


mediation, written disscusion, enquiry, E-Mail, formal letter







Abschlussprüfung Englisch
richtige Textform beachten z.B: E-Mail, Brief, Artikel für Schülerzeitung
• beachten mit wem man schreib
Abschlussprüfung Englisch
richtige Textform beachten z.B: E-Mail, Brief, Artikel für Schülerzeitung
• beachten mit wem man schreib
Abschlussprüfung Englisch
richtige Textform beachten z.B: E-Mail, Brief, Artikel für Schülerzeitung
• beachten mit wem man schreib
Abschlussprüfung Englisch
richtige Textform beachten z.B: E-Mail, Brief, Artikel für Schülerzeitung
• beachten mit wem man schreib

Abschlussprüfung Englisch Mediation richtige Textform beachten z.B: E-Mail, Brief, Artikel für Schülerzeitung • beachten mit wem man schreibt (formell, informell) was sind die wichtigsten Imformationen objektiv bleiben keine (eigene Meinung ) ● 1. Anrede formell: Dear Mr./Mrs. informell: ● 2. Einleitung TATTE und erwähnen, dass es ein Deutscher Text ist (1 found this german article about...) possible sentences: • I have recently read an article that fits in with the topic we are working on My talk/presentation/report will be based on an article I have recently read.... • The article is called..... and it was written by.... Dear Sir or Madam Dear Mark 3. Hauptteil • The article written by... and published in (Datum) by (Verlag) highlights the problem/that deals with the topic of... 66 *** "" ● keine wörtliche Übersetzung gleiche Reihenfolge • neutrale Sprache • keine eigene Meinung Zeitform wie im Text in the first/second/third paragraph the author talks about/highlights/criticises/tells the reader • the author points out/says/presents/showes... the author then carries on explaining/saying • first/ secondly/ thirdly. furthermore (außerdem). 4. Schluss • kein Fazit oder Meinung evtl. Zusammenfassung in einem Satz zum Thema • I am looking forward hearing from you soon • Yours faithfully (if recipient is unknown) • Yours sincerely (if recipient is known) written discussion 1. Einleitung an Thema/Problematik heranführen example: Nowadays it is often discussed if... • Some people are convinced that... but others... ● Hauptteil hier gilt das Sanduhr Prinzip! stark mittel schwach schwach mittel stark Argumente + Beispiel gegen meinen Standpunkt Argumente + Beispiel für meinen Standpunkt keywords: firstly, secondly, moreover, furthermore,...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

in addition 3. Schlussteil Standpunkt zusammenfassen (keine neuen Argumente nennen) example: • to sum it up • all in all you can say to put it in a nutshell. Enquiry From: (meine Email) To: (Empfänger Email) Subject: Interest in your Emailkopf Dear Sir or Madame →Empfänger unbekannt Dear Mrs., Mr. → Empfänger bekannt Dear Sir or Madam,} Anrede My name is Jeanne-Julie Walther and I am an intern at ... which is When we visited your website we were interested to see that you offer... We saw your advertisement in... / your stand, catalogue at the ... trade fair. I was most impressed by the products/services you showed me on your stand at the ... tradefair Problem/Situation schildern Our aim is it to... We are looking specifically for items We are looking for a supplier of... We are interested in your new rage of... Eine Anfrage machen. Please send us samples of.../ your latest catalogue and price list. Please give us a quotation for... Delivery would be required within ... days/weeks/months. Jeanne-Julie Walther Thank you in advance! We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Anfrage abschließen Yours faithfully/sincerely E-Mail From: (meine Email) To: (Empfänger Email) Dear Mrs. Black, I hope you're well. I am writing to ask for Or I was delighted to receive your mail. Many thanks for your email (about) Your sincerely Jeanne-Julie Walther Maybe formal letter . 04 October 2014 2 CONFIDENTIAL 3 Care Disability 4 62 Calder Street GLASGOW . G427NQ GREAT BRITAIN . Attn. Ann Haslam 5 . Dear Ms Haslam . Work placement 7 . I would like to apply for a work placement at your organization as advertised in the March edition of the magazine Caring for People. . . I am very interested in gaining experience with disabled people and their families as I feel sure this will give me the opportunity to develop both personally and professionally I am particularly keen to work in an English-speaking country where I can apply my knowledge of English on a daily basis. Leonie Kuhn Domkloster 6 50667 Cologne Germany . As you can see from the enclosed CV, I am currently studying at a German vocational college. My studies include Health Studies, Biology. Social Science, Home Economics and English. Tel. +49 17764813780 Fax +49 30 6976860 Email leo ni.kuhniigmail de Through the experience I gained working as an au pair, I know that I enjoy helping people and can fit in well with families. My language abilities will also make me an asset to your team. My English is excellent, I am a native German speaker and, because of family ties, I also have conversational Polish. . I look forward to hearing from you soon. . 1 Letterhead 2 Date 3 Special marking 4 Inside address 5 Attention line 6 Salutation 7 Subject line 8 Body of the letter 9 Complimentary close 10 Signature 11 Enclosure (Enc). Enclosures (Encs) Leave a free line for each dot (.) . I hope that you will consider my application and grant me an interview. Yours sincerely Leonie kuhn 10 Leonie Kuhn Enc: curriculum vitae 11