


Leseverstehen, Dreamtime Stories (Aborigines)







Task 1: Read the following text and summarize the content with your own words.
How the water got to the plains
Way, way back in the first ti
Task 1: Read the following text and summarize the content with your own words.
How the water got to the plains
Way, way back in the first ti
Task 1: Read the following text and summarize the content with your own words.
How the water got to the plains
Way, way back in the first ti
Task 1: Read the following text and summarize the content with your own words.
How the water got to the plains
Way, way back in the first ti
Task 1: Read the following text and summarize the content with your own words.
How the water got to the plains
Way, way back in the first ti

Task 1: Read the following text and summarize the content with your own words. How the water got to the plains Way, way back in the first time, when everything was new, there was a group of Aboriginal people living on a mountain. It was a lovely place, but everyone was worried. It had not rained for a long, long time and they were very short of water. They had some wells¹ but these, except for one, were empty. When it had rained before, the water had just run down the side of the mountain, into the sea, which was far, far away. Now, on the other side of the mountain, there were just some big, dry plains2 where nothing grew. Weeri and Walawidbit were two greedy men. They decided to steal the last of the water for themselves and then run away. In secret, they made a large water-carrier, which was called an eel-a-mun. When everyone was asleep, they stole the water from the last well and hurried off. When the people woke up, there was no water for them. This was very bad, because there were little children and babies needing water and also the old people. And also, it was very hot. The Elders³ called all the people together and it was...

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then that they saw that two men were missing. Looking around, they found the tracks of the two men. Quickly, the warriors followed these tracks, which led down the other side of the mountain to the big plains and they could see the men in the distance. The water-carrier was very heavy and Weeri and Walawidbit were walking slowly. This was because they thought they were safe. However, when they saw the warriors coming they ran, too. The best spearmen in the group ran to a cliff which jutted out and threw all the spears they had. One hit the eel-a-mun and dropped off. However, it did make a hole in the water-carrier. On and on across the plains ran the two men. They did not notice that the water was leaking out until the carrier was almost empty. This was why they had been able to run faster and by this time, the warriors had caught up. ¹ Quellen 2 Flachland, Prärie 3 Oldest and mostly wise people in a tribe 4 Speerwerfer 5 herausragen 35/43P 2 (gut) Now, this was way back in the first time, when very strange things happened. So the warriors took the men back home and the Elders called a big meeting. It was decided that the two men had to be punished for stealing and also, for thinking of themselves first and not the community. So the Wonmutta, the clever man, made some very strong magic and Weeree was changed into the very first emu. He went running down the mountain, out onto the plains, in shame. Walawidbit was changed into the very first blue-tongued lizard and he crawled away to hide in the rocks. But, a wonderful thing had happened. Wherever the water had leaked onto the plains, there were now beautiful billabongs, or waterholes. There was grass and flowers and lovely water lilies and then there were shrubs and trees. And soon, the birds came and everyone was happy because there was enough water for everyone. And that is how the water got to the plains. Ones, there in the story, there is a group of Aborgionls who lived on Gr a mountain. But they have a problem, because they need water but there Z isn't enough. There is only one well left, which has a bit of water One day, 60 members of the of the named Weeri and Wala- group widhit plany to take the teeb unter of the last existing well and •thearts keep it for themselves. One night, they do what they planned. The next morning the other Aboriginals spot that takes water missing and they very shocked because they need the water to fed especially R the children and the old people. So what the Elders do is ther the whole see that two people are missing group tght in this moment they away there is gre the and they spot + bracks of those two, Frome warriors follow the tracks and Gr fically can see the two merect because they were cabling slowly The best Spearmen throws all spears they have from a cliff anot hits the waiter Gr, Gr Carrier 1 content:3/5 language: 5/6 ✓ don't reconize it and * L " the two men carried. The Later is coming out of it but the men caust can run Back in the group, Wonmutta is making a strong magic and away's changed weer; in an emu, which ran into the plains, in shame. The other man Gr_gets changed into the first bluve-borgled Cizord. The water the this men lost, feally turns into watch des, billabongs, and everyone has enough Later again. in the end 6 rinnen - a bit too detailed language your own -o summary, no retelling Tuse Task 2: In a short text explain where Dreamtime Stories come from/who tells them and why they exist. way how kind of Dreamtime Stories are stories the Aboriginals bell themselves to explain (themselves) how things work in geture or in the world and become like this. Further then the stories are some religioo to them. Hi's Like They are like odvices for how to fred breat the world and the nature. The Dreamtime Stories bell us that we have to care about the world and to give it things back to to the Aboriginal tribes tell them as written stories, spoken Gr his stories, or as pictures and drawings! Dream time Stories are R believe of how the world was chreated step by step. ✓ to it a → simple language content:4/4 they language: 4/5 Task 3: Explain what the lost generation" in Australia is. In your text you should also show and explain the connection between racism and the lost generation". content: S/6 language: 4/5 Task 4: If there was a project against racism in your school, would you like to take part in it? Explain. What would be your expectations concerning the project? Do you think a school should offer projects against racism regularily? (about 100 words) extra sheet content: S/6 language: S16 ----------- extra sheet Gr Task Jih who are half aboriginal The lost generation are thousands of people, and half white, with fair skin who was taken away from their Aboriginal tribe when they were children Home 3 puns FRA should their forget it and become came and fold the children back then, they would go shopping. But the children were taken to an orphan mopee where they aboriginal port. They were not allowed to speake their language, so they fully' "White "The connection to racism is R the reassoffor "stealing" the children. The white people ab wanted the mixed-race kids to become. the white informal fully white because they throught race was superior to the "aboriginal race" and that's a procist the way of thinking. Because if the white people wtedang racist forget 21 de thought mx in a racish way, so they wouldn't have cared about where the children an come from and wouldn't have wanted the kids. to Borget part of their origin To the example of Zifa Wallace, and some others, теск и one R explain and define racism! St and To be honest, I'm not really sure if I would take part in it. I would look first what they want to do in the project. Because there are already browsands of projects against racism in the world but a lot of them L are good, but not working oviy, because the people don't feel responsible. are or guilty because they think they's aren't racist. So my expectations & for the project are & that the concept of the idea would reach people of make them think about their own acting in front of diffrest people. The indea of making a project against sstrack racism in school is good, but what tod they're doing in the project th a should be effective or should & make people think about them- Theoretically towards a lot of selves. Theoratically it would be good to offer this kind of project 2 R complex Sentence 2 regilary to good but I'm afraid that offer fine the ideas would get worse and worse, so I think it could be good to make a pro- jeet like this may be orre in two or three years, but to really.. L/R create a big concept and make a make, big project. s => explain your expectations, which clements should the project contain? existing exting (to exist Hot excst