









- Titel
- Textart
- Autor
- Erscheinungsdatum
- Verlag
- Thema
- unnötige bzw. persönliche
Fragen stellen —> zum
- Titel
- Textart
- Autor
- Erscheinungsdatum
- Verlag
- Thema
- unnötige bzw. persönliche
Fragen stellen —> zum

VORGEHENSWEISE Einleitung: - Titel - Textart - Autor - Erscheinungsdatum - Verlag - Thema - unnötige bzw. persönliche Fragen stellen —> zum Thema hinführen Hauptteil: eigene Worte - gleiche chronologische Reihenfolge - neutrale Sprache Mediation Mediating a text means translating a written text from one language into another. In general, the person who is mediating must consider the addressee(s), the meaning of the text, as well as cultural and situational aspects - keine eigene Meinung gleiche Zeitform wie im Text - Absätze machen - Schluss: - kein Fazit/Meinung - angemessene Verabschiedung TIPS TO MEDIATE A WRITTEN TEXT - do not translate word for word - watch out for keywords and the most relevant information - leave out irrelevant information - understand the gist of the text & put it into your own words (do not change the facts!) - sometimes there are words that cannot be translated into German/English: give examples to illustrate, or add information on the cultural background - do not interpret the text - Express difficult passages more simply: every day language - make use of paraphrases, synonyms, opposites. Hauptteil: - in the first/second/third paragraph the author talks about/highlights/emphasizes/criticises - the author points out/says/presents/shows/ states/makes clear - the author carries on/goes on explaining/ showing/stating - first, secondly, thirdly - the author refers to Formulierungshilfen Einleitung: unnötige Fragen to get to the point ... - I have recently read an article that fits in with the topic we are working on - coming across an article that seemed well fitting for you, but sadly has been...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

written in German, I chose to sum up the gist of it Coincidentally I read an article ... - I figured you could be interested in ... my talk/representation/report will be based upon an article I have recently read - the article is called X and was written by XY - literally translated it means X and it talks about Y - the article X written by XY and published in Datum by Verlag highlights the problem that/deals with the topic - the author XY touches the topic of X in his/her article Y published in Datum by Verlag - - Text mindestens 2 mal lesen - relevantesten Informationen unterstreichen - Informationen ordnen Verschiedene Textformen formal Email/letter: - Dear ladies and gentlemen - I am writing to inform you that - hopefully this insight was helpful for you - For futher infomation please consult - Please contact me if you need any additional assistance - Thank you for the patience and cooperation - I would appreciate your immediate attention to the matter - I am looking forward to hearing back from you - kind regards - yours sincerely (Empfänger bekannt) - yours faithfully (Empfänger unbekannt) blog entry: - Hi everyone - let me know what you think about it - see you soon on my blog HOW TO MEDIATE A TEXT IN A WRITTEN EXAMINATION - select the most relevant informations: focus on the information your communication partner needs to know give an analogous rendition - - consider the addressee (e.g. cultural background etc.) give additional information and explanations if necessary - consider the type of text you are required to write - use compensation strategies (paraphrasing etc.) - Informal Email/letter: - Hi/Hello - I hope your doing well - It was great hearing from you again - Firstly I wanted to thank you for your last letter - Sadly I was Not able to answer earlier - as you have asked me for help with ... I would like to ... - I hope I was able to help you If you have any questions feel free to contact me I hope you were enjoying reading my email - please let me know if you have any questions regarding my email - I would love to hear from you soon again - I hope you will have a nice week - I look forward to hearing from you soon - Kind/ Best regards - Best wishes/All the best - take care/ speak soon/bye for now, - yours, CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION - has the purpose and the intention of the text been conveyed? - has the addressee been considered appropriately? - have the characteristics of the type of text been considered? - is the formulation self-directed? - do the style and the choice of words match the intention of the text? - is the text grammatically correct? - does the construction of sentences vary?