


Little brother by Cory Doctorow - Reading Journal







Reading Journal - Little Brother
Chapter 1:
In the first chapter of the novel "Little Brother" by Cory Doctorow the main character Marcus Ya
Reading Journal - Little Brother
Chapter 1:
In the first chapter of the novel "Little Brother" by Cory Doctorow the main character Marcus Ya

Reading Journal - Little Brother Chapter 1: In the first chapter of the novel "Little Brother" by Cory Doctorow the main character Marcus Yallow is at Cesar Chavez High School in San Francisco and he has to talk to the vice-principal Fred Benson. He wants to talk with Marcus about the synonym Winston because he thinks it's Marcus secret identity but Marcus denies. After Mr. Benson tells Marcus he is going to call the police, Marcus agrees and leaves the office (p.11-16). Marcus is very interested in technological aspects, that's how he is able to sneak out of school because he can hack the systems. Marcus likes to skip school with his best friend Darryl Glover to play Harajuku Fun Madness, one of their favourite games. They want to meet their friends Jolu and Van, a girl Darryl has a crush on. In my opinion it's an interesting beginning and I am really curios about what happens next. A thing I don't like that much, is the fact that there are a lot of technological aspects and it's hard to follow and understand them. CESARE CHINEZ HOS https://fm.cnbc.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/img/editorial/2018/06/20/105284147-Getty Images-673632588.1910x1000.jpg https://www.ecosia.org/images?q=cesar+chavez+high+school#id=CE052DE4853E90749FE7585C19A4C8ED694C023B Chapter 2: In the second chapter Marcus and Darryl meet their friends Jolu Torrez and Vanessa (Van) Pak to play Harajuku Fun Madness. During their sneak out of...

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school, Darryl and Marcus realize they still have a library book with an aphid on it. Marcus decides to mute it by putting it into the teacher's microwave (p.26-28). During that Charles Walker shows up. He is well known as a snitch and Benson's spy. To distract him, Marcus sends texts and calls to Charles phone. Mrs. Galvez busts Charles for being on his phone in school and Marcus and Darryl can escape (28-31). The friends meet their friend Van at the Cable Car. Vanessa is a student at a private girl's school in the East Bay. She likes to flirt with Darryl. Van's parents are from Korea, that's why she can blend in a group of Korean tourists. They also meet Jolu, he is a student at a catholic school in Outer Richmond, friendly and easy going. He has Mexican roots (p.31-33). While looking for a Wi-Fi signal Marcus steps on a foot of a girl. The girl has bright pink hair, a sharp face and sunglasses. The girl and her friends play Harajuku Fun Madness as well (p.35). "Then the world changed forever". Sirens started and there was a very loud noise (p.36-37). In my eyes it's a very surprising turnaround in the storyline. As a reader I really want to know what will happen with Marcus and his friends and why there is such a noise. https://st2.depositphotos.com/1007566/12304/v/450/depositphotos 123041678-stock-illustration-megaphone-speaker-device.jpg Chapter 3: After the sirens started, the friends head into the BART station ("We passed a lot of people in the road on the way to the Powell Street BART" p.38 1.1-2). There are many people getting trampled and hurt. It's very crowded and the press of the bodies is immense. A man in a suit grabs Van and she yells at him. Marcus convinces her to not use the pepper spray ("Don't mace him" p.38 1.23). The group decided to leave the BART station and walk against the crowd. Outside Darryl realises he is bleeding. Marcus tries to stop one of the emergency vehicles ("Every five seconds, a cop car, an ambulance or a fire truck zoomed past" p.41 1.25-26). But instead there is a group of mans with guns ("I saw a bunch of military-looking guys" p.42 I. 15-16). Marcus Yallow tries to explain that they are just High School students but the mans keep the students and drive with them toward Fisherman's Wharf. While Marcus has a bag over his head, he thinks they are might kept by terrorists. In the end of the chapter Marcus realizes he is kept by the American government. It's the first time, that Severe Haircut Lady is showing up in the novel, she interviews Marcus. (p.38 f.) I am very shocked how the storyline changed. It's sad how brutal they are and that the students don't know what happens. b https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/bart-train-san-francisco-airport-international-station-ready-to-depart-east-bay-station-32581400.jpg https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/ahasoft-war/512/Military Base-512.png http://images.mapsofworld.com/san-francisco/2014/09/Fishermans-Wharf-1.jpg Chapter 4: In chapter four of the novel Marcus and his friends are on a boat (p.54). Marcus Yallow is alone in a cell. Severe Haircut Lady wants him to unlock his phone and Marcus tells her the password (p.57-58). Marcus tells her about his concerns, for example about the law constitution and about freedom in America (p.58). Marcus thinks a lot about his old life and his family (p.61). After the student gave the password of his phone, he was allowed to go to the yard. There he meets Van and they talk. The guards separate them quickly and bring both back to their ow cells (p.62). Severe Haircut Lady talks again to Marcus, Marcus became more silent and he starts to cooperate (p.66-68). "They took everything from me. First my privacy, then my dignity. I'd been ready to sign everything." (p.68 1.25-27). In the end of the chapter Marcus is allowed to leave the prison ("No one grabbed me. I was free" p.70 1.8-9). I am very glad that Marcus, Van and Jolu are out of the prison. But what is about Darryl? I am very curios whether they will tell their parents or not. http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1590646/images/o-PRISONS-facebook.jpg