


(Un)Arranged Marriage: Manny's Letter







Dear Lisa,
Reading your letter hurts. But I can't help trying to understand you. My family is holding me captive like
a prisoner. And they w

Dear Lisa, Reading your letter hurts. But I can't help trying to understand you. My family is holding me captive like a prisoner. And they want me to go with them to India in the Summer. But that's not the point in this letter. The situation is just so fucked up. I love you. I regret that I never told you this before. With you being on the other side of the globe, I don't know what to do. I know that it's the right thing to do for you. I don't know if we'll see each other again, too, so it would be a shame if you wait here for someone who may never come. Live your life, but please, don't forget me. You are the only thing that gives me hope for a life outside of traditions and pain. If wouldn't have met you, I don't know where I would be today. I also don't know where I will be tomorrow. Maybe in India. But I know that in two years or so, I wanna live with you! I want to be outside of this house, somewhere else, I don't even care where exactly. That's why the letter hurts so much. Without you, I can't do this. My mind...

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tells me, that your decision is right and best for you. But my feelings are screaming out of the pain. This isn't a goodbye letter. Please, don't drop me now. We have come so far. I just must fix this broken shit. This won't be easy. But knowing that you are holding my back and are there for me is the only source of power I have now. Don't cut this off. I beg you, please. I need you. Love, Manny