Understanding racism means learning how some people treat others unfairly because of their skin color, culture, or where they come from.
Racism for kids can be explained as treating someone differently or being mean to them just because they look different or come from another place. This harmful behavior can happen anywhere - at school, in neighborhoods, or even through mean comments online. Bullying and racism at school often go together, making some students feel left out or scared. It's important to know that people are not born racist - these attitudes are learned from others and can be unlearned through education and understanding.
Anti racism means actively working to stop unfair treatment and standing up for equality. This can include speaking up when we see someone being treated unfairly, learning about different cultures, and making sure everyone feels welcome and respected. In places like the racism workplace, there are laws to protect people from both direct and indirect race discrimination. Direct discrimination is obvious unfair treatment, while indirect discrimination happens when rules or practices seem fair but actually make things harder for certain groups. Young people can help stop racism by being kind to everyone, learning about different cultures, and telling trusted adults if they see someone being treated unfairly. It's also important to understand that racism can hurt people's feelings, self-esteem, and opportunities in life. By learning about these issues early, children can become part of the solution and help create a more fair and welcoming world for everyone.