


loose change







- National Portrait
Gallery, London
women's bathroom
→ museum rooms
→tea room
Short summary
female narrator, who is hel

LOOSE CHANGE selling - National Portrait Gallery, London women's bathroom → museum rooms →tea room Short summary female narrator, who is helped out by another foreign woman in a bathroom in the National Portrait Gallery in London narrator needs coins for the tampon maschine and the foreign woman is the only one who wants to help her but other londoners' just left the bathroom she invites ner for a cup of tea Van't the narrator assumes that the woman is an from spain (due to the accent) out, that Laylor (the foreign woman) and her brother are refugees from Uzbekistan parents journausts; arrested the narrator learns more about her situation. so She sees laylor from a different perspective thinks about how she can help the poor - Nevertheless, she eventually leaves the cafe and Laylor again on her own family Umbrella information -title: loose crange ·author: Andrea Levy Publisher: Maggie Hamand in 'The underwords: the hidden city' in London in 2005 Information about the author 1956 born and raised on a North London council estate →Black, Scot sh and Jewish heritage father Immigrated to England in 1948 from Jamaica, her mother followed six month later - studied textile design and became a costume assistant founded a graphic design company most successful novel 'shall Island (2004) main literary subjects: legacy of British Empire, racism in Post-war Britain and sidvery in the caribbean - wanted to encourage conversations about these topics characters narrator: middle-class, narrative Perspective - limited first-person narrator reader, Sees' situation through the...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

eyes of the narrator themes topics! conflicts immigration poverty Kindness I help charity young son; single mother, lives in London in a nouse or flat with three bedrooms, was unwritten rules, 'real londoner', works at a school Uzbekiston Laylor: helps the narrator, refugee from Uzbekistan, homeless begging, has a brother who experiences the same (nomeless etc.) parents: critical journalists, arrested in grandmother: immigrated to the UK from the from the Caribbean, got help just like the narrator narrator wanted to help Laylor → reason that Icept alve always talks about the story - symbol of caylors poverty; it's all she and her brother have for the narrator it is a small sum → contrast between poverty and 'normal' midale class living Standard help is given freely and the help the narrator is unable to s give ner symbol of kindness Short story charactenstiCS -length (can be read in one sitting) airect start; limited number of characters concentration one one character (problemi dilemmal situation focus on one single aspect which undergoes a change