









In the following I will refer to the text "x", written
by (author) and published on (date).
=> Title remains in German!
The text

✓ Mediation In the following I will refer to the text "x", written by (author) and published on (date). => Title remains in German! The text is about /cleals with... 1. What is the text about? What are the most important aspects? - 2. Try to find headlines for the paragraphs - key words. 3. Summarize the most important facts or highlight them. 4. Make a structure for text your Use the same tense as the text, no own opinion, write with a neutral language Explain technical terms There's no real end when writing a mediation! You can end your mediation with a short sentence, with "all in all which starts. you can say... Useful phrases: To start with in addition to that / At first... / in the beginning / First of all.-- /Apart from that... / Moreover -Equally important is the fact... -The most important factor is It is largely /partly clue to / More over /in the end However Finally ... / It may be true that / In conclusion... / All in all-- but.. --

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Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

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Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.