









Indian diaspora
Humans have been migrating since the beginning of time. It is our nature to want to
move and experience new things. Nowadays

Indian diaspora Humans have been migrating since the beginning of time. It is our nature to want to move and experience new things. Nowadays we look at push and pull factors for the reason somebody migrated. But should these people have to completely adapt to their new homes culture? The following quote describes one of the many points of use how one should act and cope with the new situation in a new country "Successful integration means adapting to your new surroundings as much as necessary while retaining your identity as much as possible.". Personally I find it important to adapt to your new surroundings, but not to forget where you came from. The country you migrated to might be new and unknown, nevertheless you can always find small pieces of home in your new place of residence and should not despair. an important part of my grading is learning new cultures and trying to adapt. Even though one misses home one should integrate all traditions and make new ones. Especially in unknown countries adopting can help making the country less unknown. This could for example be joining a local sports club or doing voluntary work to meet new people. Meeting locals will make being local easier. An important part of adapting to a new culture...

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is learning the language! One should put an effort to learn the language, since it will actually help one get around. This does not mean you won't be able to speak your language anymore. Especially in popular countries to migrate to for example the USA or United Arab emirates, there are huge communities where culture and language is kept alive. The special part about relocating and migrating is that you share your country and its traditions with the rest of the world! One should never lose their culture, because it's part of your identity and sharing your culture and your identity with your new community enriches the community. Therefore it's very important to keep your ancestral traditions alive. Keeping them alive in your own household and then maybe inviting your new friends to traditional celebrations or even sharing a traditional meal with them can change the community! If we reflect on the short story we just read we can see how important our main character realized it is to keep your traditions alive. At the beginning he tried to fit in and then when he had a family he noticed that he wanted to bring in his traditions and raise his kid with his traditions. Taking all of these points into consideration, I completely agree with the quote I mentioned earlier. Adopting is important to a certain degree and one should definitely put an effort to be able to get around in your new community and country, but keeping your traditions alive is an important part of your identity and one should not forget them! Sharing your traditions enriches lives!