


English LK Exam Example; Brexit and Political Speeches







<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

<h2 id="aufgabenstellungteili">Aufgabenstellung Teil I</h2>
<h3 id="summarizedavidcameronscharacterizationofthebritishandtheirconnectiontot

Aufgabenstellung Teil I

Summarize David Cameron's Characterization of the British and their Connection to the EU

In his speech "Prime Minister's Speech on Europe," delivered by Prime Minister David Cameron on November 10th, 2015 at the Chatham House in London, Cameron characterizes the British people as rigorous and practical. He emphasizes their connection to the EU and the need for EU reform to maintain this connection.

Analyse Cameron's Line of Argumentation and Use of Stylistic Devices

Cameron uses stylistic devices, tone, and register to emphasize his point of view. He starts with an antithesis and metaphor to capture the audience's attention, and he continues to use various rhetorical devices to support his argument.

Evaluate the Speech and British Attitude Towards Europe

Choose one of the following tasks:
a) Evaluate the speech and analyze the British attitude towards Europe as a reason for the Brexit.
b) Write a diary entry dealing with your thoughts about the Brexit one day after the referendum using your background knowledge and information from the text.

Aufgabenstellung Teil II

Responding to a Friend's Inquiry about the "Trucker Crisis" in London

A friend from London asks you if you heard anything about their "trucker crisis". Write an email to your friend explaining what you read in the given article and what you think about it.

Unterstützende Quelle

From: Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street and David Cameron MP
Delivered on: 10 November 2015 (Transcript of the speech, exactly as it was delivered)
Location: Chatham House, London
First published: 10 November 2015

Text Teil I

The given speech by Prime Minister David Cameron on Europe emphasizes the British attitude towards EU reform and their connection to the Union. Cameron characterizes the British as practical and rigorous, emphasizing the need for a strong relationship with the EU.

Analysing Cameron's Stylistic Devices and Tone

Cameron's speech uses stylistic devices and tone to support his argument, starting with an antithesis and metaphor to capture the audience's attention. He continues to use rhetorical questions and parallelism to emphasize his points.

Personal Response to Cameron's Speech

In the following, I will analyze how Cameron uses stylistic devices, tone, and register as well as personal pronouns to support his point of view. His speech starts with a short sentence using an antithesis and metaphor to capture the audience's attention, followed by various rhetorical devices to support his argument.

Zusammenfassung - Englisch

  • David Cameron's speech on Europe emphasizes the British attitude towards EU reform and their connection to the Union
  • Cameron characterizes the British as practical and rigorous
  • The speech uses stylistic devices and tone to support his argument, including antithesis, metaphor, rhetorical questions, and parallelism
  • Students can choose to evaluate the speech and analyze the British attitude towards Europe as a reason for Brexit or write a diary entry about their thoughts on Brexit
  • The speech was delivered at Chatham House in London on November 10th, 2015 by Prime Minister David Cameron
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Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Englisch

Q: What was the main focus of Prime Minister David Cameron's speech on Europe?

A: The main focus of Cameron's speech was to emphasize the British attitude towards EU reform and their connection to the Union.

Q: How did Cameron use stylistic devices and tone to support his argument?

A: Cameron used an antithesis and metaphor to capture the audience's attention, followed by rhetorical questions and parallelism to emphasize his points.

Q: Choose one of the following tasks: Evaluate the speech and analyze the British attitude towards Europe as a reason for the Brexit, or write a diary entry dealing with your thoughts about the Brexit one day after the referendum. Discuss.

A: The evaluation of the speech and analysis of the British attitude towards Europe can be seen as a reason for the Brexit, and a diary entry can be written reflecting on the Brexit one day after the referendum.

Q: How would you respond to a friend's inquiry about the 'Trucker Crisis' in London based on the given article?

A: I would write an email to my friend explaining what I read in the given article and sharing my thoughts on the 'Trucker Crisis'.

Q: What were some of the stylistic devices and tone used by Cameron in his speech?

A: Cameron used personal pronouns, an antithesis, metaphor, rhetorical questions, and parallelism to support his point of view.

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