to. The First Lady uses the linguistic means of comparison (cf. 11. as) to give the listeners The audience feels taken up and is able to follow their thoughts better. She also talks about her husband and especially about his successes, but always shows them with his qualities in relation to his family and his role as a father. Michelle Obama also uses a couple of parentheses illustrate this and to draw the attention of her listeners to precisely these insets (cf. 11. 105 or 125). With the metaphore in line 132 "playing a long game" she, compares to the hard work, it has to be done towards a goal in the future. She tries to remind the the realization of the American Dream is not even easy but has to reach just with hard work. listeners , that a picture they can relate TO sum up, Michelle Obama places great importance in her speech on sharing her personal experiences and, above all, that of her husband. With the help OF a few linguistic and rhetorical means. She shows this very well and attracts wide public attention.