


Looking dor Alaska - keywords, characters etc.







The Eagle
Dr. Hyde
Miles / Pudge
Chip /the Colonel
The Jury
The weekday
Miles' parents
The Eagle
Dr. Hyde
Miles / Pudge
Chip /the Colonel
The Jury
The weekday
Miles' parents
The Eagle
Dr. Hyde
Miles / Pudge
Chip /the Colonel
The Jury
The weekday
Miles' parents
The Eagle
Dr. Hyde
Miles / Pudge
Chip /the Colonel
The Jury
The weekday
Miles' parents
The Eagle
Dr. Hyde
Miles / Pudge
Chip /the Colonel
The Jury
The weekday
Miles' parents
The Eagle
Dr. Hyde
Miles / Pudge
Chip /the Colonel
The Jury
The weekday
Miles' parents
The Eagle
Dr. Hyde
Miles / Pudge
Chip /the Colonel
The Jury
The weekday
Miles' parents
The Eagle
Dr. Hyde
Miles / Pudge
Chip /the Colonel
The Jury
The weekday
Miles' parents
The Eagle
Dr. Hyde
Miles / Pudge
Chip /the Colonel
The Jury
The weekday
Miles' parents
The Eagle
Dr. Hyde
Miles / Pudge
Chip /the Colonel
The Jury
The weekday
Miles' parents
The Eagle
Dr. Hyde
Miles / Pudge
Chip /the Colonel
The Jury
The weekday
Miles' parents

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The Eagle Dr. Hyde Alaska Lara Miles / Pudge Chip /the Colonel The Jury Takumi The weekday warriors Miles' parents ● ● ● smoking hole Miles being kicked out of Dr Hyde's class the prank at the lake Alaska's death pranks ➤What do you know about the person/ situation? Mention the context. In how far is the person/situation relevant for the novel? → In your group of three work on the expressions in red and take turns. the smoking hole: it is off campus, near the creek the pupils (Alaska, Chip, Miles and Takumi) make memories there they go there to smoke beneath a bridge, old blue plastic chairs stolen from a classroom, 10 feet long (approx. 3 meters) and 3 feet (approx. 1 meter) wide named by Alaska, we don't know why she gave it that name pupils hid there from the Eagle, they don't do that anymore because A. told the Eagle everything she knew Miles being kicked out of Dr. Hyde's class: Miles looks out of the window ● Dr Hyde is a very strict teacher Alaska leaves class with Miles, she wants to defend him she wants to show that she's able to be loyal to people (after so many things going wrong in her life) M. realizes that boarding school is harder than public school; M. wants to be a good student M. likes Dr. Hyde, he thinks he deserves to be kicked out of class M....

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defends Dr. Hyde, he thinks he's a genius A. thinks he's a "bitter old man”; he's too strict and too old. She thinks it's unfair that M. was kicked out because Dr Hyde is talking all the time and his students have to listen. after leaving class A. and M. spend time together → they lay on the grass: Miles feels strongly attracted to A. the prank at the lake: every new students is pranked M. is thrown into the lake, he was wrapped in duct tape → M. could have died, he nearly drowned/ was hardly able to move Weekday Warriors pranked him because they thought that Chip ratted on Marya. One of them also pissed into Chip's shoes. M. is friends with Chip, who is also his roommate After this prank M. and his friends plan a prank for the Weekday Warriors. Alaska's death: ● ● ● she died in a car crash, she was very drunk she died on January 10 she, Miles and Chip were drinking → she kissed Miles and left in her car afterwards although she was drunk → her friends try to find out about the real reasons for her death. At the end of the novel it is not revealed if her death was an accident or suicide it might have been suicide as A. was a moody person with a lot of unhappy moments as her dad blamed her for her mum's death who died when she was a child. She didn't call 911, her mum died of an aneurysm. Not only does A.'s dad blame her for her mum's death but also does she blame herself. She talks a lot about dying and grief, e.g. "Pudge, what you must understand is that I am a deeply unhappy person." her life's library is very important to her, she reads a lot → Does A. want to escape real life? A. sees her life as a labyrinth she will be able to escape one day pranks: pranks are regularly pulled at Culver Creek (e.g. to new students) ● students from each year pull pranks at school examples for pranks: Miles was thrown into the lake as an initiation ritual; prank at the barn some pranks have pre-pranks so that the teachers do not expect another prank after the first one Pranks create a feeling of community and give the students some moments of superiority over their teachers (esp. the Eagle) The weekday warriors: • rich people at Culver Creek, they go home for the weekends, they are the "cool kids" ● they do pranks One of them is Kevin Richman Chip, Miles, Alaska and Takumi don't like them and they don't like the 4 friends either they all live in Birmingham (rich area, air-conditioned houses...) they duct taped Miles; they always throw a new student into the lake but normally they don't duct tape them Chip's girlfriend Sara was/ is a Weekday Warrior Miles' parents: they have a good relationship with Miles, they are loving parents, they organized the going-away party at the beginning of the novel. ● ● ● they live in Florida M.'s dad went to the same boarding school as Miles: he did many pranks, he smoked, he had good grades but wasn't very responsible; he enjoyed his time a Culver Creek M. visits his parents on Christmas but stays at Culver Creek with Alaska for Thanksgiving (he said he would stay with his friends even though it was only A.) his parents are emotional during Christmas holidays, they miss Miles and M. misses them. they worry a lot, they want him to call at least once a week his Mum didn't want him to go Culver Creek, but his dad liked the idea of M. following into his footsteps (also his other family members went to CC) Takumi: ● ● ● full name: Takumi Hikohito nickname: the Fox, Fox heat brings him luck: "Nobody can catch the fox." likes creating rhyming raps he's friends with Alaska, Miles and Chip (he's not as close friends as the others are) he's from Japan T. is a good student, well-organized etc. T. is the one to know how/ why A. died The Jury: student court at Culver Creek organized by the Eagle they decide on punishments for bad behaviour they are 12 students: 3 from each year the Jury is a unique things for Culver Creek Eagle can have a veto change of punishment they only decide on punishment for non-expellable offenses (e.g. smoking, staying out past curfew, being in a girls' room after seven etc.) → the Eagle decides on the expellable offenses) when the friends face the Jury the Colonel explains that he and A. were smoking by the lake instead of off campus. punishments can be e.g. working hours in the cafeteria Lara: Miles' girlfriend, Alaska tried to set them off Lara Buterskaya, was born in Romania, her family left the country because they were poor they are better off now ● sophomore best day of her life was the day she came to Florida she speaks with an accent has a soft voice she had a triple and ½ date wants her parents to need her, she helped them a lot with the language when they first came to the US