









´has always been multicultural
people have moved to the UK for centuries and will continue to ->creatin

Multiculturalism advantages problems ´has always been multicultural people have moved to the UK for centuries and will continue to ->creating a population of different backgrounds. Exhnicities and religions -Since the Roman invasion of S5 BC, Vikings, Normans, Pleings, Africans, Eastern Europeans, Asian and American people have moved to Britain much of this is down to specific historical events, much is also down to different individual reasons · everyone who comes makes a contribution; the economy benefits from wider spending and future generations are brought up in a place where hopefully everyone will be valued equally ・gaps between the upper classes, the bourgeois fiddle desses and the poorer lower classes - Unjust ·almost a third of an London residents belong to non-while simic groups •The British have also accepled many features of Indian life, food and fashions -immigrants came in search of employment, to have a better life or as refugeer discrimination against people of colour, people of other religions and cultures had always been a problem. because of the refuge crisis it has risen racism & populison have risen too some parts of condan are hugely influenced by one culture (e.g.Chinatown) many different people speaking different languages and having their own traditions -culture exchange, getting global (more products and variety eg. music), variety of foreign cultures...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

can help to understand and accept other people's values and traditions support tolerance and respect, creating a open minded society, sense of belonging, leam how to solve conflicts, good impact of economic (international companies come to the UK sincresses the wealth of "Britain, "cheap" workers -"Brilishness" might be lost due to foreign cultures-> British will become a minority in their own culture Closs of original culture, identity and values), conflicts between cultures (-culture-clash) inequality between different cultures, different behaviour might lead conflicts, not being accepted, communication, racism, religious problems, no unity →ethnically groups isolate themselves and live seperatly -> no contact to other cultures leads to discrimination and prejudices, some immigrants are unwilling to adapt