









5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a
5 I am not a bad boy.
I am not a bad boy.
I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I a

5 I am not a bad boy. I am not a bad boy. 15 25 10 I am singing song to myself because I am hearing too many voice in my head telling me I am bad boy. They are coming from all around me and buzzing in my ear like mosquito and each time I am hearing them, they are chooking my heart and making my stomach to turn.So I am singing, 40 west african cuntry. Omission →work Auslassung LK Englisch 12 MÖLL Nigeria Klausurteil A: An excerpt from a novel: Beasts of No nation by Uzodinma Iweala 2005 145 unknown 20 This is my song that I am singing all the time whereever we are going to be reminding myself that I am only doing what soldier is supposed to be doing. But is never working because I am always feeling like bad boy. So I am thinking, how can I be a bad boy? Me, bad boy- somebody who is having life like I am having and fearing God the whole time.( 50 reputition I am soldier and soldier is not bad if he is killing. I am telling this to myself because soldier is supposed to be killing, killing, killing. reputation So if I am killing, then I am only doing what is right. Soldier, Soldier Kill Kill Kill. That is how you live. That...

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is how you die. 30 The bleeding is making people to be screaming and shouting all the time, shouting to father and to mother, shouting to God or to Devil, shouting one language that nobody is really knowing at all. Sometimes I am covering my hear so I am not hearing bullet and shouting, and sometimes I am shouting and screaming also so I am not hearing anything but my own voice. Sometimes I am wanting to cry very loud, but nobody is crying in this place. If I am crying, the will 35 be looking at me because soldier is not supposed to be crying. It is night. It is day. It is too hot. It is too cold. It is raining. It is too much sunshine. It is too dry. It is too wet. But all the time we are fighting. No matter what, we are always fighting. All the time bullet is just eating everything, leaf, tree, ground, person- eating them -just making person to bleed everywhere and there is so much blood flooding all over the bush. All the time, we are sick and going to toilet, shitting water. We are hungry too and living off anything we can find. Lizard, we are eating them. Insect, we are eating them or even better, if we are finding them, we are eating rat and every other kind of bush animal. omission Sometimes we are eating this leaf ot that leaf, but leaf is what is always making my belly to turn so I am not eating it so much. Meat is also making me my stomach to tum because we are not able to use too much fire to cook it because if we are using too much fire, then the enemy will be seing us and shooting us dead from where they are hiding. I am always hungry, so hungry that I am always dreaming of chicken and how I will be eating it, how I will be crunchings its beak and eating even the feather. I am so hungry I can be eating woodif it is making me to hungry less, but it is only hurting my belly and making me to vomit and shit. (566 words) →geht mehr über seine Gedanken Autor verdeutlich, dass hind schade hat Autor lässt Loser mitleiden A Age azalt darüber was ihm beigebracht worth ist / Gehirnwäschs LK Englisch 12 MÖLL Klausurteil B: Hör-Seh-Verstehen assignments: 1. Klausur Nigeria Escaped child soldier describes life, CNN a) Decide if the statements are correct or false and mark your answer with a cross was 1. The report is about a boy who is now 9 years old. 2. The militia kidnapped his brother. 3. The boy tried to escape several times and was always caught one time he did it 4. He dreams of a good education. 5. The centre director reports that child soldiers act like machines./robots/ 6. The boy lives now in a transition centre. 2. Find the correct expressions from the video. 1. The child soldiers had to cook, lock for food 2. The adults taught him how to a gun 3. The boy could escape to a terms down humanity 4. The child soldiers lose their correct 5. In the battles they act like a robot 6. In order to bear the fights they were given commandt X V Michelle Vauinsli or b) Correct the wrong statements. 1. The report is about a boy who was I years old when he become a child 2. The militia kidnapped him. jolder. 3 The boy tried to escape X times and was mostly cought but last time he 14. He doesn't says it directly, but the istoryteller! does. (5.) The contre Jdiector reports that child soldiers act like machines robots. 6 and fight ' false 7. They fought on 8. In the transition center they play and dance and try to capture their_ 9. The boy would like to regain the live of a child. live well, better live XL XL ✓ x innocents ما LK Englisch 12 MÖLL Klausur Nigeria Klausurteil A: An excerpt from a novel: Beasts of No nation by Uzodinma Iweala. 2005 annotations: 1. 11 to chook-ugs. (ab)stechen 1. 36 lizard- Eidechse 1. 45 beak-Schnabel assignments: 1. Comprehension Sum up the facts about the daily life of a child soldier. 2. Analysis Syntax, reputition, comission V Analyse how the author presents Agu's situation and hislemotions and thoughts taking into account the setting aware perspective language and grammar 3. Comment or Re-Creation of text a) Comment on child soldiers in African countries refering to current conflicts and human rights especially for children. Or b) imagine you are Agu. Write a letter to your mother explaining your situation and telling her your réal emotions Agu attended School, religious boy 70+0) comparison 5. Jun mental herrigiesen. physical 1. P. 2. неибрареги 3. humorus, informative, →nale gehond, traung, erregt zum nachonun 4. Syntax is Colloquial english not English muttesprachler bad → author macht extra LK E 12 MÖLL Klausur Nigeria name: dell Ramshin Klausurteil A: Schreiben und Leseverstehen integriert Novel excerpt: Beasts of No Nation, U.Iweala 1. Comprehension Der Prüfling hat -in einem Einleitungssatz Angaben zu Titel, Quelle und Thema gemacht 1/2 Punkte -die Fakten des täglichen Lebens eines Kindersoldaten aufgezählt: -daily violence(blood, people screaming...) -killing, is a job horrible living conditions/lack of hygiene mental gesamt 14 Punkte horrible situation for the boy who is forced to become a child soldier, he feels terrified and desperate, cannot escape brutality, feels sorry for his actions, tries to justify his actions, later he is brainwashed, the ready is shocked and feels pity due to the: med all -sickness illnes -forgetting emotions/emotional blunting/brainwashing -hunger 4/12 Punkte 2. analysis Der Prüfling hat dargestellt, wie der Autor Agu's act like robots. Situation darstellt setting: somewhere in an unknown African country in a camp/ several days and nights in a camp narrative perspective: First person narrator -grammar: use of present progressive, wrong grammar Plural...) language: colloquial-English/childlike, negatively connotated words/ world field war (killing, kill, bad boy, bleed, shouting, 13/18 Punkte crying, shitting, shooting) Dumon reptila /consi 3. Comment mettre Der Prüfling hat die Situation von Kindersoldaten in afrikanischen Ländern, speziell in Nigeria kommentiert und dabei auf die Missachtung von Menschenrechten, insbesondere denen von Kindern hingewiesen und dabei die Traumatisierung von Kinderseelen und auch die Problematik von Boko Haram hingewiesen. Re-Creation of text or Der prüfling hat aus der Sicht des Jungen Agu einen situationsgerechten Brief an dessen Mutter verfasst und die Gefühls- und Gedankenwelt des Jungen, der als Kindersoldat gezwungen wird zu töten, herausgearbeitet.16 Punkte Gesamtpunktzahl: Klausurteil B: Hörverstehen TV report: Escaped child soldier describes life, CNN 1.a) true or false 1. false 2. false 3. correct 4. correct 5. false 6. correct /9Punkte 1.b) Correct the wrong statements 1. The report is about a girl who became a soldier when he was 9 years old. 108. 2. The militia only kidnapped him, not his brother. 5. The centre director reports that child soldiers 6/6 Punkte 2. Expressions from the text 1. look for food/fight 2. use a gun 3. military camp 4. humanity 5. a robot 6. drugs/alcohol 7. different sides 8. innocence 9. live with his parents/ go to school 9/15 Punkte / 48 Punkte Gesamtpunktzahl Inhalt B 21/30 Punkte 107/1508 schnel Sole 5.4.2021 Gut J. Jashn Sprachliche Leistung/Darstellungsleistung (ab Abitur 201¹ Klausurteil A Die Bewertung erfolgt orientiert an den in den Lehrplänen ausgewiers des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens (GeR). Kommunikative Textgestaltung 1 Anforderungen Der Prüfling richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung auf die Intention und den Adressaten aus. 2 beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate. erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text. 3 4 gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wieder- holungen und Umständlichkeiten. 5 belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. Ausdrucksvermögen/Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mitte! Anforderungen Der Prüfling 6 löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig. verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz. 7 8 verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktions- und Interpretationswortschatz. 9 verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau. Sprachrichtigkeit Anforderungen Der Prüfling beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingen- den Kommunikation. 10 Wortschatz 11 Grammatik 12 Orthografie (Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) Gesamt 80 % 6 35 145 5 3,³ 18//24 80% 14 5 6 5 8 A24 80 % 10 10 24 24 272 English exam 1. Comprehension I am to Sum up going facts about the daily life of a child Soldier. leistuppatz feest of Most Child Soldier don't want to fight in a war. A lot of Imp. to. ғ children get kidnapped or a faced to fight even if they don't want Another point is that especially in Africa a lot of child Soldiers can't speak good english. because mostly thas alten def school, couldn't affert it, that's the reason why most of the Child Soldier Spean colloquial english. The most terrible fact about the daily life, of a child Soldier isn't the fact that they have to will a lot of people without wanting, it is the mental illness they #21 A lot of child soldier can't take the pressure of negative feelings about bes. линейте Hawisli ist eller نو comment ( the things they have done. While beingrardbild Bolehk. They have to suffer in such a young age with dying people, wurdring, torture, blood and more. As a child. soldier you have to be able to hide your feelings and fight. You also have to be able to Somehow lower down your feelings so you don't get any suicidal thoughts. You have to raise se a strong performance. hormal children in this age would never be able to do. In Solotest die foeten alkalden die Jagu levent Sternchen zu Aufgabe 1: 1*1 being 12 have to suffer with #3 Such Michelle Kareshi a lot of head which normal. Due to the he is. voices in his. isnt hearing & excerpt he sings a song to himself' because to many voices tell him that he would be a bad boy! comparison to line 10-11. Agu is fighting really strong against his bad thoughts even if he wills so much people; fr. many ! because he doesn't want it. wanted pensive. the deply wanted to remind about the bad habbits and thoughts, child soldiers can get a war. I weala used a bad Syntar and wrote grammatical wrong sentences as well to make the view of Aqu more clear. first of all the author the author probably to make the reader points L W for preset that is a non enguish native speaker by & writing in colloquial English e.g. l. 10-12. To enclouse that he uses repetition, omissions and even comparisons. A good example is: Michelle Kennsli wrong tense U 'I am not a bad boy. I am not a bad boy! 1.5-6. With this re petition the R author intensifys the thought of Agu, who wants to make himself belive that he is a nothing good boy and did wrong. More examples for a repetition would be ( Soldier, soldier' (. 15 (will, will, Wille) (. 16 or these Gr. (Willing, killing, killing' 1.8. Iweala makes with this to repetitions. dear that Agu has a lot of bad thoughts and somehow is starting to get crazy because of all the negative voices inside his head. In line 25-26 Agu makes a comparison. The author wants 10 point out, that it does not matter how the Conditions are, Agu always has to fight." It is night. It is day. It is too hot. it is too cold. It is raining. It is too much Sunshine. It is too dry. It is 17 WELD (₁ we are we too wel But all the time. fighting. No matter what, are always fighting. 1-25-26. to point out how bad land Agu is feeling ku the author also used a sepitition in a sentence. where talks about his reaction when he Shoots someone :( Sometimes I am covering my hear so I am not hearing bullet and shouting, and sometimes I am shouting and Screaming also so I am not hearing anything but my own voice. C. 32-33 the author makes clear that Agu has a horrible cap, is by en And mentally unstable and well he Points out as how terrible war is, espacially when you ale a Child Soldier. All in all the author I walla did a pretty good job on wrote the story in my Opinion. He writes in colloquicel how he لام ludelle kannst 7 I english to show that Agu had to learn this language and that he does kot understand everything so. well. To wake Agus Sometimes good Sometimes bad or even sich thoughts ded, te weala used e * And last but R not least to the author used comparisons to Show it did not matter that how bad the conditions are, Agu and generebly all soldiers have to fight in a war. As I already said, in my opinion the author. did a great & job. te Showed the bad conditions. of Agu and makes the reader pensive. As a reader I can say that it was very thrilling to read a part of Story Agu child soldier and I the of as a am definetly interestend to know more about Agu and his a child soldier time as even the story is all in all horrible to read, and WH makes you sympathetically O #9 Sternchen zu Aufgabe 2: 1*1 → This excerpt is all about the terrible thoughts. Agu gets while being child Soldier and had he tries to fight against his negative thoughts. *2/→ mentally *3 + definitely X4 → during ㅋ → repetition *5 жы зади *71 → life * not न *9 repetitions 3. Re-creation of text. Dear mother, /manches habe ich grammiativalisch oder Satzbavina Big extra fausch geschrieben, da Agu ga nicht so so gut I am really sorry sorry. I can't Zenglisch känn! 2 take anymore pressure I not voices Z feel good. Many many in my head tell me I am bad bad But before I tell guy. you how horrible, horrible I feel I wanted to that say my English is how very good. R You and God can be proud of me. Michelle Maioli 2 Z @ (ⒸⒸ even if I 28 Be R attended school my English is getting great! But mother I have to tell you, everything is terrible. I shoot, shoot so many people and I can't do it anymore. Everytime I shoot I Scream or covering my hear So I am not Z Z people scream. Moining bullet or you think you and God can forgive z me? I say say that I am good boy because in was you Have to kill people May I be excused and still go in heaven? Mother you know best how answer is.... also want. ғ Pri to write in a short sentence that am Sorry sorry to People I willed, maybe it helps you and God to forgive the REST IN PEACE Z to all souls out there who z Life I ended, ended. Mother I feel so guilty about the things I have done. I completly understand. Zz if you don't want to hear anything from me anymore. If You wan't I end my life so you don't have to feel sorry to Z God too about things I dick. Mommy from love of God, I LOVE YOU. Please please never forget that! Z Mother I am sorry; you know why situation and feelings now, please forgive me. hope i get letter back from. you" it is very important to ine. Mother, please have mercy with me. with love, your son. Agu. Super, mh habe Gansehaut of Michelle hen ist. w you