


Mediation & Softening skills







• not a translation
Who are you medialing for?
What informalin in the original text is relevant for your addressee?
What type of text shou

• not a translation - Who are you medialing for? What informalin in the original text is relevant for your addressee? What type of text should you be producing? Mediation -"The author opinion softeners ·Point out that you are giving the author's view Examples: Softening skills comes to the conclusion that ..." that the author sees..... -"To him/her it seems logical that..." - "If we consider the political slant of the newspaper il does not really come as a surprise Language solleners ·avoid words that have negative connotations -> use more neutral or weaker terms Examples: " "a regime "... acts criminally..." -> "global bully" -> "an administration => combine both ways if it makes sense! But make sure that you don't lose the original meaning: does not act in accordance with the law" "a feeling that... is acting far too dominantly in the world"

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