


London sights 3







London sights
Hyde Park:
- The history of Hyde Park begins in 1536
– Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in London.
London sights
Hyde Park:
- The history of Hyde Park begins in 1536
– Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in London.

London sights Hyde Park: - The history of Hyde Park begins in 1536 – Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in London. Zusammenfassung: Hyde Park is a public green space in central London. Together with the other royal parks, it forms the "Green Lung " of the city and is considered one of the largest and most famous inner-city parks in the world. Buckinham Palace: - Buckinham Palace is 318 years old. - Der Buckinham Palace has 775. Zusammenfassung: The Palace is the main official residence where the British monarch lives and works.[1] The palace is a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality. It has been a focus for the British people at times of national rejoicing and crisis. Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 by John Sheffield, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normandy, as a townhouse residence in London. It was bought by the British royal family in 1761. It became the official London home of the family in 1837 and was greatly expanded in the 19th century. It has 775 rooms, 19 staterooms, and 78 bathrooms. Leading up to it is a ceremonial road called The Mall. A German bomb damaged the Palace during the London blitz.

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