


MindMap a. Vocab Shakespeare







around 1592, he
was very popular
in London
first became acquainted
with classical ancient
literature there
helped a lot in his ascent
around 1592, he
was very popular
in London
first became acquainted
with classical ancient
literature there
helped a lot in his ascent
around 1592, he
was very popular
in London
first became acquainted
with classical ancient
literature there
helped a lot in his ascent

around 1592, he was very popular in London first became acquainted with classical ancient literature there helped a lot in his ascent wrote 30 plays, 154 sonnets, several poems e.g. 'Macbeth', 'Hamlet', 'Romeo & Juliet' newspapers, pamphlets, etc. reached whole population e.g. the printing press made many new cosmological discoveries there aren't many details about his personal life possible married Anne Hathaway in May 1583 brought groundbreaking inventions e.g. the telescope baptised in parish church of April 26th in London existed a huge amount of theatres, venues and stages assumed that he attended the grammar school in London time of great learning & great art superstitions & old beliefs stayed roots in Italy, spread across Europe exact date isn't known born in April 1564, in Stratford Shakespeare Shakespeare was very influenced by his time, which is also reflected in many of his plays. At the same time, however, he also had an extreme impact on England's culture. The Renaissance partly a very dark age many think it's the April 23rd the plague killed thousands theatre, literature, music were booming The Elizabethan Age 14th century- 17th century bloody events thrilled the crowd extreme economic growth "golden age" reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Over England Nov. 1558- Mar. 1603 colonised many parts of the world e.g. bear baiting & public executions English navy was a leading sea power also marked by many conflicts 1588: English navy defeated the Spanish Armada Henry VII established the 'Protestant Church of England' adherents of other religions were pursued/killed P.Volk Vocab: Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Age English term the Renaissance a non-technical machine that can print a text many the printing press times on new paper in a short period of time the plague the superstition to prevail the reign the prosperity despotic "the monarch Henry VIII broke with Rome" the successor the adherent the scaffold bear baiting the privateer to baptize to become acquainted with sth. or someone pamphlet English explanation a period of cultural change, rooting in Italy in the late 14th...

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century, extended to the early 17th century die Renaissance in England a highly contagious, deadly infectious disease, also known as the "Black Death" an excessive belief in and fear of supernatural beings when something has been present for many years and has not changed, although there are many opposing powers the right and power to rule over someone or a country syno.: successfulness a character trait; someone who wants to decide everything and always gets his way a person who receives property and/or the rank from a deceased person someone who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas a raised wooden platform that was previously used for public execution by beheading criminals a popular event where hunting dogs were set on a bear 11.02.2021 someone with an armed ship that had the permission of the king to attack other ships, especially merchant ships German translation a religious rite in which some water is poured over the head of (usually) an infant to be accepted into the religious community die Druckpresse Henry VIII turned away from the Roman Catholic Church and founded the Protestant Church of England. die Pest der Aberglaube sich durchsetzen die Herrschaft der Wohlstand herrisch der Erbe der Anhänger der Schafott die Bärenhetze der Freibeuter die Taufe to deal intensively with sth. or someone for the first sich mit etw./jdm time vertraut machen a small booklet containing information or arguments eine Broschüre/ about a single subject ein Flugblatt P.Volk the playwright highbrow the Elizabethans the Elizabethan Age custom-built theatre a venue the amphitheatre admission fees to be prolific a person who writes (dramatic) plays a character trait; when someone has a high reputation in society because of his good education /intellectual work but can also be arrogant at times Englishmen under the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. period of Queen Elizabeth I from 1558 to 1603, is often called as the golden age of English history a large building specially built for plays a place where an organized event such as a concert/conference/play takes place a building for plays, usually round or a semicircle, with large steps as seats, without a roof a certain amount of money you have to pay get into a theatre, cinema, museum, etc. a character trait; when someone is very productive and thus successful 11.02.2021 der Dramatiker hochintellektuell, anspruchsvoll die Elisabethaner das Elisabethanische Zeitalter spezial angefertigtes Theaterhaus ein Veranstaltungsort das Amphitheater Eintrittsgebühren erfolgreich, produktiv