



Frankenstein Mary Shelley Zusammenfassung Kapitel - Lesetagebuch
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Lena Karamac



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Frankenstein Mary Shelley Zusammenfassung Kapitel - Lesetagebuch

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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a gothic novel that explores themes of ambition, science, and the consequences of playing God. The story follows Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment.

Key points:

  • Victor Frankenstein's family background and early life
  • His passion for natural philosophy and science
  • The creation of the monster and its aftermath
  • The tragic events that unfold, including the deaths of William and Justine
  • Victor's guilt, depression, and attempts to cope with the consequences of his actions



Chapter 1-3: Victor Frankenstein's Background and Education

Victor Frankenstein begins his narrative by recounting his family history and early life. Born into a respected Geneva family, Victor's father Alphonso marries Caroline Beaufort after becoming her protector. The couple adopts Elizabeth Lavenza, who becomes Victor's close companion.

Victor develops a passionate interest in natural philosophy and science, particularly the works of alchemists. He moves to Ingolstadt for university, where he is encouraged to pursue modern scientific studies.

Highlight: Victor's fascination with science and nature foreshadows his later experiments.

Vocabulary: Alchemy - An early form of chemistry, with philosophical and magical associations.

Quote: "The world was to me a secret which I desired to divine." - Victor Frankenstein

Frankenstein-Reading diary
Chapter 1:
The literary me (Frankenstein) starts to tell us some facts about his family, birth and
childhood. He

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Chapter 8-9: Justine's Trial and Victor's Guilt

Justine is tried and convicted for William's murder, despite her innocence. Victor, knowing the truth, remains silent out of fear and shame. Justine is executed, adding to Victor's guilt and emotional turmoil.

Quote: "I was the true murderer." - Victor Frankenstein

Victor becomes deeply depressed and contemplates suicide. His father attempts to cheer him up by organizing a trip to Belrive, but Victor's melancholy persists.

Highlight: Victor's silence and inaction lead to further tragedy, highlighting the theme of responsibility for one's creations.

Frankenstein-Reading diary
Chapter 1:
The literary me (Frankenstein) starts to tell us some facts about his family, birth and
childhood. He

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Chapter 4-5: The Creation of the Monster

Victor becomes obsessed with the idea of creating life. He spends years studying anatomy and the decay of human bodies, eventually succeeding in bringing a creature to life. However, he is horrified by his creation and abandons it.

Definition: Galvanism - The contraction of a muscle stimulated by an electric current, named after Luigi Galvani.

Victor falls ill from the stress and is nursed back to health by his friend Henry Clerval. He receives a letter from Elizabeth, reminding him of his neglected family ties.

Highlight: The contrast between Victor's scientific ambition and his moral responsibility becomes apparent.

Frankenstein-Reading diary
Chapter 1:
The literary me (Frankenstein) starts to tell us some facts about his family, birth and
childhood. He

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Chapter 6-7: Family Tragedy and Return to Geneva

Victor recovers and plans to return home to Geneva. However, he receives news that his younger brother William has been murdered. Upon returning home, Victor suspects his creation is responsible for William's death.

Example: The murder of William serves as the first consequence of Victor's actions in creating the monster.

Justine Moritz, a family servant, is accused of the murder when William's locket is found in her possession. Victor is torn between revealing the truth about his creation and protecting himself.

Frankenstein-Reading diary
Chapter 1:
The literary me (Frankenstein) starts to tell us some facts about his family, birth and
childhood. He

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Chapter 10: Victor's Journey to Montanvert

Seeking solace in nature, Victor travels to the summit of Montanvert. He hopes that the majestic scenery will alleviate his depression. While the natural beauty provides temporary relief, Victor's emotional state remains fragile.

Vocabulary: Montanvert - A mountain in the Mont Blanc massif in the French Alps.

This chapter sets the stage for Victor's confrontation with his creation, as he ventures into the isolated wilderness.

Analysis: The use of sublime natural settings in Frankenstein reflects the Romantic literary movement's emphasis on nature's power and beauty.

Frankenstein-Reading diary
Chapter 1:
The literary me (Frankenstein) starts to tell us some facts about his family, birth and
childhood. He

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Frankenstein-Reading diary
Chapter 1:
The literary me (Frankenstein) starts to tell us some facts about his family, birth and
childhood. He

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