


mündliche Prüfung







English - oral exam
• Economic globalization:
Activities of global players
Priorities: efficiency, speed, flexibility and prof
English - oral exam
• Economic globalization:
Activities of global players
Priorities: efficiency, speed, flexibility and prof
English - oral exam
• Economic globalization:
Activities of global players
Priorities: efficiency, speed, flexibility and prof
English - oral exam
• Economic globalization:
Activities of global players
Priorities: efficiency, speed, flexibility and prof
English - oral exam
• Economic globalization:
Activities of global players
Priorities: efficiency, speed, flexibility and prof
English - oral exam
• Economic globalization:
Activities of global players
Priorities: efficiency, speed, flexibility and prof
English - oral exam
• Economic globalization:
Activities of global players
Priorities: efficiency, speed, flexibility and prof
English - oral exam
• Economic globalization:
Activities of global players
Priorities: efficiency, speed, flexibility and prof

English - oral exam Globalization • Economic globalization: Activities of global players Priorities: efficiency, speed, flexibility and profit Steady flow of money and goods (global markets a. trade) International production chains/sites (global production) Multinational companies produce wherever labor and overhead costs are the cheapest (global player) Global collaboration and competition • Cultural globalization: Spread of previously local or national cultural phenomena around the world, e.g. sports, fashion, food, religion, music Global spread of ideas and values Tourism and travelling Fast food chains operating worldwide • Technological globalization: Rapid advances in tech: microelectronics revolution Better communication (easy, fast efficient) Rapid distribution of information. Industrial countries Developing countries advantages/hope Easier transportation Cultural awareness/exchange Products become cheaper → More products ● Spread of technology ● Easier transport Economy will develop Better jobs for workers Cultural awareness Life expectation increases disadvantages ● ● ● Gap between rich and poor gets bigger Global warming People lose their jobs because f outsourcing pollution Exploring of workers working conditions, health care, safety Global warning Pollution Child labor Loss of culture: Americanization/westernization 1. How to analyse a cartoon? Step 1. Introduction: author, date and first publication source - briefly state the issue or farget group (worum gehts? + and it was published in Englisch mündliche Prüfung - •The cartoon was drawn by (source)... ... on... (date). It shows/deals with /refers to / comments on - The cartoon makes fun of /criticises - Step 2. Describtion: - Describe the cartoon in detail + contents of captions, speech bubbles .? + Zielgruppe) .for (doing sth.). describe systematically. use present progressive to describe what people are doing speech bubbles describe : captions people's body language. 11 facial expressions, the head and...

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their relationship with each other - The cartoon of/ is made up of (several)... / is divided into •There is a caption / speech bubble/ thought bubble The caption says / states that - black and white / colored picture. Position of elements - on the left side / right side one. can see... - in the foreground/ background / middle / centre there is... - in the top / bottom left/ right corner - contrasts The perspective is from above / below / eye level/ the side, in a close-up / medium shop / long shot field size Step 3. Analysis examine the elements (characters, objects, text) and explain the message they convey function of characters and typical techniques - The cartoon stands for / represents / is a caricature of... what does the cartoonist want to express? What problem is presented? - - Step 4. Evaluation, comments ·State wheather the picture is effective and which elements are responsible for its Success/ failure. -personal opinion or your thoughts on which topic the cartoon represents In my opinion, the cartoon is (not) succesful in presenting /criticising because The cartoon appeals ( does not appeal) to me.. The cartoon effectively shows pro ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Diffusion of new ideas, technology, products, services, lifestyles; gaining access Changes the way nations, buisnesses and people interact ● New potential markets and customers; global market area; global trade Increase of communication Increasing convenience of politics in economy, society and employment due on international standards ● Cultural awareness ● Economic prosperity and work for developing countries ● Major improvements in productivity, innovation, creativity Spread of democracy; freedom and human nights Global information network and exchange (global civil society); "global togetherness" Cooperation through partnerships ● Travelling becomes easier Through cooperation, the world can grow faster and way more efficient by exchanging information and other useful things →A better future? More sustainable developments? Global togetherness con ● Social goals are being ignored, stands second to financial interests Rising competition; increasing ● dependencies; uncontrolled money flow Personal data is less secure; flood of information ● Trade barriers still exist, e.g., subsid agriculture of rich countries keep developing countries away from the world market ● Control by multinationals; degradation of social standards; widening power imbalances Diseases can spread faster and further → More people get infected and the world's economy can be interrupted (like at covid) Bigger gap between rich & poor tough the general life standard gets better → Sweatshop, child work, displacement of bad things in life →→People don't want to know about it because t is for their self Freedom, human rights, environment, individual culture, financial security Unsustainable lifestyle bad for the environment → Fast economic growth in Disposal of tons of toxic waste →All to the third world countries and worse for the environment → Suffer at work/not work security clothes Can cause more immigration and may also lead to more illegal activities →Bad treat of migrants • Global competition prevents companies from work sustainable (less profit) Government cannot create laws against because they don't want to risk an extreme loss of workers Outsourcing • Outsourcing is the business practice of hiring a party outside a company to perform services and create goods that traditionally were performed in-house by the company's own employees and staff. It is a practice usually undertaken by companies as a cost-cutting measure. It can affect a wide range of jobs, ranging from customer support to manufacturing to the back office. pro ● ● Can increase company profits Can increase economic efficiency Can distribute jobs from developed countries to developing countries to developing countries - Global warming • Global warming: con • Greenhouse gases: People lose their jobs ● Exploration of workers working conditions, health care, safety Lach of transparency Labour or environmental standards may Global player • Companies produce wherever labor and overhead costs are the cheapest, e.g., Amazon, Nestle, Nike, Zara, Apple etc. They produce in poor countries like China and India (mainly Asia). ● Reasons Deforestation of forests Livestock farming ● slip Can backfire for the outsourcing Increasing of the average temperature in atmosphere Global warming causes climate change → important topic company Child labor Acts like a greenhouse Reflecting rays back and they are warming up the earth → carbon dioxide (Co2), methane (CH4) ● Consequences Ice melting, rising sea level, floods Neat waves → drought a forest fire 1.2. Analysing a cartoon JUSTI DO IT! NIKE MIKE The cartoon was drawn by an unknown artists and it was published on September 1997. It deals with global player companies and their working conditions. I'll be starting by describing the cartoon. At the bottom one can see a table with shoes on it. There are three girls sitting behind the table, all of them have black hair and a piece of tape over their mouths with a nike logo on it. The girls are workin on shoes and all of the look very tired. One of the girl is working on a mashine and is looking annoyed directly at the 'camera'. In the background you can see another girl working with a mashine. On the wall behind the workers is a big, bright yellow poster with big red letters on it that says "Just Do It!" and a picture of a basketball player. Let me move on by analyzing this cartoon. The cartoon represents the global player compony "Nike". The girls look young which shows the issue with child labour. Children have to work. under bad conditions for low very wages to be able to support their families. They probably stoped going to school to work. They most likely work Overtime as well. In my opinion this cartoon is successful in presenting one of the many problems of fast fashion and global player composies because it shows what exactly is going on behind the scenes and how the products we use on daily basis are being made. All in all it catches ones eye with the bright colours and it sends the message quite well. ● Burning of fossil fuels (coal gas, oils) How to reduce CO2 and protect the planet? Plant trees Use public transportation Reusable bottes, bags Eat less meat Pay attention to your Carbon footprint • Reasons: - Carbon footprint Refers to the total emissions caused by your lifestyle in a carbon dioxide equivalent Long distance flights Eating much meat Eating exotic, non-seasonal fruits and veggies Having the heater on with the window open • Reductions: Eat local, seasonal Eat less meat Use public transport Use reusable bottles, bags Wear your clothes as long as possible Pollution Gases Dust, smoke, soot → reasons for pollution Coal power plants Traffic cars, planes, ships Natural disasters get stronger ● Animals are losing their habitats Trash gets in the ocean Trash gets burned or buried ● Useful phrases Cartoon analysis ● ● ● Discussion ● ● I'll be starting by describing... Let me move o by analyzing... In my opinion... The cartoon at hand... by.... published in/on.... deals with the issue of.... The cartoon plays on the stereotypical view of... ● Introduction to the circumstances of the discussion: "Today we are meeting on the occasion of... I'd like to start addressing the issue of..." Ending: sum up your final personal position. "After having discussed...., I'm the opinion that..." Elaborate the issues - go into depth, use examples from class Ofer solutions that you think are doable/ convenient for you