


Looking for Alaska







Reading Journal
What Happens?
so many friends
- is Alaska sensible
feeling of evil
p. 1-33 Miles is going to
Reading Journal
What Happens?
so many friends
- is Alaska sensible
feeling of evil
p. 1-33 Miles is going to
Reading Journal
What Happens?
so many friends
- is Alaska sensible
feeling of evil
p. 1-33 Miles is going to

Unit/ Page Reading Journal Comments/ Questions What Happens? so many friends - is Alaska sensible feeling of evil p. 1-33 Miles is going to a boarding school in Alabama, so he organizes a going-away party, where only two of his friends came. Eventually, Miles arrives at his boarding school and meets his "cool" roommate Chip. They organize their Room, Chip gives likes the nickname "Pudge" and Chip wants to be called "The Colonel! Miles meets Alaska the first time and thinks she is a beautiful girl. The Colonel girl? buys cigarrets from Alaska. Miles is smoking the first time in his life. Then one night traditionally - Why did they dump Pudge gets dumped into the lake from Kevin and his boys, but his arms are taped with duct tape him into the lake, to his body. He could drown. Then he went to Alaskas room to look for help, but she is moody and because of revenge?/ intention towards sb.) unfriendly. So he went home and tells Chip everything what happened. p.34-59 Miles has his first school day at Culver Creek. He thinks, the teachers are serious and smart. During class he recognizes some boys, who dumped him last night into the lake. He tells Chip their names. In the afternoon he meets Sara, Chip's girlfriend. She is...

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picking Chip up to go to the opera. Chip finds out that the Warriors pissed in his shoes and dumped Miles into the lake, because they think Chip ratted out Paul and Mary, who committed three Culver Creek offenses. -Chip didn't do it to have a reason why so is angry with you) At school Miles gets kicked out of Mr Hydes class for looking out of the window. Alaska finds - Why is Mr. Hyde so - humiliate this inappropriate of llt. Hyde and speaks up. She also has to leave. strict? sb (make sb feel ashamed) Vocabulary -seems he has not got - Pudge - What will Chip do to the boys? - seems bitchy (being a bit fot - duct tape (strong tape) malice -antagonize sb. (to do sth One day Miles and Chip went to the basketballgame, where Kevin from the Warriors is Chip and Miles make a deal with him. If Pudge can't state the last word of a dead US president, then they will have truce. Pudge wins and Kevin goes everolling away. During the game the Colonel leads the fans and eventually gets kicked out of the game for bothering the oponent. p. 60-78 One day Alaska, Miles, Takumi and the Colonel go to the smoking-hole to smoke. Suddenly the Eagle appears behind the bushes and lets them know that they have to go to of students, who jury for their prohibited behaviour. Alaska and the Colonel take the blame announce the jury on them for smoking so that Miles and Takumi were not a part from the offense. consequences of Then Miles and Lara, the Colonel and Sara, Alaska and her boyfriend and Takumi their behaviour. on his own have a tripple date at the basketball game. There lliles gets hit by The Eagle is the a ball and pukes on to Lara's lap, because he has a concussion. The next week Alaska is very upset, because the weekend warriors have flooded her room to prank her. Takumi tells Miles that Alaska ratted out Marya and Paul, because she did something that could have sent her home and the Eagle knew of it. So she ratted them out to stay at Culver Creek. judge. p. 79-99 Alaska does not want to go home for Thanksgiving that is why she convinces Miles to stay also here at Culver Creek. Why doesn't While almost every Culver Creek member is home with their family for thanksgiving, she like home? Alaska and Miles are planing how to prank the Weekday Warriors. Therefore, hidden- they secretly search their neighbors rooms and find hidden things. Alaska finds -They go porn- versteckt a wine bottle, which she drinks from. As well, they find a porn movie in room 32. They watch it together in the TV room. Alaska thinks porn is degrading, because they make women to objects. Then on Thanksgiving Chip invites Miles and Alaska to come to his home. Miles thinks the food is the best thanksgiving food he has ever had, cooked by Dolores, Chip's mother. At the dinner table everyone says what he or she is thankful for. Later in the evening Chip -Dolores lives in drives Alaska and Miles back to Culver Creek. During the drive Miles falls asleep and Alaska tells Chip that she ratted out Marya. The next day Miles a trailer. She is very funny. Sury-is a group prohibited verbotenes purkes- kotzt concussion- Gehirnersch- - Why did Alaska ütterung choose Marya and Paul? hunting. - Miles likes Alaska degrading- more and more erniedrigend and Alaska drive to the Coosa Liquors store, where Alaska buys alcohol and cigarettes through her fake-ID and by flirting with the salesman. Later on, Alaska comes into Miles's room with tear in her eyes and • she screwed everything says up. She is frustrated that Chip has no trust in her anymore, because of Tratting out Marya and Paush p. 100- The Eagle accepts that the Colonel, Takumi and Miles stay at Colonel's home over the The Eagle checks p. 125 weekend. As well, Alaska tells the Eagle that she is staying with her boyfriend. Lara also with the Colonel's tells him that she is staying with an old friend of her. Actually all five are staying: in a mother, if that is barn, where they will hide after the pre-prank, so that the Eagle can not accuse right. them. The pre-prank starts with Takumi and Miles lighting fireworks in order to get the Eagle out of his house. The Eagle chases Takumi and Miles but they are running the fastest they can. In the mean time the Colonel hacks into the faculty computer network to have the grading databases from some Weekday Worriors to send out letters light more and to their families, saying that they are failing some clases. After the prank they all more fireworks. meet at the barn and the Colonel checks if everything went like planned. Lara tells them she put blue hair dyeing stuff into the conditioner of Kevin, Jeff and Longwell's room, just like the Colonel planed. Alaska admittes that she send off 23 letters with failing clases. The Colonel is angry that she did not stick to the plan. The next day they all play a drinking game, where you have to share their worst and best day. Alaska speaks of being paralyzed about her worst day, when her mother died. Alaska was to little to understand that she by fear, that is why has to call 911, because her mother fell on her head. she ratted out llarya. p. 126- - Why doesn't the Colonel want to have truce, although The five leave the barn and go back to Culver Creek. Miles sleeps the whole p. 135 day because he is tired. Next day, Kevin complains to the Colonel about his blue hair and the Colonel still doesn't want truce with Kevin. Lara wants to try something new and gives Miles an blow job. Miles and Lara are unexperienced so they ask Alaska for some advice. Then it worked better. In the evening Alaska, the he revenged Colonel and Miles celebrate the successful pre-prank! They play truth or dare", where himself now. Alaska decides that Miles has to make out with her. Eventually the three fall asleep. Out of the sudden Alaska is crying and screaming that she has to Alaska drives them to Culver Creek, although she drunk a lot of alcohol. She wants that Miles and the Colonel distract the Eagle with fireworks. with alcohol go. p. 151- p. 165 whimper- low weak cry, difficult to understand On Sunday morning Miles, Lara, the Colonel and Takumi drive to Alaska's funeral in her hometown Vine Station. Miles is very upset and wonders why the casket is closed. Alaska's barn- Scheune Miles and Takumi undeniable- eindeutiger Beweiss" -Alaska is scared paralyzed -", gelähmt" A 139- The next morning, the Eagle announces that everyone has to come to the gym for p. 150 an important assembly. Miles tells the Eagle that Alaska is not there yet but the Eagle -At first Miles thought cruiser- only looks down. He explains to everybody that Alaska had an accident last night and she passed away Miles runs out -gym, thinking it is his fault. He feels guilty for not stopping her from driving with alcohol in her body. The Colonel is screaming "I'm sorry" but it was a prank of police car the of Alaska. Swerve- Madame O'Malley calmes him down. The Eagle explains to liles and the Colonel that her accident - Alaska hit a cruiser change direction was instant and the steering wheel hit her chest. That night Miles could not sleep, he had a nightmare of Alaska. suddenly intertwine- verschlingen father responded that her mother had a open casket and Alaska then told him she wants to - Miles has a break have a closed casket at her funeral. The next day, the Eagle asks the Colonel at lunch whether down. behavior he set off the fireworks, but he did not rat. Alaska's aunt is coming tomorrow, so Miles and - He tells how much tact- the Colonel went to Alaska's room to pick up stuff her aunt would not want to finde. he loved Alaska. sensitive Miles finds the book "The General in his Labyrinth", in which Alaska wrote next to the quote "How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!", a short note "straight and fast". Immediatly the Colonel and Miles refer this to her accident. The next day in school Mr. Hyde wants that the students -The school was think about Alaska's exam topic "How will we ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering?". Nine days different without after the accident the Colonel has a theory of Alaska's death. He thinks Jake and Alaska had a fight Alaska, so quiet. grief- great sadness and Alaska was then so angry that she drove straight and fast into the cruiser. They decide to go to the police department to gather some more information about her accident The officer who was a witness tells them the car was coming straight and fast to his cruiser, because she did not brake and in the backseat were white tulips. Miles and the Colonel directly think of Jake, because he alwayse gave them to Alaska as a present. p. 166- Miles and the Colonel still are trying to find answers to Alaska's death. Holly Moser a p. 175 girl from the Weekend Warriors wants to convince them that Alaska gave her a sign because -Maybe Molly only wants attention. - Is it maybe Jake's fault that Alaska died? are - Miles does not want relationship. at the waffel house all the lights went off, except of her light over her booth, which was flashing. She thinks Alaska wanted to talk to her in morse code but Miles and the Colonel do not believe that Alaska wanted to talk to her in morse code. Next day Miles and the Colonel get into a fight because liles is refuseing to talk with Jake. Eventually, they get along with each other again and the Colonel decides not to call Jake. One day Takumi and Miles to know more about pursue sth- are eating at McDonalds, where Miles can I really tell him how sorry he is, but he can not Jake and Alaska's investigate sth bring himself to tell him the truth. As well, Miles tells Takumi that things. right now to complicated to think about Lara and his relation. p. 175- Six days later, Miles and the Colonel have a plan how to check how drunk Alaska was- Miles talkes with p. 183 by her car accident. Miles goes to the Eagle's house to speak with him about the Colonel the Eagle about the In the mean time the Colonel is stealing the breathalyser from the Eagle's house. Then the Colonel gets as drunk as Alaska. Suddenly the Eagle comes in llites's room. Miles hears him early enough to hide the alcohol, but he catches him smoking. The Colonel prefens he is crying, so the Eagle lets them in peace. The Colonel is by now so drunk like Alaska was that night. The Colonel feels really sleepy and spinny. They figure out that Alaska was really drunk and not able to drive. The next day after school the Colonel tells Takumi everything what happend that night. Takumi admittes he knew that they lighted the Are you not able to depth perception fireworks. They still are not sure, if it was suicide, so they decide to call Jake tomorrow. do anything? Colonel might failing breathalyser- latin class to distract measures the him. lamount of alcohol in your How does it feel body being so drunk? - 3D Wahr- nehmung booth- Sitzecke