









Racism Structure
Definition of racism with an example
What types of racism are there?
What effect does it have on the Person
Racism Structure
Definition of racism with an example
What types of racism are there?
What effect does it have on the Person
Racism Structure
Definition of racism with an example
What types of racism are there?
What effect does it have on the Person
Racism Structure
Definition of racism with an example
What types of racism are there?
What effect does it have on the Person
Racism Structure
Definition of racism with an example
What types of racism are there?
What effect does it have on the Person
Racism Structure
Definition of racism with an example
What types of racism are there?
What effect does it have on the Person
Racism Structure
Definition of racism with an example
What types of racism are there?
What effect does it have on the Person
Racism Structure
Definition of racism with an example
What types of racism are there?
What effect does it have on the Person
Racism Structure
Definition of racism with an example
What types of racism are there?
What effect does it have on the Person
Racism Structure
Definition of racism with an example
What types of racism are there?
What effect does it have on the Person

Racism Structure 5 ● ● ● ● ● Definition of racism with an example What types of racism are there? What effect does it have on the Person Are people born racist? What is the cause of racism? Why is racism a Problem? • Racism Solutions ● Solu Racism is: ● Definition of racism with an example o > Refusal and different treatment based on color, religion, gender etc Example: Making jokes about different ethnicities. ➤ Refusing service to specific customers. Not wanting the own children to marry someone from another race. ➤ Treating people with a differnet ethnic background differently. מםםםם What types of racism are there? Am 1. Individual discrimination. 2. Institutional discrimination. 3. Legal discrimination. What effect does it have on the Person? ● is a psychological experience of violence become racists themselves ● • Consequences: get a trauma, go fear of other people, had panic attacks, do not dare to go public, suicide attempts, self- hatred, vengeful feels uncomfortable Are people born racist? • Nobody is born racist • Bad influence of others • are envious of the other person • it depends how people are raised and in what locality they are raised • Or the person had bad experiance with people of other ethnecity, colour or national origin often generalize those people then and get racist ● Often prejudices and uneducated people are the reason for being racist ?? What is the cause of racism? 1. Differences in social classes between people 2. Genealogical pride 3. Ignorance and lack of awareness of what racism is 4. Suffering from some Psychological problems 5. The difference in language Greed and exploitation Creed and...

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Culture 6. 7. Why is racism à Problem? Ongoing feelings of sadness, anger, depression and being left out • Not wanting to go to school Headaches, increased heart rate, sweating, trembling and muscle tension Having little or no trust in anybody apart from family ● Racism Solutions •What are racism solutions in your opinion? Presentation from Buschra, Farzana und Zehra THANKS FOR LISTENING! ☆ Squampares c ANY QUESTIONS?