


Never let me go







 Key facts
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published: book 2005 / movie 2010
genre: dystopian science fiction
time setting: late 1990's
 Key facts
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published: book 2005 / movie 2010
genre: dystopian science fiction
time setting: late 1990's
 Key facts
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published: book 2005 / movie 2010
genre: dystopian science fiction
time setting: late 1990's
 Key facts
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published: book 2005 / movie 2010
genre: dystopian science fiction
time setting: late 1990's
 Key facts
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published: book 2005 / movie 2010
genre: dystopian science fiction
time setting: late 1990's
 Key facts
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published: book 2005 / movie 2010
genre: dystopian science fiction
time setting: late 1990's
 Key facts
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published: book 2005 / movie 2010
genre: dystopian science fiction
time setting: late 1990's
 Key facts
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
published: book 2005 / movie 2010
genre: dystopian science fiction
time setting: late 1990's

Key facts 5 QUESTION author: Kazuo Ishiguro published: book 2005 / movie 2010 genre: dystopian science fiction time setting: late 1990's narratives perspective: - first person narrator - main character's story in retrospect - not chronological ANSWER short content & meaning of the title QUESTION story of three friends Kathy, Tommy, Ruth - raised and educated in a boarding school (Hailsham) students are clones, destined to donate their organs to prolong the lives of ordinary humans - every "donor" receives care from a "carer" until they complete (die) - carers are other clones who has not startet his donation process - the title is the name of Kathy's favorite song on a cassette tape ANSWER Visions of the future QUESTION Background Information -> people are curious about the future - literary visions of the future: - utopia = positiv - dystopia = negative - dystopias came up after WW2, now outnumbered utopias ANSWER Depiction in NLMG - alternate history instead of vision of the future (late 1990's) - authors intention to point out that the phenomena of cloning are already present Dystopian literature QUESTION Definition - highly negative representation of the future - often criticizing existing social or technological development by exaggeration Depiction in NLMG - somber picture of a inhumane society - dystopian elements: - two-class society - clones live in sort of a parallel world - clones futures are predetermined - no resistance against the system - language as ideological tool - "to complete", "donor"-> voluntarism - knowledge vs. ignorance ANSWER- lack of information...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

leads to rumors, speculations QUESTION Background information "How far can scientists go? Are we allowed to play God?" - genome editing - specific changes on DNA - correcting defektere cells - changes to sperm or egg cells - therapeutic cloning Ethics of science - stem cells from a cloned embryo to create tissues or cells - cure diseases or extend life is possible - but embryos destroyed to gain stem cells - reproductive cloning - genetic copy of a whole individual A in - prohibited for humans Depiction in NLMG - reproductive cloning to provide organs - no expansion on technical or scientific aspects - but warnings of its moral implications - clones regarded less than human - clones are instrumentalised (degraded as organ suppliers) - no right to self-determination QUESTION Kathy H. - efficient carer, age 31 - reserved, introvert - emotional triangle with T/R since youth - becomes Ruth carer, later Tommy's carer and lover - Ruth appears manipulative and commanding - has a relationship with Tommy - best friends with Kathy Characters ->troubled relationship - keeps T/K apart - asks for forgiveness bevor death Tommy. - social outsider coz of tantrums and lack of creativity - first with R, later with K - later paints to get deferral Who's Who in Never Let Me Go Ruch Clones Kathy wange Tammy Chrissie Rodney DODC K Miss Emily. - Hailsham's head guardian "Ordinary" humans Madame Maisha Miss Lucy - popular and idealistic - wants the students to be more aware of what lies ahead, hints their future usage - has to leave Hailsham Miss Emily Pedi Miss Lucy Miss Geraldine Madame advocated for a better treatment of clones - by collecting their artwork at Hailsham - seems afraid, but also feels sorry for them Koffers - wants to prove the clones have souls and - does not tell them the hole truth -> for a happy childhood (memories) - is respected and feared by the students Curtag QUESTION Places and Events in Never Let Me Go Places Hailsham Decisive Events Part One (1-9) childhood until 13: golden age 14 to 16: darker years students leave at 16 Miss Lucy's hints (0.3 Madame's visits (3) Places & events Kathy's dance Madame's reaction () ANSWER Part Two (10-17) for two years veterans from other institutions The Cottages theory of possibles (12) trip to Norfolk jcx. 13-15) Tommy's gallery theory (15) Part Three (18-23) donors carers Dover, Norfolk + trip to stranded boat (19 Kathy and Tommy - a couple (20 Kathy and Tommy at Madame's 213