


linking words







although (obwohl): I recognized her at once although I hadn't seen her in years.
however (jedoch): The room is very small, how

LINKING WORDS although (obwohl): I recognized her at once although I hadn't seen her in years. however (jedoch): The room is very small, however it is very comfortable. because/for (weil, da → Satzmitte): We couldn't go out because / for it was too cold. as/since (weil, da → Satzanfang): As / Since it was November, it was getting quite cold. in order to (um zu): We went by car in order to save time. until (bis): We will stay here until the others arriv therefore/so/thus/that's why/consequently (deshalb): This engine uses less fuel, therefore it is better for the environment. still/nevertheless/yet (dennoch, trotzdem): She is a strange girl, yet I like her. SO ... that (damit): I put the heating on so that the house would warm up. but (aber): I would like to go, but I can't. but (sondern): I don't drink tea for breakfast but coffee. when (als): When i left for school, I didn't know what I wanted to do. while/as (während): I always listen to the radio while I am doing the dishes. moreover/furthermore/in addition (außerdem): He lost his passport, furthermore a thief stole his camera. whereas (wohingegen): They spend all their money on their house, whereas we prefer to spend ours on traveling. at first - but then (zuerst - aber dann): At first I didn't...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

want to read the book but then I loved it. firstly - secondly - thirdly (erstens, zweitens,...): There is more than one reason why the plan won't work. Firstly, there hasn't been enough preparation. Secondly, there is not enough money and thirdly, the people are not motivated. in spite of/despite (trotz): Despite the bad weather we had a lovely time.