


Mambo Sauce







→> Brian. (white). and Constance (black) are moved from. New York to washington DC.
→> When Brian was working she visits
→> Brian. (white). and Constance (black) are moved from. New York to washington DC.
→> When Brian was working she visits

MAMBO SAUCE Summary →> Brian. (white). and Constance (black) are moved from. New York to washington DC. →> When Brian was working she visits the restaurant "Winging It!" and feels welcome there. (everyone else is black there). → old man tries to flirt with her (Mr. Bruce) and she denies/doesn't mention that she has a boyfriend with. Brian's (white) friends: Constance isn't comfortable, feels overdressed, Brian's friends make fun of mambo sauce, call it "ghetto sauce!", constance becomes unfriendly to them, tension building up mad because constance →> After dinner: argument between Constance and Brian: Constance becomes because Brian mentioned. Mambo Sauce, Brian want to speak. with his friends, was "bitchy" -> Second visit at Winging It! : Gina tells her that. the restaurant. is close, Constance does not to them -> Tells Brian. about. they arranged reporters. -> Dinner didn't donations -->> Gina got mad Brian got mad because it her because Gentrification ... is a process of change want she " it .to. to gain, attention the people at -> Gina is actually called ."Anne" She never told Constance her name, Constance gave wanted to have a new the restaurant start in life didn't know about. gonna and old community new community The fact that constance Likes mambo that. she stands between. these two communities: . -> wants to belong to the old community but actually does not an urban area, which was poor at first but becomes . more and more wealthier (improving houses, new businesses, displacing current inhabitans) Mambo Sauce. represents....

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Alternativer Bildtext:

gentrification: people who like mambo Sauce people who dislike mambo sauce him sauce first but at the end she dislikes it represents Characters. married Anne / Gina old community Winging It! Mr. Bruce belittles her Mark Alissa L> arrogant • new community Brians friends. feels thought they were violated unfriendly by her likes her Likes him but thinks he is a Little weird by her feels judged friends Constance L>black woman, sculpure artist. winging It! becomes important to her, feels understood L> Linsecure, feels uncom- fortable quickly L> acts before thinking. L> lives in her own world. L> helpful friends perceives him as intrusivé insecure about him being white Brian couple. L> open minded L> lack of empathy mad about. ner denying him