


letter of complaint (example)







Your visit in a restaurant was terrible. Write an E-Mail to the
Dear Sir or Madam,
This letter is written to complain about my visit

Your visit in a restaurant was terrible. Write an E-Mail to the owner. Dear Sir or Madam, This letter is written to complain about my visit at your restaurant. I wonder whether your restaurant serves all customers like me. London was very beautiful, but I can only visit it once a year. After awaking I thought, I could get some good breakfast at a local restaurant. Even your restaurant's name invited me. After I did my first step inside, hot wind gave me a greeting. Normally I would just go and choose another restaurant. What kept me inside was the smell of your food. I imagined how tasty it had to be. I took a sit and commanded myself some food. The servant didn't seem to like his job. He came to my place, roll his eyes over and whispered: ,,Another stupid customer" I expected a better service. After I got my food, I had to mention that it was burned on the top, but raw inside. It tasted like it was rotten and I nearly puked. After I pushed it in my stomach, I commanded a glass of water to wash the food down. When I got the water, it tasted bitter and a bit like dish soap. I would like to get the money back...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

I payed this time. In addition, I invite your chef for a brunch at my place in Germany. I would even pay the flights and make sure to show him how food should taste. Please excuse the last two sentences, they should not just insult someone. Yours faithfully, name