


Kommunikationsprüfung ~ Globalisation (Pro & Contra)







Definitions :
Globalisation is the process of interaction and
integration among people, companies, and
governments worldwide.
Definitions :
Globalisation is the process of interaction and
integration among people, companies, and
governments worldwide.
Definitions :
Globalisation is the process of interaction and
integration among people, companies, and
governments worldwide.
Definitions :
Globalisation is the process of interaction and
integration among people, companies, and
governments worldwide.
Definitions :
Globalisation is the process of interaction and
integration among people, companies, and
governments worldwide.

Globalisation Definitions : Globalisation is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. While it can benefit nations, there are also several negative effects of globalization. (Unequal economic growth, climate change etc.) What issues could be debated? • Outsourcing • Unequal economic growth • Environment . • Communication • Culture Globalisation has caused... ...a growth in international trade ...the exchange of ideas, beliefs, and culture ...an economic process of interaction and integration that is associated with social and cultural aspects. • Poverty • Safety · • Technology/Internet • Trade • Exploitation Pro: Contra: •Countries can help each other National crisis can turn into global crisis (economically, virus, etc.) Global market →→ Worldwide market for companies & consumers to access products from all over the wolrd (→ variety of quality goods & services) Terrorism as a global threat (more risks) Environmental pollution (climate change, global warming) •Communicate with people all over the world (→Helps to solve political issues/faster solutions for global problems) Cultural imperialism → loss of individual culture •Disadvantages of new technologies: -danger of data theft and threat of personal •spread information & technology more easily privacy and intellectual property More job opportunities - change of media structure (→decline of print media, fractured knowledge, fake news, filter bubbles) strengthen ties between nations → more tolerance, increase in cross-cultural understanding increase in economic growth & development (through international exchange of goods, technological advances, information...) → leads to better living standards, higher incomes, more wealth allows companies to move their production from high-cost locations...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

to lower-cost locations abroad → cheaper products for customers Outsourcing → many workers lose their job when companies go abroad •Oppression of weaker economies by stronger ones ("the rich get richer, the poor get poorer") Unequal economic growth → richer countries benefit more than developing countries (exploitation → unsafe & unethical working conditions) widening social gaps Background knowledge Outsourcing: = an agreement in which one company hires another company to be responsible for a planned or existing activity → often involves transferring employees and assets from one firm to another. →>>> Outsourcing is a practice usually undertaken by companies as a cost-cutting measure. customers get cheaper products • increase in company profits • increase in economic efficiency distribute jobs from developed countries to developing countries • strengthen international ties → • loss of jobs • unemployment rate increases • can cause lack of transparency for the own company • Information can get lost where it is needed (quality of working skills gets lost) . • Environmental damage Environment: Globalisation leads to an increase in environmental pollution: transport of products through ships, planes & cars exhaust fumes from factories fruits/vegetables are no longer bound to seasons but available the whole year (more production, transport and storage of products) Carbon Footprint = ecological footprint → amount of carbon dioxide emissions (trace you leave on Earth) carbon footprint is left by everyone either directly or indirectly Climate Change: • greenhouse gases cause chemical, irreparable damage to the atmosphere → global warming • temperature will keep rising; only little rise of temperature can cause natural disasters & animal extinction → Consequences: • floods in costal areas, heavy rainfall in some regions and drought in others, melting of polar ice-caps, forest fires, rising sea level etc. -biodiversity is threatened; many plants, flowers and animals will extinct Fairtrade: Fairtrade: = trading partnership that seeks greater equality in international trade •supports farmers and workers → stability of income highlights the need for change; fights against poverty, climate change and economic crisis + better deal for producers could prevent child labour • high quality products • workers are paid enough • better working conditions · . • environmentally friendly • education and healthcare for the poor . • Fairtrade supports unsustainable markets • higher prices • hard to check if it's fairtrade- • limited variety of products Greenwashing Questions that could be debated: •What has been the impact of globalization? •Do the positive impacts of globalization outweigh the negative impacts? To what extent does globalization affect our identity? •How has the internet affected globalization? Websites containing background knowledge: •https://youtu.be/5SnR-eOS6lc • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globalization http://www.nesse.fr/nesse/activities/research-mapping/ • https://velocityglobal.com/blog/globalization-benefits-and- challenges/ . • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outsourcing • https://leadthechange.bard.edu/blog/globalization-and-its- . globalisation-and-knowledge-economy impact-on-indigenous-cultures?hs_amp=true Websites to practise: simpleclub app https://studyflix.de https://youmatter.world/en/definition/definitions- globalization-definition-benefits-effects-examples/ Helpful video clips: •https://youtu.be/JJOnFD19eT8 https://youtu.be/3oTLyPPrZE4 •https://youtu.be/rE6lesKl_t0 •https://youtu.be/5SnR-eOS6lc Difficulties/traps related to the topic: Globalisation covers many big topics •Hard to get a good overview of every single topic →> Video clips can help to get better understanding •Topic covers a wider range of vocabulary