


Kapitelzusammenfassung "The Hate U Give" (Kapitel 1-17)







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Chapter 1
The narrator is at a party with her step
sister. There she meets her best friend
Khalil, who she thinks is a drug dealer.
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Chapter 1
The narrator is at a party with her step
sister. There she meets her best friend
Khalil, who she thinks is a drug dealer.
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Chapter 1
The narrator is at a party with her step
sister. There she meets her best friend
Khalil, who she thinks is a drug dealer.

e e Chapter 1 · The narrator is at a party with her step sister. There she meets her best friend Khalil, who she thinks is a drug dealer. Suddenly they hear that two shots were fired, wherefore the fled with Khalil's car and listened to Tupac. e Chapter 3 € 999 e Khalil died THE HATE U GIVE e e e Chapter 7: e Chapter 2 Khalil has to stop his car and has to hand the officer his drivers license. Mean while Starr remembers what she's supposed to do when she meets a police officer. However Khalil does the opposite. The police officer pins him against the backdoor and tells them to stay where they are However Khalil wanted to check on Starr when the police officer shoots him three times. The narrator wants to help khalil but the police officer points the gun at the narrator then as well, wherefore she stops. 9 O The reader gets to know what happened after Khalil's death. The narrator needs to process what happened to Khalil and remembers that she had a friend, Natasha, who got also shot, however not by a police officer. Starr also meets the King, Kenya's dad, however Maverick seems to not like him. f f 2 î Chapter 5 Starr and her friends wait in the gym and start to play Basketball. Due to a comment, by Hailey, Starr leaves the court shocked. She denies to know...

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Khalil and gets picked up by uncle Carlos. 9 The reader gets to know Starr's friendgroup in school. Afterwards Seven picks Starr up and they buy some food which they bring to the hospital O where their mum works. However they don't have the chance to eat peacefully. O because Khalil's mum shows up crying at the hospital because she noticed that I a I for a OC CI 00 Chapter 4 e Starr wakes up because she had a nightmare. Then she overhears a conversation. between her dad, mum and Carlos He thinks that Starr should talk to the police. Besides Starr's family visits Khalil's family. се CIJ э Chapter 6: Starr and Lisa are arriving at the police station and Starr is extremely anxious. and nervous. Lisa and Starr notice that the police officer only ask questions about Khalil. Starr remembers how to react. री Chapter 8: In chapter 8 Starr and her family attend at Khalil's funeral Starr worries that she wasn't a good friend. The King Lords arrive and insinuate that Khalil was King Lord. Afterwards Ms Ofiah, a member of Just us for justice, invites the crowd peaceful protest. 9 Chapter 9: Starr and her family see riots for Khalil on the TV and Starr blames herself for her statement because 115 didn't get arrested. Lisa suggest to move but Haverick doesn't want to. After Starr has a nightmare Seven asks her to play basketball. When they arrive in the park two teenage boys want to rob seven and Starr, however Devante rescues them and Maverick picks them up yelling that they left without telling anyone. Chapter 11: Remy plans to protest for Khalil as an excuse. Hailey thinks Khalil was a drug people will know Starr's the witness because he was two police officers after they saw his ID Chapter 13: Chapter 10: dealer and Starr storms off. She tells Chris she knew Khalil. Maverick is scared pinned Starr helps Maverick for a store supply run and they talk about Tupac. Maverick tells Starr a few things about drugs. Starr also realises that she has to speak out to change things. De Vante meets Maverick and starr. He's hiding from King and asks how. Maverick escaped gang life. He decides to help Devante and offers him a job at his store. Lisa thinks that it's dangerous to hide 12 Vante in their house and Maverick has to chose between family and neighborhood. on the ground by The King Lords beat Mr. Lewis up but he says that Devante is in danger because King wants the King Lords to kill him. De Vante confesses that he stole money from King after Maverick asks for the reason. Devante is homeless because his mother threw him out of the house to protect his siblings. Chapter 15: starr tells lisa what Derante told her about Khalil and feels guilty for doubting him however Lisa tells Starr to not feel guity Besides she mentions that she knows about Starr's crush on Khalil and explains that it's fine to feel that way. Also starr is wondering why she's friends with Hailey. In the end Starr and Lisa go to the DA's office and Starr gets interviewed however Starr starts to vomit and Maveri takes care of her. Chapter 12: King let lesha kich Seven out. Lisa and Starr go to the Jufj headquarter Ms Ofrah explains that the gun in Khalil's car is a hairbrush and she offers Starr an anonymous interview how- ever Devante calls Maverick and they hurry up. Chapter 14: Starr, Hailey and Haya meet to talk about the conflict. They watch the interview with 115's dad and Hailey says. that 115's life matters, too and Starr cries. The conflict's getting worse after Hailey thinks Starr calls her a racist and Leaves. Haya explains why Hailey unfollowed Starr and she admits that Hailey can be racist Chapter 16. Starr gets picked up by a limo for the tv interview. Ms. Ofrah arranged. Starr describes Khalil's perso- nality and explains the situation he was in. Besides she adds that Khalil was checking on her when he Was Chapter 17: Starr's interview gets awareness. She goes to the prom with Chris, however he's being distant and leaves her alone. Hailey ignores Maya and Starr because Maya told stair the reason why Hailey unfollowed her. Starr tells Chris about her life and Khalil.