


Mediation task







Working with mediation tasks
Samstag, 30. Oktober 2021 17:07
1.). Read the task carefully
L>target text=?
who is the addressee?

Working with mediation tasks Samstag, 30. Oktober 2021 17:07 1.). Read the task carefully L>target text=? who is the addressee? register Lgrammatically Correct English 2.) Read the material + focus on the necessary information. L take notes/make a first draft 3.) Write the foxt Example: To: Zaara. [email protected] From: Max. [email protected] Subject: Opinion of german politicans on integration and immigration In this case! 1.) formal element →→> Subject: - email = 2.) greeting / opening 3.) informal small talk 4.) topical question (with information on the source) J Hello Zaara, hope you are e doing good. I'm so glad to hear from you after a while. How are Bashir and Saira? Well, I did some research. referring to your question and here are the results: The first article I found is from the german newspaper, Die Zeit" published 2015 and in this article our chancellor Angela Merkel clearly points out that the islam is a part of Germang. Moreover She said that the federal government is doing everything to make immigration casier. But for her it's also important to support the dialogue between the religions, because there is still a lot of ignorance. Everyone who accepts the German laws and has language skills is welcome. The second article I found is from another german news- paper called 1₁, Tp-online" and in this article from 2014 the german politican De Maizière said that integration isn't always easy especially. in some specific parts of...

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Germany, as such it is important to openly address unconfortable truths and problems. Learning the language. can make integration easier, as well as cohesion, respect, consideration. and so on. This information should give you a good overview about the Opinions of german politicans on integration and immigration. If you have any questions feel free to call me or write an email. Greetings to you and the whole family. Max 5) small talk 6) closing phrase