


L.A. Crash-Graham Waters and important scenes







Graham Waters
is in love with a white women (Ria)
raised badly
African American detective Imoved up socially)
caring for drug-addicted mothe

Graham Waters is in love with a white women (Ria) raised badly African American detective Imoved up socially) caring for drug-addicted mother brother is missing he has to find him :lying about his brother : dealing with issues of blacks ("fucking black people") ➜ he is blackmailed by a white man because of his brother his brother is criminal his brother dies (one policemen shoots him) ↳ mother is breaking down thinks Graham was the murder → thinks the brother bought her groceries as last think he did => it was Graham Ria cries because Grahams brother died finds the figure of his brothe important scenes 4one policeman hummiliates a black women meeting twice: carcrash, where she is afraid of him he saves her life ↳ the policeman acts like a racist hopes that the job of the black women will get to a white man) ↳ prejudices I a woman is afraid of black men) Einbruch into a shop, because the owners are Persian (the Einbrecher think they're arab) the man on the film set sais that the black guy has to act more black 4 black bad white: good 2 black men wanted to hijack a car again the men in the car was very brave → were followed by policemen the other policemen helped Farhad has a gun wants Rache...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

for the Einbruch →wants to kill the black man the daughter jumps infront protects her dad because of (blank cartridge her invisible clook (fairy of = Platzpatrone) his dad) "good" policeman takes one of the hijackers with him → prejudice of the policeman shoot black man is dead realises what black man was laughing →same figure did