


Lernzettel (Vor-) Abi 22







Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino
Lenzial Voars THEMEN:
Short Stories
-,,Loose Change"
-"The Third And Final Continent"
-"She Shall Not Be Moved"
-"The Escape"
Gran Torino

Lenzial Voars THEMEN: Short Stories -,,Loose Change" -"The Third And Final Continent" -"She Shall Not Be Moved" -"The Escape" Gran Torino Richard The Third Frankenstein "LOOSE CHANGE" → Displacement: question of identity and belonging. Summary -all-day meeting between two women -both with foreign background -one of them has already established her life in the city, the other one hasn't (just arrived as a political refugee from Uzbekistan Ethnic and cultural diversity: cultural clashes, the role of gang culture and violence Role of women, pursuit of power, (fate vs free will). Ethics of science, role of nature, question of (human) identity -takes place in the bathroom of an art gallery (London) -woman with established life needs coins for tampon machine and wants to give the money back to the refugee (Laylor) -protagonist invites her for a cup of tea in a cafe -protagonist assumes woman is refugee from Spain because of the accent -brother of Laylor shows up, they have a short discussion -> in her native language -turns out they're homeless -suddenly protagonists view on girl changes dramatically "dirty fingernails, ugly tooth gap". -inner conflict (in regard to origin) -narrow-minded -easy to influence (by looks) -protagonist wonders why refugee approached her as she has a lot on her plate and others could offer their help -just leaves the cafe and the girl behind Operatorer! + stigliche devices Notes -protagonist may not want to be confronted with emigration as she sees herself as a...

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Londoner -doesn't care about grandmothers background and what challenges she faced because of people like her -behaves the same way which she criticises when she says "all Londoners I assume" -over generations, the emigrational background is being more and more disregarded Laylor -generous and selfless (even tho she hasn't got a lot. of money either; doesn't expect something in return) -good-hearted, pure -easily trusts people (thus maybe naive) -despite the fact that she is homeless and poor, she is very unbothered and seems happy -talkative, open-minded -grateful and humble (doesn't complain about her situation) Protagonist -naive, one-dimensional -trying to shift the responsibility -deflecting blame -unsociable (doesn't want to make friends) -sees herself as the victim -also polite and responsible (automatically wants to give her money back) "THE THIRD AND FINAL CONTINENT" Summary -in 1964, an Indian man leaves native country to sail to London -studies at London School of Economics -shares apartment with other Bengalis -5 years later -> age 36, gets job offer from a library in Massachusetts -same time, marriage was arranged by family-> flies back to Calcutta and then onwards to Boston -guidebook says that Americans are less friendly than British people -first meals are cornflakes-> on a budget, spending little money until wife arrives -comes across an ad for a free room to rent but is told they only let boys from Harvard or Tech in -still makes appointment for next day. -would be first house without other Indians -woman who owns house is old and named Mrs Croft -one becomes aware of the fact that his mother has passed away -they have a conversation -despite the fact that he ist not a Harvard or Tech student he moves into the apartment, no girls allowed tho -awaits his wife Mala who is waiting for her green card -old woman wants narrator to sit next to her on piano bench. -> becomes routine. -Helen (Mrs Croft's daughter) tells him that he is the first boarder her mother has called a gentleman -moves out of the apartment and says goodbye to Mrs Croft -Mala arrives and narrator picks her up at the airport -they speak Bengali (his first time in America) -however, they talk little and the situation is awkward -one day they want to go out and Mala puts on her Sari -> narrator feels uncomfortable as she seems to be overdressed -they go out at night and visit Mrs Croft -Mala and Mrs Croft have a connection and get along very well -Mrs Croft dies a month later and Mala consoles him -story continues and they have a son who attends Harvard Notes. -narrator disregards traditional norms and seems to be uncomfortable when he is being confronted with it -arranged marriage doesn't surprise him, he simply accepts it but doesn't seem to be very happy to be married -Mrs Croft seems to remind hum of his mother which is why he enjoys talking to her Narrator -adaptive -simple man -untraditional -unsociable (no friends...) -friendly, good hearted -engaged in building a new life -naive (arranged marriage) -unbothered (has to life with wife he doesn't even love) -humble "SHE SHALL NOT BE MOVED" Summary -narrator (foreign background) on a bus with her daughter Mariam, they become witnesses of an unfair and racist situation -story starts with "I would've changed something if..." -black, Somali woman is standing in the aisle with her pram and her two children because two elderly, white women are blocking the seats which are directed to people with prams -thus the woman is blocking the aisle because the two elderly woman refuse to let her take the seat -narrator is pointing out the other free seats to the two women -black driver loses his temper because of the blocked aisle and gets off his seat -driver shouts at Somali woman and narrator turns daughters face away bc she doesn't want her to see such "ugliness" -narrator of the story doesn't stand up for the Somali woman, she actually wanted to to be a role model for her daughter but refuses because of fear of getting thrown off the bus, having to buy another ticket and her daughter is shivering next to her -she knows that what is going on is wrong but acts selfish -two elderly women blame black woman as well -Mariam is unsatisfied and bothered by the situation -narrator -> reverse racist because she wont stand up for an elderly woman who enters the bus -Mariam wants to get up for elderly woman but narrator pulls her down -Mariam is disappointed of her mum -mother and Somali woman leave the bus and when the black woman gets off she shouts "racists" -mother and Somali woman have a convo and narrator wants to help her with the pram and tells her to report the driver, but Somali woman refuses and calls him a slave -narrator is upset because of doing nothing And can't forget about it all day -strong and fierce -stubborn -not inferior -dominant Somali woman -standing up for herself -calm -unbothered -> firm Notes -fear of foreigners to stand up for other foreigners because they lack confidence and power and may feel inferior-> many excuses even though they're aware of the fact that it was clearly wrong and even affected herself too, because of her nationality (DILEMMA, INNER CONFLICT) -on the other hand, she must have taught her kid what's the right thing to do in such situation because she tried to do something about it, but her mother didn't let her -Somali woman example for foreigners who are very powerful -courage to really stand up for others is lacking by everyone on the bus because of fear of being "hated" by be majority of society Mariam -good manners -fierce, powerful -sheltered by mother -clever -selfless Narrator -political activist (had to flee because of her activism) -hypocritical -selfish -lack of interference and confidence -kind (pointing out free seats) -good-hearted -helpful, good will -inferior -less powerful when it comes to really acting -mind actions THE ESCAPE Summary -Samir, the protagonist is 73 years old and from Pakistan living in the UK -starts of in the mosque in Longsight where he is praying for his dead wife -son dropped him off at the mosque and is supposed to pick him up -bumps into old friend Manzoor who invites him to his home but Samir refuses Because he was afraid of old memories and witnessing the intimacy between husband and wife -his son is a sports manager -he has a house with 5 bedrooms but with his family gone and wife's passing all the joy has gone away -seems very lonely and doesn't know what to do within an hour, because later that day his son is picking him up again -very special religious day where there's usually a lot of food but there's nothing on his kitchen table, a year ago everyone has been there (kids + daughters and sons-in-law) -he eats cornflakes instead of the traditional food -his son arrives (let his father eat alone at home -> could have accompanied him) -family gathered at eldest daughters house -grandson makes him smile even though he missen his wife a lot and doesn't know how to cope with the situation -> tearing up and no searching for contact with family -Samir announces that he wants to go back to Pakistan for a few months to visit his family -notices that he called Pakistan home and when he thinks about it he is unsure whether that is the truth -three days later he left for Pakistan and is greeted by his family there at the airport -visits his parents graves and sobs, notices how strange it would be to be buried on a whole different continent than his parents -wife did some charitable work in Pakistan in a village which he visits -story reveals that the English capital is not for him as he is very shy and uncomfortable every time he goes out but at the same time he feels uncomfortable in Pakistan as well and the situation is very awkward. "Flashback": -began a knitwear business when he first came to Manchester -he worked his way up to a point where he didn't have to worry about money anymore "Present" -visits the family who his wife financially supported -woman cries over death and eventually Samir bursts out into tears as well -the family reminds him of how lonely he is back in the UK, living in his big house all alone -he offers to keep on supporting them financially in the future -leaves their home without being recognised or recognising anyone -leaves Pakistan after only a week (i guess...) -on the plane he sits next to a man of his age called Ibrahim, they have very similar life's and talk about why they visited their "homeland", turns out they are unsure which one is the homeland -in the end Samir says he wants to escape to the UK and to a new home which is an elderly peoples home -leaves his five bedroom home to his children and his saving for the family in Pakistan -calls the elderly peoples home his home in the very end Notes -younger generations (no direct immigrants) have better education (-> student at Harvard, sports manager -Samir says "his family" which is also the family of his children -> implies that they may not have a lot of contact to them and are far more integrated into the UK -> would definitely call the UK their home -Samir can't identify where he really belongs -> Pakistan is his origin but he doesn't feel comfortable there because his parents are dead; his childeren (+) all live in the UK but there he doesn't feel home either -speaking English is hard for him and he knows no-one in the UK, whereas in Pakistan he can utilise his mother tongue -however in Pakistan he doesn't know a lot of people either because he left early and when he visits the family there's no one of his age and no-one who recognises him -both countries are so different UK: mostly white people, hardly "brown ones", very high buildings, lowers samir's self esteem Pakistan: poor country, same ethnic group. -example of immigrants who built themselves a new and very good life without having to worry about money BUT they didn't fully arrive mentally in their new country and will forever miss a part of their origin, even though the country they moved to is economically more stable -even tough he succeeded in having everything other refugees would dream of, he is empty inside (obviously worsened by his wife's death) but he doesn't feel comfortable at all -he wanted to stay in Pakistan for a few months but returned to England much sooner, as he notices there is nothing that makes him happy and he only continued his wife's charitable work and visited parents graves -wife is more important to him than children because he keeps savings for Pakistanis Samir -unfulfilled -lonely -hard working and dedicated, ambitious (escaped poverty) -good-hearted and loving -emotional -traditional and religious (praying) NOTES ON ALL SHORT STORIES -generations that have been born in the country their parents/grandparents moved to have better chances and feel much more at home because they don't really know how different their parents/grandparents origin is in every aspect -the further the generations have integrated into country, the less they are aware of traditional norms -foreigners who have lived in the country for a long time and established their life are less likely to help out and stand up for other refugees -different age groups suffer from different things (loneliness, racism, poverty) -> also depending on when you moved to country of choice -two types of refugees: powerful and fierce vs. Inferior and shy -traditional norms from origin are hardly being adapted into new life -> may even seem weird -money and success is not everything one should strive for because in the end money wont buy you happiness when you're lonely -> different ages, different things you aspire to have GRAN TORINO -Walt Kowalski is a retired polish American Ford automobile assembly worker and Korean War veteran, lives in Detroit in a village which is dominated by immigrants, has a dog, his wife has passed away -movie starts with wife's funeral Summary -his two sons and their families annoy him (Mitch and Steve) as they show little regard for Walt's grief or the memory of their mother -he views them as rude, self-absorbed and spoiled -his sons on the other side view him as always disappointed with them and their families, unaware of own obnoxiousness. -Father Janovich (priest) has been asked by the wife to take Walt to confession, so he tries but Walt writes him off and tells him he knows nothing about life and death -his neighbours are Sue and Thao and their widowed mother (Hmong) -Thao is being frightened by a Hispanic gang but he is being rescued by his cousins Hmong gang -Hmong gang wants Thao to join but therefore he has to steel Walts old Ford Gran Torino -Thao tries to but Walt catches him and points a gun at him so he flees -a few days later the gang shows up again in front of Thaos house but Thao and Sue verbally confront them -gang tries to assault Thao but suddenly Walt steps out of his house and frightens them with his gun, gang leaves -neighbours get to know about Walts heroic act and thank him with bringing lots of food to his house -Thao admits to steeling his Gran Torino and is sorry for that -Walt seeks to be left alone and is not pleased by the attention -Mitch and his wife visit Walt on his birthday, not looking forward to it -they want him to move into a retirement home but Walt knows that they only want his property, he refuses and throws them out which they can't comprehend -Walt is driving around town when he sees Sue being harassed by three. black teenagers, he rescues her whilst threatening them with a Colt pistol -Sue steps into his car and is very open and tries to get to know Walt but he doesn't really allow her to -Sue invites him to have a barbecue at their house with the entire family (he actually comes with her) and explains the Hmong culture and tells him that during the Korean War they were on his side -Thao is being forced to to cleaning for Walt by his family because of the attempt to steal his car, so he helps him Cleaning the neighbourhood, especially the empty house across the street -then he gets Thao a construction job and teaches him how to be a man (at the hairdresser) because he acts very softish, furthermore he wants him to ask out a Hmong girl because he never really had contact with a girl (at the barbecue) -when he was at the family barbecue he notices that he coughs blood, so he visits the doctor the next day -after he received the results of his examination, which indicate that his health isn't good he tries to call his son to tell him about it but he refuses to and Mitch and Karen say that they are too busy to talk to him -meanwhile the Hmong gang continues to pressure Thao to join them -when they find out that Thao is walking iHome alone after work they rob him and burn his face with a cigarette -Walt shows up at Smokies house (second-in-command of the gang) and beats him up -gang shows up a few days later and shoots up Thaos and Sues home in a drive-by, wounding Thao in the neck -Walt runs to check other and hears that Sue, who has left for her aunts house, never arrived there -a few moments later another Hmong gang car drives by and drops off Sue, who was clearly beaten up and turns out she also. got raped -Walt gets home, very angry (bleeding knuckles) -Janovich visits him and they talk very openly for the first time -the following day Thao wants to take vengeance on the Hmong gang with Walt but Walt tells him to come back later because revenge has to be planned carefully -he tells Thao to come back in the afternoon and during this time Walt gets a fresh haircut, tips the hairdresser very generously and also gets a new suit --he also goes to church and confesses (he ones kissed another woman without his wife knowing and once didn't pay taxes) -Thao returns to Walts house and gives him the star medal he earned in Korea during war but the Walt locks him in the basement because he doesn't want him to live with the consequences of killing someone -Walt tells him about a sin that haunts him every day, he killed a young soldier who was surrendering to him -then Walt leaves Daisy at Sue's house and calls her where she can find the keys to let Thao out -Janovich and two police officers strand outside Smokies house because they believe a shooting is going to happen but they then leave after nothing happens -Sue arrives at Walts basement to let Thao out and they hurry off to the Hmong gangs house -Walts confronts the gang outside their house for the shootout and raping of Sue -neighbours come out -he takes out a cigarette of his jacket and asks the gang for a lighter and then slowly reaches into his pocket before pulling his hand out quickly `-thinking Walt is going to shoot, the gang members gun him down -a shot of him laying on the ground reveals he held his 1st Cavalry Division Zippo lighter, not a gun -Thao and Sue arrive at the crime scene and the gang has been arrested for killing an unarmed man and every neighbour has seen it -Walts funeral, Hmong family are there and his own sons -Walt left his house to the church, his GT to Thao and nothing to his family (grandchildren expected to get his car and money) GRAN TORINO Walt's development -lonely and grumpy, no close relations to others (not even his family, superficial friendships (barber, drinking buddies)) -very closed up. and not looking for contact with the rest of. the world -arrogant, self-centered and racist, bitter, disrespectful -no emotions -old fashioned and not open-minded -stereotypical ,hard men" behaviour" -doesn't feel comfortable in his street (mainly immigrants) TURNING POINT: becoming friends with Thao and Sue -not grumpy, distant and arrogant anymore -found friends in the two Hmong teenagers and is not lonely anymore opens up -shows emotions in the bathroom at the barbecue when he coughs blood and later on wants to call his son -still racist but in a humorous way, more respectful -selfless->gets killed to help out his friend -actually becomes a role model (for Thao) -helps out his friends, good-hearted, caring, strong sense of protection THINGS THAT DID NOT REALLY CHANGE: he is always being haunted by his past (telling Thao that he once killed someone) which is why he lives in the past throughout the movie, can't wrap his head around actions in the past, which furthermore turned him to the emotionless, grumpy and arrogant man he was in the beginning -adding on to that he is very childlike in his behaviour (shootings (-> usually younger age group like the Hmong gang)) -STILL A LOT OF GROWTH Violence -right to own guns in America -> Walt. is always armed -Detroit is a city with a very high crime rate -several shootings and beating up -raping -Walt spits at granddaughter Toxic masculinity -was a soldier in Korean War (-> typical man thing to do; being hard on oneself, suppressing feelings, no relying on others) -has guns at home -traditional family expectations (wife stayed home while he worked...) -excessive smoking and drinking -commanding tone, racism -wants Thao to show less emotions and act confident because he thinks Thao is a pussy", as he is too sensitive and shy (->rather associated with female behaviour Ambiguity and belonging -in his street live mainly immigrants which is why he doesn't feel comfortable (especially because he is very racist) -doesn't feel like he fits into modern America -finds more comfort in the Hmong family than his own -throughout the movie he makes friends in his street and gets to know a whole new culture, he starts to open up and feel much more comfortable -places where he feels more comfortable: alone on his porch with his dog, drinking beer in a bar with old ,,friends", Gran Torino, barbershop. -however he is never fully at ease -> sacrifices his life for a friend he had known for a short amount of time -> nothing that really keeps him alive (family...) GRAN TORINO Thao's development. -shy, quiet, easy to push around -polite, hard-working, ambitious -female attributes (doing the dishes, never asking a girl out) -loves and protects his family -lacks confidence, introverted TURNING POINT: -still polite and a good-hearted guy -becomes more and more ambitious to act like a man -> construction job -stands up for himself when it comes to Hmong gang and wants revenge when they raped his sister -starts growing confidence (asks a girl out,...). -more mature -keeps all the very good character traits but becomes a bit aggressive (comprehensible regarding circumstances) Sue -self-confident, not afraid of anything, open-minded, talkative -fierce, powerful, intellectual superiority, strong minded -independet -optimistic -good-hearted, caring -hardly any development, because she already is a very strong and emancipated woman -the rape is something that makes very clear how men still have much more power, especially over women -> influences her optimism Walt: -toxic masculinity (at least in the beginning) -typical traditional behaviour Ambiguity and belonging -difficulties finding his cultural belonging (Hmong but a young generation living in America) -> that's probably why he wanted to join the gang, to belong somewhere -contrast to (most) American teens is that he prefers reading over being on smartphone -tries to fit into American society (lacks a few things to like a job or a car) -inheriting Walts Gran Torino is an opportunity for him to assimilate into American society -but in the end he is staring to find and shape his identity more and more (nothing irregular as he is still young) Ambiguity and belonging. -can easily incorporate the Hmong culture and the American lifestyle into her life (has a white boyfriend) -no problems finding her identity, seems at ease with herself Emancipation / Gender Roles Sue: showing that a woman can be very present too, not the stereotypical portrait of a woman -very emancipated, powerful, fierce, not afraid Thao: -in contrast to Walt (at least in the beginning) -shy, lack of self confidence -female attributes RICHARD THE THIRD Summary -Richard, Duke of Gloucester, in festive mood when he enters stage -singing the praises of his brother Kind Edward's victory -pleads for peace after times of war but the reveals plan to get rid of his younger brother George, Duke of Clarence -Richard meets Clarence on his way to prison and pretends empathy and optimism -later Richard welcomes news about King Edwards bad health and plans on marrying Lady Anne, whose husband-to-be and father-in-law he has killed -Lady Anné accompanies the funeral of King Henry and is full of hatred for Richard -Richard declares that his deeds were motivated by his love for her -first Anne curses him but gives in when he puts on a show, claiming that he is ready to die for her -once sure of her favour he reveals that he only pretended to be emotionally involved -when Queen Elizabeth and her train discuss King Edwards health, Richard enters the room and accuses her of treachery -Queen Margaret appears and puts curses on all present except Lord. Buckingham, wishing them dreadful fortunes -Richard turns curses back on her -when they all leave, Richard instructs two murderers to kill Clarence at the Tower -imprisoned Clarence tells the guard about a nightmare of drowning and going to hell, asking for company while sleeping -murderers show up in prison, Clarence begs for his life but one of them eventually kills him, the other one feels guilty and leaves without payment -Richard insinuates that the Queen and her relatives are responsible for his death -Richards mother hides the truth from Clarence kids and questions Richards benevolence -Queen Elisabeth enters and mourns Edwards death -Edwards young son Edward The Fifth is supposed to be crowned -in a private conversation Buckingham tells Richard about a secret plot concerning the young prince -three citizens discuss the political situation after the King's death, expressing mistrust of Richard -Richard and Buckingham imprisoned Queen Elizabeths supporters In court -Prince Edward arrives in London and is welcomed by his uncle Richard And Buckingham -they have a conversation, Edwards mocks his uncle who then responds with threatening overtones -Hastings is being examined regarding his attitude towards Richard, turns out he is not a supporter -Buckingham insinuates that Hastings is going to die soon -Rivers, Grey and Vaughan are being executed for not supporting Richard -Hastings refuses to support Richard and is being executed, furthermore Richard accuses his mother of witchcraft because for him it is not comprehensible that Hastings is not willing to support him -Buckingham and Richard try to convince Lord Mayor of their good intentions -whilst Hastings is being killed, Richard shows his sympathy and affection, the Lord Mayor believes them and defend them in public -Richard plans on isolating his nephews in the Tower -Buckingham reports on his speech defaming King Edward and endorsing Richard as the rightful heir to the throne -Buckingham and Richard portrait Richard as a pious man who is unwilling to seize political power -in the end he accepts the crown tho -Lady Anne marries Richard -his mother, Queen Elizabeth and Anne want to pay the princes in the Tower a visit but Brakenbury doesn't let them in, following Richards instructions -> causes distress among the noblewomen -as soon as Richard ascends the throne, he's consumed by mistrust, planning to have bis nephew killed -Richard hires an assassin to murder young princes -Dorset flies to Richmond and thus Richard plans on getting rid of Anne to secure his kingship -Richard forbids his wife to talk to Richmond, her son -worried about a prophecy that foretold that Richmond would. Be king, Richard denies Buckingham his reward and Buckingham, aware of Richard's suspicion, takes to flight -young princes has been killed -Buckingham has started military manoeuvres, thus Richard decides to take up arms -Margaret blames the duchess for have given birth to Richard -Elizabeth accuses Richard of the murder of her sons -Richmond's fleet arrived -> Richard is nervous -Duke of Buckingham has been arrested -Buckingham is being executed -Richmond and his allies discuss chances and risks of military expedition, expressing confidence in expecting Richards followers to switch sides -Richard and his faction also prepare for the battle -in the end Richard falls off the roof after being killed by Richmond (into the flames with a bright smile). RICHARD THE THIRD Richard -bitter, self-centered, not afraid of anything (cause: no love and affection from his family) -manipulative, fake -disrespectful -powerful -lacks confidence due to deformation -selfish (citizens do not want him to be king) Toxic masculinity -manipulating everyone while appearing humble, fake intentions (Lady Anne) -kills a lot of people to become King -very commanding and disrespectful language -no respect for women -pretending to not want the power and become king even though it's his biggest desire -toxic behaviour of one of the murderers of Clarence -> killing for a reward, no emotions -Richard is okay with being killed in the end because he doesn't have to live in misery Role of women -women are very emancipated, mother even confronts Richard and speaks up for herself -Shakespeare portrait the role of the Woman very differently than it has actually been in his time -men still seem superior due to disrespect and more political power Pursuit of Power -wants to prove himself due to lack of confidence because of his physical dysplasia -highlighting how some people would do anything to gain power -the closer he gets to becoming king the more drastic his actions become -greed increases Violence -killing several people -opening scene: army bursts into headquarters of King, soldiers gun down everyone -corpse of Lady Anne's fiancé Ambiguity and belonging -doesn't feel like he belongs anywhere -his pursuit of power and desire to become king is the only thing that keeps him alive -he has no friends and his family doesn't love him -kills so many people because he nevertheless has nothing to loose FRANKENSTEIN Summary -protagonist: Victor Frankenstein, who studies at the university of Ingolstadt and creates a monster which he soon regrets -novel begins with four letters that are written by family members, some state concerns over well-being of Frankenstein and on the other hand they share some love for him -story actually begins in Geneva where he and his family live -Victor gets to know his cousin, Elizabeth, who he is supposed to marry at some point -Elizabeth is from Italy and was adopted by Caroline, his mother -narrates about his childhood and his interest in science and chemistry at a young age -he also spent most of his childhood with Henry Clerval -he gains knowledge from professor, who explains the energy of power to him, which ends up in him being more invested -his mother dies because of a sudden illness -later on he decides to study human anatomy in Ingolstadt, where he meets his childhood friend Henry -he suddenly wants to create a human creature with his own hands after having read hundreds of books about human anatomy -he starts creating the creature with old body parts he has found -it takes. up to 2 years and Victor is very lonely throughout that entire time -as soon as the creature starts to gain life, he gets very scared of his appearance and runs away -Victor gets very ill -receives a letter from is family that states that his younger brother William has been murdered -he then decides to visit Geneva -he suspects the monster of the murder and gets scared -Victor meets Justine, who has a picture of his brother in her pocket -she gets convicted of murder but Victor proclaims her innocence -he considers suicide but restrains himself thinking of his family -to relieve himself he goes on a vacation with his family, where he then meets the monster -they go to a cave where the monster narrates the story of his life -the Monster tells him about the confusion upon being created and describes his discovery of sensation of light, dark (...) -gets more and more knowledge (burns himself, wood keeps fire alive) -notices that many people flee when they see him -discovered a cottage where he can observe a young man, young woman and and old man -stays there for a long time and steals their food, notices that they seem unhappy and keeps helping them out again with nutrition -reads a lot of books, also a sci-fi book which he thinks of as real -the Monster learned to speak through the cottagers -one day he collects all of his courage to talk to the old man, who is blind, as a source of affection and getting accepted -its the first conversation with a human being because everyone else ran away -suddenly his kids come home and are scared to death which is why he flees -turns out the monster did kill his brother and took a picture of William from Caroline to make it seem like Justine killed him -monster wants Victor to create another (female) monster to accompany him because he is very lonely (Victor doesn't want anything to do with him -Victor puts off the new creation but he begins to have doubts and is horrified as it requires a lot of time and knowledge -postpones the marriage until he has finished -Victor destroys his work and throws it into the ocean -the next morning he is being accused of murder because a body was found and his boat was seen -Victor suffers a long illness is imprisoned -he's being declared innocent and departs to Geneva -victor starts planning the wedding but reminds that the monster said he will be there in his wedding night -the Monster kills Elizabeth -his father dies a few days later -Victor devotes the rest of his life to finding the monster. FRANKENSTEIN Ambiguity and belonging -Monster doesn't feel like he belongs anywhere because he never received love and affection -he might have felt better staying at the cottage but that obviously changed quickly -selfish -thread to humanity -not caring -intelligent -lonely Victor Notes -Monster is very Human like but not human -had to learn everything by himself and obviously learned false things (sci-fi book) Arbeitsauftrag analyse/analyze, examine COMMAND TERMS assess characterize give/write a characterization of comment on compare contrast define describe discuss explain interpret illustrate / show justify outline point out reflect on state summarize sum up write a summary Definition systematically describe and explain in detail certain aspects and/or features of the text consider in a balanced way the points for and against sth. describe the character of someone or something in a particular way, analyse the character state clearly your opinion on the topic in question and support your views with evidence point out similarities and differences between two or more things describe and analyse the differences between two or more things state the nature of sth. give an accurate account of sth. investigate or examine by argument, give reasons for and against, come to a justified conclusion describe and define in detail, describe the causes analyse the form and content of sth., establish its meaning in a wider context use examples to explain or make it clear why sth. is as it is show adequate grounds for decisions or conclusions give the main features, structure or general principles of a topic, omitting minor details identify and explain certain aspects think carefully and deeply about a problem, certain behaviour, attitudes and viewpoints present clearly, specify sth. clearly give a concise account of the main points, leaving out details and examples Beispiel(e) Analyse the relationship between X and Y. Examine the author's use of language. Assess the importance of standards in education. Examine how the principal figures in the play are characterized. Analyse the author's method of characterizing the villagers. Write a characterization of the heroine. Comment on the suggestion made in the text that a lack of women in the armed forces demonstrates a weakness in the role of women in society.' Compare X's and Y's views on education. Contrast the author's idea of human aggression with the theories of aggression you have read about. Define what the author means by the word X. Describe the character's outward appearance. Discuss the influence of terrorism on civil liberties in the United States. Explain the protagonist's obsession with money. Interpret the message the author wishes to convey. Illustrate the character's narrow- mindedness. You are the principal of a school. Justify your decision to forbid smoking on the school premises. Outline the author's views on love, marriage and divorce. Point out the author's main ideas on ... Reflect on the attitude of Emily's parents in the play. State the main developments in the family described in the text. Summarize the information given in the text about the hazards of cloning. Anforderungs- bereich (AB) || = ||| || ||- ||| ||- ||| I |- || ||| || ||- ||| 1-11 | 1 ||| I I STYLISTIC DEVICES Stylistic Device alliteration anaphora appeal to the audience assonance contrast ellipsis hyperbole Stylistic Devices imagery Definition/ Effect a string of words beginning with the same sound, makes phrases more memorable sentences that start with the same word(s), used to emphasize the words in question often imperatives, directly addresses the listeners and makes them feel involved similarity in the vowel sounds of words without properly rhyming opposites or strongly contrasting forms of words enumeration listing three or more aspects leaving out words to avoid repetition a form of exaggeration, often used to stress things or make them look more important/worse/ urgent/dangerous etc. than they are comparing two things with each other with the help of an image. If an author uses a number of images that are somehow connected (e.g. if he compares a woman's smell to a rose, her grace to that of sunflower in the wind etc.), we talk of the imagery in a text. Example Round the ragged rock the ragged rascal ran. We Americans are still the lamp lighting the world. We need strength. We need hope. We need courage. Send him back to Washington for four more years! born/warm This is a question of war and peace. I am going north by train; she is coming south by car. He's leaving but I'm not. Caesar came, saw and conquered (instead of: Caesar came, then he saw and then he conquered) There is no country that is more generous, more accepting and more welcoming than the USA. This chair weighs a ton. cf. > simile and metaphor STYLISTIC DEVICES irony metaphor A metaphor directly compares seemingly unrelated things. onomatopoeia words that sound like the thing they refer to parallelism parenthesis If you say something in parenthesis, you say it while you are talking about something else in order to add extra information or explain something. personification a non-living thing is quotation saying one thing but meaning the opposite of it, harsher forms of irony that are used to hurt others are called sarcasm and cynicism rhetorical question simile a string of sentences, clauses or phrases all with more or less the same structure. (In the example on the right there is also an example of repetition because the word "tyrannised" is repeated several times.) a question which expects no answer A simile is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things, often introduced with the word "like" or "as"/"as if" Telling s.o. who has been rude to you: "What charming behaviour" understatement the opposite of hyperbole, when something is played down rather than exaggerated Transportation was hell for the slaves going to America. The chain clanked and clanged along the path. The snake hisses. The barons tyrannised the knights, the knights tyrannised the peasants, and the peasants tyrannised their wives. described as though it were today. a living being using someone else's words in order to give a statement a greater meaning/credibility. So far the results show - although they have not been finally proven - that there is a connection between A and B. The sun is smiling on us Martin Luther King once said: "I have a dream." Should we ignore the threat of terrorism? Who knows how long the war will last? Transportation was like hell for the slaves going to America. He was a little upset, instead of: He went into a terrible rage.