


Never Let Me Go Summary and Analysis - Kazuo Ishiguro







<h2 id="keyfactsaboutthenovel">Key Facts About the Novel</h2>
<p>Kazuo Ishiguro, originally from Japan, moved to England as a child. The no

<h2 id="keyfactsaboutthenovel">Key Facts About the Novel</h2>
<p>Kazuo Ishiguro, originally from Japan, moved to England as a child. The no

<h2 id="keyfactsaboutthenovel">Key Facts About the Novel</h2>
<p>Kazuo Ishiguro, originally from Japan, moved to England as a child. The no

<h2 id="keyfactsaboutthenovel">Key Facts About the Novel</h2>
<p>Kazuo Ishiguro, originally from Japan, moved to England as a child. The no

<h2 id="keyfactsaboutthenovel">Key Facts About the Novel</h2>
<p>Kazuo Ishiguro, originally from Japan, moved to England as a child. The no

<h2 id="keyfactsaboutthenovel">Key Facts About the Novel</h2>
<p>Kazuo Ishiguro, originally from Japan, moved to England as a child. The no

<h2 id="keyfactsaboutthenovel">Key Facts About the Novel</h2>
<p>Kazuo Ishiguro, originally from Japan, moved to England as a child. The no

<h2 id="keyfactsaboutthenovel">Key Facts About the Novel</h2>
<p>Kazuo Ishiguro, originally from Japan, moved to England as a child. The no

Key Facts About the Novel

Kazuo Ishiguro, originally from Japan, moved to England as a child. The novel was published in 2005 and was named the best novel of that year by TIME magazine. There have been adaptations of the novel, including a British film adaptation in 2010 and a Japanese television drama adaptation in 2016. The genre of the novel is dystopian science fiction, set in England in the late 1990s. The narrative perspective is a first-person narration that follows the memories of the main character, Kathy H., and is not strictly chronological. The novel is structured into 23 chapters in three parts, focusing on the story of three friends, Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy, who are raised and educated in a boarding school named Hailsham. It is revealed that the students at Hailsham are clones destined to donate their organs in order to prolong the lives of ordinary humans. The title of the novel is explained as the name of Kathy's favorite song on a cassette tape.

Short Summary of the Plot

Part One (1-9): Hailsham

The story encompasses the characters' childhood until the age of 16. At Hailsham, there are hints that creativity is not important, and the students realize their predetermined futures. Ruth and Tommy become a couple, and Miss Lucy leaves Hailsham, feeling pity for the students.

Part Two (10-17): The Cottages

The characters experience two years of independence, and tension grows between Kathy and Ruth. The theory of "possibles" and the concept of deferrals come into play, adding complexity to their relationships.

Part Three (18-23): Dover, Norfolk

The characters reach the phase of donations and carers, and a trip to a stranded boat with Tommy marks a crucial development in their relationships.



  • Miss Emily: Advocates for a better treatment of clones and passionately believes that they should be treated more humanely. She is saddened that Hailsham had to be closed and didn't tell students the whole truth about the donation program to allow them a carefree childhood.
  • Madame (Marie-Claude): Advocates for a better treatment of clones.


  • Kathy H.: The first-person narrator of the novel who is an efficient carer but lacks self-confidence.
  • Ruth: Sympathetic and intelligent, Ruth is determined and becomes involved in a complex emotional triangle with Tommy and Kathy.

… (more characters and descriptions)


In essence, "Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro offers a thought-provoking exploration of identity and morality within the dystopian context of a world where clones are raised for the sole purpose of organ donation. The novel delves intricately into the psychological and emotional complexities of the characters, making it a compelling and impactful read. As one of the best modern dystopian novels, the novel challenges readers to reflect on the ethical implications of such a world, making it a worthy addition to the genre.

Zusammenfassung - Englisch

  • "Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro is a dystopian novel set in England in the late 1990s
  • The story follows the lives of three friends, Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy, who are clones raised to donate organs
  • The novel is structured into three parts, covering the characters' childhood at Hailsham, their independence at the Cottages, and their phase of donations and carers
  • Important non-clone characters include Miss Emily and Madame, who advocate for better treatment of clones
  • The novel explores themes of identity and morality, making it a compelling and impactful read in the dystopian fiction genre.
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Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Englisch

Q: What is the genre of 'Never Let Me Go' by Kazuo Ishiguro?

A: The genre of the novel is dystopian science fiction, set in England in the late 1990s.

Q: Who are the main characters in 'Never Let Me Go'?

A: The main characters include Kathy H., Ruth, Tommy, Miss Emily, and Madame, among others.

Q: What are the three parts into which the novel is structured?

A: The novel is structured into three parts: Hailsham, The Cottages, and Dover, Norfolk.

Q: What is the significance of the title 'Never Let Me Go' in the novel?

A: The title of the novel is explained as the name of Kathy's favorite song on a cassette tape, which holds sentimental value for her.

Q: What is the key theme explored in 'Never Let Me Go' by Kazuo Ishiguro?

A: The novel offers a thought-provoking exploration of identity and morality within the dystopian context of a world where clones are raised for organ donation.

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