


Nerve (Film): Interior Monologue







Interior Monologue (of Tommy after having decided to accompany Vee at the next dare)
Alright, I really don't understand why she want these s

Interior Monologue (of Tommy after having decided to accompany Vee at the next dare) Alright, I really don't understand why she want these shoes so badly. Now don't misunderstand me, I had the Xbox on my wishlist for ages and I can clearly remember begging my mom everyday for an eternity. But she has hundreds of shoes. So why does she need another pair? Who cares if these shoes are a limited edition? There will be another limited edition next week. I only spoil my myself with shoes when I realize that I can feel the stony ground on the streets. But I only buy them for like 20 bucks at target. Under no circumstances would I embarrass myself like that - singing ,,One hundred bottles of beer on the wall" and pouring water over the head in the middle of a coffeeshop. And as if it wasn't embarrassing enough, she was being watched by the whole internet. The whole internet! I am pretty sure tons of guys have texted her already! I have known Vee for years and I always supported and protected her since day one. That is what a friend should do, right? I couldn't imagine being in her position and not having any support by my friends. But...

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I am aware that I wasn't a good friend in that moment and that a good friend wouldn't record a video while she's embarrassing herself. Instead, I should have had taken her by the hand and dragged her out of that coffeeshop. I should have stopped her addiction with this stupid dare game. Where was my protectiveness?! We have heard so many speeches by our teachers, parents and other family members on how dangerous the internet can really be. I have never listened to them properly because I thought that this would never happen to me or to anyone close to me. God was I wrong. I don't know how she got involved with this game but what I do know is that I will no longer tolerate her decision to play this game ever again. I will team up with Sydney tomorrow and delete her account for which she uses the same password she created for every other account. If she ever finds out that I was the one deleting it, there is a high chance that she will stop talking to me for a few days but I am willing to take that risk and stop her from making her next huge mistake. I know that she will be thankful afterwards. I owe her to be that friend who shows her the right way.