



Never Let Me Go Summary - Kazuo Ishiguro Analysis for Kids
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Never Let Me Go Summary - Kazuo Ishiguro Analysis for Kids






Never Let Me Go summary: The novel follows Kathy H., a clone raised to be an organ donor, as she reflects on her life at Hailsham boarding school and beyond.

• The story explores themes of friendship, identity, and the ethics of human cloning through Kathy's relationships with her friends Ruth and Tommy.

• Set in a dystopian England, the narrative unfolds in three parts: Hailsham, the Cottages, and recovery centers.

• Key characters include Kathy, Ruth, Tommy, and the guardians who oversee their upbringing and education.

• The novel grapples with the characters' gradual realization of their predetermined fate as organ donors.



Life at the Cottages

At the Cottages, the relationships between Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy continue to evolve. Kathy and Ruth have both quarrels and confidential conversations, showcasing the complexity of their friendship. Kathy confides in Ruth about her sexual urges, which Ruth suggests might be unusual.

The concept of "possibles" is introduced – the idea that there are normal people from whom the clones were copied. This leads to a trip to Norfolk where the group searches for Ruth's possible, adding another layer to their quest for identity and origin.

Vocabulary: "Possibles" - The term used by the clones to refer to the normal humans they believe they were copied from.

Semester 1
Key facts
Never let me go
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published 2005
• genre: dystopian science fiction novel
setting: England

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Hopes and Rumors

A rumor circulates that loving couples can apply for a deferral, potentially postponing their donations for a few years. This rumor sparks hope among the clones, particularly for couples like Ruth and Tommy.

The novel continues to explore the themes of identity, purpose, and the ethical implications of cloning through the experiences of Kathy and her friends as they navigate their predetermined lives.

Highlight: The rumor of deferrals represents the clones' desperate hope for more time and a chance at a normal life, despite their predetermined fate.

Semester 1
Key facts
Never let me go
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published 2005
• genre: dystopian science fiction novel
setting: England

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Page 1: Key Facts and Character Relationships

This page provides an overview of Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. Published in 2005, it is a dystopian science fiction novel set in England during the late 1990s. The narrative is told from a first-person perspective and is structured into 23 chapters across three parts, covering the protagonists' time at Hailsham boarding school, the Cottages, and recovery centers.

The character constellation diagram illustrates the relationships between the main characters. At the center are the three clone protagonists: Kathy, Tommy, and Ruth. Their complex friendships and romantic entanglements form the core of the story. Surrounding them are the guardians from Hailsham, including Miss Emily, Madame, Miss Lucy, and Miss Geraldine, who play crucial roles in the clones' upbringing.

Highlight: The novel's structure reflects the three main stages of the clones' lives: childhood at Hailsham, young adulthood at the Cottages, and their final years as organ donors.

Semester 1
Key facts
Never let me go
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published 2005
• genre: dystopian science fiction novel
setting: England

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Page 2: Plot Summary - Part One (Chapters 1-3)

Chapter 1 introduces the narrator, Kathy H., a 31-year-old "carer" who has been in this role for over 11 years. As she travels around the country, Kathy reminisces about her childhood at Hailsham, focusing on her friendships with Ruth and Tommy. Tommy is often bullied and prone to fits of rage.

Chapter 2 highlights the importance placed on arts and creativity at Hailsham. Tommy struggles with art and is mocked by his peers, leading him to give up on creative pursuits. Miss Lucy tells Tommy that it's okay not to be creative, which temporarily alleviates his tantrums.

In Chapter 3, Tommy and Kathy try to understand Miss Lucy's hints about the unimportance of creativity and the lack of information about donations. The chapter also introduces Madame, a mysterious woman who selects the best artwork for her "Gallery."

Vocabulary: "Carer" - In the context of the novel, a carer is a clone who looks after other clones as they go through the organ donation process.

Semester 1
Key facts
Never let me go
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published 2005
• genre: dystopian science fiction novel
setting: England

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Page 4: Plot Summary - Part One (Chapters 8-9) and Part Two (Chapter 10)

Chapters 8 and 9 focus on the developing relationships and sexual awakening of the students. Ruth and Tommy start dating, while Kathy considers having sex with a boy named Harry C. as practice. The chapters also reveal Miss Lucy's growing frustration with her role and her eventual departure from Hailsham.

Chapter 10 marks the beginning of Part Two, where Kathy, Tommy, and Ruth move to the Cottages, an old farmhouse offering more independence. They interact with "veterans" from other institutions and face new challenges in their relationships.

Highlight: The transition to the Cottages represents a significant shift in the clones' lives, exposing them to a wider world and testing their relationships.

Semester 1
Key facts
Never let me go
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published 2005
• genre: dystopian science fiction novel
setting: England

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Page 5: Plot Summary - Part Two (Chapters 11-13)

Chapter 11 explores the evolving relationship between Kathy and Ruth at the Cottages, marked by both quarrels and confidences. Kathy confides in Ruth about her sexual urges, which Ruth suggests might be unusual.

Chapter 12 introduces the concept of "possibles" - the normal people from whom the clones were copied. The chapter culminates in a trip to Norfolk, where the group searches for Ruth's possible.

Chapter 13 mentions a rumor about loving couples being able to apply for a deferral of their donations, setting the stage for future plot developments.

Definition: "Possibles" - In the novel, these are the original humans from whom the clones were genetically copied, representing a potential link to their origins and identities.

Semester 1
Key facts
Never let me go
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published 2005
• genre: dystopian science fiction novel
setting: England

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Page 3: Plot Summary - Part One (Chapters 4-7)

Chapter 4 explores the students' curiosity about Madame's Gallery and the beginning of Kathy and Ruth's friendship. Ruth invites Kathy to join her "secret guards" for Miss Geraldine, their favorite guardian.

Chapter 5 delves into the complexities of Ruth and Kathy's relationship. Ruth kicks Kathy out of the secret guards, and years later, Kathy confronts Ruth about lying about a pencil case supposedly given by Miss Geraldine.

Chapter 6 introduces Kathy's favorite song, "Never Let Me Go," and a poignant scene where Madame catches Kathy dancing with a pillow, pretending it's a baby. The chapter also mentions Norfolk as the "lost corner of England," symbolizing hope for recovering lost things.

Chapter 7 features Miss Lucy's outburst about the students' future as donors, which the students struggle to comprehend fully. Miss Emily's lessons often combine topics of donation and sex, possibly to distract from the harsh reality of their future.

Quote: "Norfolk's England's lost corner, where all the lost property found in the country ends up."

Semester 1
Key facts
Never let me go
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published 2005
• genre: dystopian science fiction novel
setting: England

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Semester 1
Key facts
Never let me go
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published 2005
• genre: dystopian science fiction novel
setting: England

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Semester 1
Key facts
Never let me go
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published 2005
• genre: dystopian science fiction novel
setting: England

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Semester 1
Key facts
Never let me go
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published 2005
• genre: dystopian science fiction novel
setting: England

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Semester 1
Key facts
Never let me go
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published 2005
• genre: dystopian science fiction novel
setting: England

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