


Nigeria (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Half of a Yellow Sun)







Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Englisch LK
Assignment 1.
novel excerpt
The short story "Half of a
Yellow Sun" written by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

A R R и E Englisch LK 05.10.20 Assignment 1. novel excerpt The short story "Half of a Yellow Sun" written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie published in 2006 is about boy, who is about to work. english for an man with houseboy. his aunt as a In the beginning it is mentioned that the english who is man, named Master is скачу because he reads many books, talks to himself, is not. greet -anyone and has too much hair. His aunt that he is still a says won man and lets. his workers eat meat every good good workers. day if they одша But does not believe that. On his way to the Master's house, Ugwer is + looks at the smooth streets. impressed He is surprised by the looks. of the bungalows and the hedges. in front of them. neat trety and because they painted. Furthermore, he feels the ground getting hotter and swells a sweet scent. are has to One rule that Uguv follow is that he has to learn everything fast. In the Master's house Ogwo needs to clean and answers. everything the Master says. with "Yes, sah". Arriving at the house, Uguu touches the coment wall, with which reminds him of the mud wall of his mother's hut. This leads. him to feel a little home- sick for a moment. Moreover, he is surprised. the house the by space holds, although there is furniture already In the end, he meets the Master who has a dark expression and calls him the houseboy The Master speaks in a but with an Igbo english R R accent. Assignment 2 The following analysis focuses on the different. social status of Uguo and his master by analyzing analysing the author's use of language and the protagonist's behaviours. To begin with the author writes the story...

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from the perspective of Ugwu. The author's choice of words for the describing Master are exaggerated but positive (cf. 1.95 "polite well-dressd"; 1.31" neck- lace" ; 1.41 "crammed "). The author uses these words to highlight the life style different of the Master. In the first line the words. "crazy" is used and continued. "too books" and many "falked to himself". by From Uguu's and his ante aunt's perspel perspective the Masher seems. because скачу are not used to reading books and see it as a waste of time. are not or They are not in need of education. to are working 44 also highlight because they anyway. how to cultured the is. The aunt thinks that the Master talks to himself. using shows that but in reality he is probably his phone. This Ugwu and his ount do not know about digital ital devices, which also shows the difference between. them and the Master. Additionally, the author uses direct speech to show the protagonist's mindset. to "work well says [...] [to] eat well" (1.5). The aunt This shows that the Master has a lot of power on the workers and can decide on This their way of living. Iph cultivated /sophisticated Z also shows that his aunt thinks that deserve they only to eat if they are working. To continue, the author f uses the word "spit" (1.6) to express how their their kind of uncultured bevat behaviour in difference to the Master's.. an Again, the author uses exaggerated words "too choked" to show that Ugwu feels. ext excited by the slightest change of his new life. The Master's ordinay extraordinary y seems living Ugwu. Furthermore, the does not believe that. of to protagonist any body can eat meat. every day 11.7-8). By this, the author shows how unbelievable this is for poorer people. Eating meat seems every day special and is a really for them. By stating this, the author luxury who thinks meat. highlights the social status Og wu is a luxury, and the Master, ever every day. who eats meat. The author states that the 21 sun burne [s] the back of (1 "( his neck' but he [does] not mind" it (1.11) to show. how hardworking Ugwu is. It means that he is already already used to work back! in his home town, while the Master hires people to (1.28). his "do the cleaning" The Master has enough money to hire workers. and power and not work himself, even though clearing is not a hard work. In addition, the author usos several similes (cf. 11. 15-16) to express Ugwo's thoughts. By vi describe" (1.14) "never be able to the author highlights Uguu's impression. of how unbelievable the situation is for him and how. st never he nevers narver has. before. car He then compares a to a necklace (ef #st- ofill. 30-31), which shows that he does not even know their worth. To him a necklace is already luxurious. seen it The author advances by stating "good that the Master has " fortune" (1.26) to show very that he is. in prosperity. By stating this, the author also shows the social and financial difference between. Ugwu and the Master. rich and lives. Furthermore, the author. uses the word "immediately" (1.28) to express how desperate in need they and work. for money This highlights to the Master they stand and how much power the Master holds. The author goes on by mentioning the house struktu structures. The Master's. house has a glass door and is made of coment, while Ogwo used to live in his mother's hot made of mud. shows the financial This again difference between them. Mud is simple but unstable very and unsafe while coment is hard and strong. Lastly, the author uses direct speech again (cf. 11.46-51). Ugwo's aunt er at & calls him "child" (1.46) at first, which by leads to a surprised reaction. the Master. She then. corrects herself and calls. Uguu "housoboy" (1.50). This highlights the relationship. between the Master and the workers. The workers are and only workers in his eyes it shows that he looks down. on them the without ackknowliging them as real people. This shows really clearly. D at what social position the Master and stand. одим To sum up different ways & social status of his Master. She often uses. exaggerated words to express Uguu's impression. And For the Master she states. posasses schat writing everything he to by Uguu does not have or has never seen before. Therefore, the Master is in high social position and and his aunt are in a low position. Ugwu the author uses. to portray the Ugwu and very Assignment 3: B) In the following the novel excerpt will be continued. Master stood from lus armchair and walked towards. ор Ugwu. He looked at him from head to toe and said: "Follow me Master walked in a fast had almost tempo. Ugwu had trouble walking as fast. as him behind him. He them opened R then a door in which was a small bed. t. there "This is You can room. your sleep here at night when you'r! Z work. I expect done with your you to wake up everyon early every morning to clean before. even am awake. Understood ?", said the Master. Ugwu nodded slowly He - noticed Has that Master's face seemed to darken.. Ugwo's aunty pinched his arm and whisperd "Yes, sah!" Uguu done and apologized Without another word Master realized what he has left them both in the room. His showed him around. aunity the house and where to that to vie find everything he needs to dean. Without hesitation Ugwu W: there grabbed a towel and a bucket of water to scrub. the floor. He didn't did not know where to start first as they It took a were so but he managed to scrub every every floor and even al though the bathroom it already looked clean to him. After everything was done it was already dark outside. He was not exhausted yet. It was easier than working at home. "1 Ugwo put everything he used back to his thesi and looked for his 11 rooms. many couple of hours. His aunity was sweeping the floor next to Master. He tooked He was feet reading up a book again, but looked when he heard Ugwu coming. "1 Are done ?" ya sah!" Yes Oh yes, check." place aunity. then let me Master went around the house while looking at the floor all the time. Master seemed to be impressed as he sometimes mo nodded And Fat while raising his -eyebrows. The white floor shined. Kora did a said Master. 4 good job." saind (1 Yes, thank sah!" "I think it's for today. Let me get the kitchen girl to prepare some dinner for ya. Fat up then to sleep you, enough до With that the Master went to the kitchen and Ugwu to his room. One moment later a Some one I was a with food. girl holding knocked on his door. a girt It a tablet She gjust left it on the floor and went tot be back. Looking at the plate, Ugwo noticed some chunks. It looked like meat but he was not sure. He took a bite and it was did really meat. He was not Witry Z R know from which animal it was but it did also did not. matter to him. He was just happy. Assigment 4: Mediation. Dear thony Charity, I am How are you? Para fine. You told me that you are learning about child labour at school. Because your teacher could not ansever some your of your questions regarding I will answer деканатту достащ them Therefore, For that I found an article "Deutschlands fleißige Kinder" published in 2012 in "FAZ". This article is about the laws concerning child labour, the effects and its consequences. Germany go to work to by buy themselves. Many children in some thing without asking their parents. their school time 80%. During of students between 12 and 17 already have work experience. Officially registered to work. only 6000 children are but in children work. reality a lot more In Germany children under 13 are not allowed to years. work, and children over 15. are allowed. And children between t with 13 and 15 can only work many exceptions. for bid those children. They to work to protect them from various things. Also, it is only allowed when the work is not too difficult. and voluntary. It is also important that their parents allow them to work. Another role concerning. child labour is that children. allowed to over 13 are only work two hours. And those only between 8am and 6pm. Working over this time is also. Z w hard the avry 2JN Z Nok. sehr gut индекси minus (BP) 21.10 N 550 a na po ang taon na si Ry forbidden. But child labour also receives. different s critics. adults have For example, less work to do becaus children. tabe take everything. Moreover, working goero grow up shall materialistic. kids to be about But it is not always when working. the money Some children want to be Ackt acknowley acknowledged hope I could answer all you your questions, and if have any further questions. feel free to curite me back. Yours sincerely+ 10 15 20 Master was a little crazy he had spent too many years reading books overseas, talked to himself in his office, did not always return greetings, and had too much hair. Ugwu's aunty said this in a low voice as they walked on the path. "But he is a good man," she added. "And as long as you work well, you will eat well. You will even eat meat every day." She stopped to spit; the saliva left her mouth with a sucking sound and landed on the grass. 5 25 30 Q2 LK E 35 Exam No. 1 Nigeria Oct 5th, 2021 Part B: Reading and writing: Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Ugwu did not believe that anybody, not even this master he was going to live with, ate meat every day. He did not disagree with his aunty, though, because he was too choked with expectation, too busy imagining his new life away from the village. They had been walking for a while now, since they got off the lorry at the motor park, and the afternoon sun burned the back of his neck. But he did not mind. He was prepared to walk hours more in even hotter sun. He had never seen anything like the streets that appeared after they went past the university gates, streets so smooth and tarred that he itched to lay his cheek down on them. He would never be able to describe to his sister Anulika how the bungalows here were painted the color of the sky and sat side by side like polite well-dressed men, how the hedges separating them were trimmed so flat on top that they looked like tables wrapped with leaves. His aunty walked faster, her slippers making slap-slap sounds that echoed in the silent street. Ugwu wondered if she, too, could feel the coal tar getting hotter underneath, through her thin soles. They went past a sign, ODIM STREET, and Ugwu mouthed street, as he did whenever he saw an English word that was not too long. He smelled something sweet, heady, as they walked into a compound, and was sure it came from white flowers clustered on bushes at the entrance. The bushes were shaped like slender hills. The lawn glistened. Butterflies hovered above. "I told Master you will learn everything fast, osiso-osiso," his aunty said. Ugwu nodded attentively although she had already told him this many times, as often as she told him the story of how his good fortune came about: While she was sweeping the corridor in the mathematics department a week ago, she heard Master say that he needed a houseboy to do his cleaning, and she immediately said she could help, speaking before his typist or office messenger could offer to bring someone. "I will learn fast, Aunty," Ugwu said. He was staring at the car in the garage; a strip of metal ran around its blue body like a necklace. "Remember, what you will answer whenever he calls you is Yes, sah!" "Yes, sah!" Ugwu repeated. They were standing before the glass door. Ugwu held back from reaching out to touch the cement wall, to see how different it would feel from the mud walls of his mother's hut that still bore the faint patterns of molding fingers. For a brief moment, he wished he were back 40 45 50 Q2 LK E Exam No. 1 Nigeria Oct 5th, 2021 there now, in his mother's hut, under the dim coolness of the thatch roof; or in his aunty's hut, the only one in the village with a corrugated iron roof. His aunty tapped on the glass. Ugwu could see the white curtains behind the door. A voice said in English, "Yes? Come in." They took off their slippers before walking in. Ugwu had never seen a room so wide. Despite the brown sofas arranged in a semicircle, the side tables between them, the shelves crammed with books, and the center table with a vase of red and white plastic flowers, the room still seemed to have too much space. Master sat in an armchair, wearing a singlet and a pair of shorts. He was not sitting upright but slanted, a book covering his face, as though oblivious that he had just asked people in. "Good afternoon, sah! This is the child", Ugwu's aunty said. Master looked up. His complexion was very dark, like old bark, and the hair that covered his chest and legs was a lustrous darker shade. He pulled off his glasses. "The child?" "The houseboy, sah." "Oh, yes, you have brought the houseboy. I kpotago ya." Master's Igbo felt feathery in Ugwu's ears. It was Igbo coloured by the sliding sounds of English, the Igbo of one who spoke English often. (756 words) Source: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Half of a Yellow Sun, 2006, pp. 3-4 Assignments: 1. Summarize the expectation Ugwu's aunt, name the rules Ugwu has to follow and describe his first impressions at his Master's home depicted in the extract at hand. (COMPREHENSION: 12 Punkte) 2. Analyse how Adichie portrays the different social status of Ugwu and his master. Pay special regards to her use of language and the behaviour of the protagonists. (ANALYSIS: 16 Punkte) Choose one task: 3. A) Write a comment on the following statement: Children at the age of 15 should not be allowed to work but focus on school. B) Continue the novel excerpt and describe the first evening at Ugwu's new job. (EVALUATION: 14 Punkte) Please remember to check your paper for language mistakes and formal requirements. GOOD LUCK Q2 LK E Oct 5th, 2021 Exam No. 1 Nigeria Part A: Mediation - Deutschlands fleißige Kinder 2 Situation: Charity, a friend of yours from Owerri in Nigeria, is learning about child labour at her secondary school. Her teacher, who could not answer your friend's questions as to whether or not German children were generally forbidden to work, asked Charity to get some information on working children in Germany. Write an email to Charity about what you have learned regarding the situation of child labour in Germany. Focus on the information concerning the laws concerning child labour, the effect it has on families and its economic consequences. Zeitung austragen, Rasen mähen, Babys hüten: Hierzulande arbeiten viele Kinder: Weil sie sich etwas leisten wollen. Und weil sie ihre Eltern nicht anbetteln wollen. Bis Ende ihrer Pflichtschulzeit haben 80 % der deutschen Schüler zwischen 12 und 17 Erfahrungen mit Erwerbsarbeit gesammelt. Knapp 90% würden gerne arbeiten - wenn sie nur die Gelegenheit hätten. Das ergab eine Schülerbefragung im Auftrag der Landesregierungen von 2001. Offiziell sind aber nur 6000 Kinder zwischen 13 und 14 Jahren als geringfügig entlohnte Beschäftigte registriert, meldet das Bundesarbeitsministerium. Deshalb bestehe auf dem Gebiet auch kein Grund zur Besorgnis, sagt eine Sprecherin. Aber der Deutsche Kinderschutzbund schätzt die tatsächliche Zahl der Kinderarbeiter auf 700.000. Auf Zetteln in Supermärkten, durchs Hörensagen, auf Internetportalen hinterlassen massenweise arbeitssuchende Kinder ihre Botschaften: "Bin zuverlässig und würde gerne auf Kinder aufpassen, Hunde ausführen oder Prospekte verteilen." [...] Das ist das Problem der arbeitslosen Kinder: Unter 13 ist ihnen die Arbeit hierzulande grundsätzlich verboten, über 15 ist sie grundsätzlich erlaubt und die Kids dazwischen bewegen sich in einer Grauzone mit vielen Ausnahmen. Die Verbote sollen vor Ausbeutung und Gefahren schützen, die mit der Arbeit einhergehen. Nicht zu schwer, nicht zu lang, und freiwillig muss die Arbeit sein - "kindgerecht" eben. Als typische Beispiele nennt das Gesetz Arbeiten für Privathaushalte - Babysitten, Gassigehen, Rasenmähen- oder ein Job als Zeitungsträger. Die Eltern müssen einverstanden sein. In der Praxis können die Regeln absurde Folgen haben. Wenn eine 13-Jährige nachmittags für ein paar Euro auf das Baby von Mutters Freundin aufpasst, ist das erlaubt. Wenn sie dieselbe Aufgabe abends erfüllt, weil die Mutter zwei Stunden ins Kino gehen will, bleibt das verboten: Maximal zwei Stunden dürfen Kinder ab 13 täglich arbeiten - nicht vor acht Uhr morgens und nicht nach 18 Uhr. Der fünfzehnjährige Fabian, der Mittwoch- und Samstagnachmittag auf dem Wochenmarkt hilft, einen Gemüsestand aufzuräumen, nahm beim ersten Mal mehr mit als einen knisternden Geldschein - eine Erkenntnis: "Alle hier arbeiten. Und jetzt gehöre ich auch dazu. Ich habe mich so erwachsen gefühlt." Die Kinder von heute sind geschäftstüchtig - so sehr, dass mancher Alarm schlägt. Nicht nur, weil das Wort Kinderarbeit nach ausgebeuteten Teppichknüpfern klingt. Q2 LK E Exam No. 1 Nigeria Oct 5th, 2021 Und Kritik kommt noch aus ganz anderer Perspektive: Die Kids würden den Großen die Arbeit klauen, kritisiert Heinrich von der Haar in seinem Buch: "Kinderarbeit in Deutschland". Bis zu 90.000 Vollzeitstellen könnten im Niedriglohnsektor neu entstehen. Aber mehr denn je treibt die Kritiker die Sorge, dass die "working kids" zu gnadenlosen Materialisten oder Konsumenten heranwüchsen. Mit dem Soziologen Manfred Liebel hat Beatrice Hungerland an der Technischen Universität Berlin das Forschungsprojekt "Kinder und Arbeit" geleitet, und 38 Kinder zwischen 9 und 15 Jahren zu ihren Erfahrungen in der Arbeitswelt befragt. Die sahen ihren Job durchweg positiv und betonten, ihnen sei neben dem Geld vor allem die Anerkennung wichtig. Auch die Vermutung, dass die schulischen Leistungen unter dem kindlichen Erwerbsbetrieb leiden, kann Forscherin Hungerland nicht bestätigen. "keiner, der jobbt, sagt: Ich pfeife auf die Schule, weil ich weiß, wie man Kohle machen kann. Kinder, die arbeiten, haben den Wert der Schulbildung viel eher begriffen." (497 words) Source: Arbeitende Kinder: Deutschlands fleißige Kinder - Menschen & Wirtschaft - FAZ, 15.07.2012, Gerlinde Unverzagt. 1 2 3 4 Bewertungsbogen a PART A: Kriterien/Vorgaben für die Bewertung der Schülerleistungen a) Inhaltliche Leistung (max. 18 Punkte) Anforderungen Der Schüler/Die Schülerin... erläutert z. B., dass es-bestimmte gesetzliche Vorgaben bzgl. Kinderarbeit in Deutschland gibt . Generally forbidden for children under the age of 13 Generally permitted for children older than 15 Englisch LK Q2, Klanene Nr 1 vom 05 10 2021 Number of exceptions for children between 13-15 13-year-olds may work only two hours a day, but not before 8 AM and after 6 PM✔ • Kinds of jobs: voluntary, not too long, too difficult, parents' permission is needed berichtet, welche Konsequenzen die Kinderarbeit in D. mit sich bringt, in etwa: Children are proud and feel more mature, • Children would like to be more independent/ seem to be more business-minded • A research project in social sciences showed that teens who worked in their leasure time thought education was important for their future lives Schildert die wirtschaftlichen Konsequenzen/ Auswirkungen von Kinderarbeit z.B: • Due to the attraction of child labour, illegal work increases 90.000 full-time jobs could be created if children/ teenagers did not work. Fear of working kids becoming capitalists and consumers V erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium. (2*) Anforderungen Der Schüler/Die Schülerin... • richtet seinen/ihren Text konsequent und explizit auf die Intention und den/die Adressaten im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung aus, . berücksichtigt den situativen Kontext, • beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale des geforderten Zieltextformats, • erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text, • gestaltet seinen/ihren Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. Kommunikation: • Wortschatz, b) Darstellungsleistung (max. 27 Punkte) Die Bewertung erfolgt orientiert an den in den Kernlehrplänen ausgewiesenen Referenzniveaus des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens (GeR). Kommunikative Textgestaltung Ausdrucksvermögen / Verfügen über sprachliche Mittel Anforderungen Der Schüler/Die Schülerin... • löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig, ggf. unter Verwendung von Kompensationsstrategien, • verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz, • verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktionswortschatz, verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau. Sprachrichtigkeit Anforderungen Der Schüler/Die Schülerin... beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingenden Summe • Grammatik, Orthographie (Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung). MAXIMALE ERREICHTE PUNKTZAHL PUNKTE 6 Summe SPRACHE 6 6 18 MAXIMALE PUNKTZAHL 9 MAXIMALE PUNKTZAHL 9 6 27 3 MAXIMALE ERREICHTE PUNKTZAHL PUNKTE 9 4 13 g ERREICHTE PUNKTE ERREICHTE PUNKTE 8 25 Der Prüfling 1 formuliert einen Einleitungssatz unter Angabe von Textsorte, Titel, Autor, Erscheinungsdatum und Thema des Textes, etwa: The excerpt of the novel "Half of a Yellow Sun", written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, published in 2006, deals with the protagonist's arrival at his Master's house and his first impressions of his new situation in life. 3 2 fasst die im Romanauszug genannten Erwartungen und Regeln an Ugwu seitens der Tante zusammen, etwa: First, Ugwu is required to work hard, as hard work is connected with eating well. Second, his aunt has told his new Master Ugwu would learn fast which Ugwu promises to her. 4 KLAUSURTEIL B: 1. Inhaltliche Leistung Teilaufgabe 1 1 2 ● ● (Comprehension) [12 P.] max. Punkt- zahl 2 ● stellt die ersten Eindrücke des Protagonisten dar, z.B: Ugwu perceives the area of his Master's house and the compound as wide/ huge. Moreover, the university campus seems to be modern and clean (smooth streets and tarred) Moreover, Ugwu is expected to greet his master in a particular way "Yes, sah" (It does not need to be mentioned to knock on the door before stepping inside the room and to put off the shoes.) Also, the estates and gardens create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in Ugwu's mind (color of the sky), especially his Master's house seems to be cozy (smell of the flowers) To Ugwu, his Master is perceived as an educated man being able to speak English fluently. erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium SUMME Teilaufgabe 1 Teilaufgabe 2 Der Prüfling schreibt einen Einleitungssatz und formuliert eine Deutungshypothese, etwa: Adichie clearly contrasts the different social status of Ugwu and his Master. Ugwu, is depicted as a member of the class of servants, starting to work as a minor for his new Master, who is a member of the educated Nigerian people working for the University. The difference, in terms of status, between the two characters will be proven by analysing the use of language and the behaviour of the persons mentioned before. analysiert use of language, z.B.: ● 6 Figures of speech: "...color of the sky and sat side by side like polite well-dressed men, how the hedges separating them were trimmed so flat on top that they looked like tables wrapped with leaves" (cf. ll. 15+16 similes and metaphors put emphasis on Ugwu's astonishment while walking through the University campus. "The bushes were shaped like slender hills. The lawn alistened. Butterflies hovered above. (cf. II. 22+23 Ugwu seems to be overwhelmed by the beauty of the landscape and the animals living peacefully in the area which is a huge contrast to his old living conditions. "Master's Igbo felt feathery in Ugwu's ears", (cf. II. 52 +53 the simile highlights Ugwu's impression of his Master's educated rank. His Master's Igbo seems to be light, easily uttered. Onomatopoeia: "her slippers making slap-slap sounds that echoed in the silent street" (cf. I. 17 the reader can imagine the slippers' sounds which disturb the silent surrounding of education/higher social rank 5 6 5 (2) 12 davon erreicht 2 6 J (Analysis) [16 P.] 9 max. davon Punkt- erreicht zahl 2 2 3 word choice/vocabulary/language: Ugwu and his aunt utter simple words while talking to each other and to the master "But he is a good man," (cf. I. 4), "I told Master you will learn everything fast, osiso-osiso," (cf. I. ✔ 24), "Good afternoon, sahl This is the child", (cf. 1. 46 the simplicity in their language use show their low level of education and lower social rank in society. Moreover, the particular pronunciation of the word "sah" can be seen as an indicator for low level education. In contrast to that, Master does not speak much but he chooses more sophisticated terms such as "houseboy" instead of "child" "Oh, yes, you have brought the houseboy. I kpotago ya." (cf. l. 51) ✓ ● Also, the aforementioned quote indicates the fact that Master is able to switch languages randomly. Being bilingual or fluent at speaking different languages puts emphasis on Master's high level of education. • style: the excerpt is written in a descriptive style, which gives the extract an objective tone. Moreover, Adichie writes in the 3rd person limited narrative, which gives the reader an insight of Ugwu's thoughts, feelings and impressions. The style of writing highlights Ugwu's astonishment and amazement of starting to work in a wide and clean estate, which is a complete contrast to his former life. → "They were standing before the glass door. Ugwu held back from reaching out to touch the cement wall, to see how different it would feel from the mud walls of his mother's hut that still bore the faint patterns of molding fingers", (cf. II. 34-36) tone: The author creates a positive tone by contrasting Ugwu's former life with his first impressions while arriving at his Master's home: "Ugwu did not believe that anybody, not even this ✓ master he was going to live with, ate meat every day. He did not disagree with his aunty, though, because he was too choked with expectation, too busy imagining his new life away from the village" (cf. ll. 7-9 astonished, amazed atmosphere ✓ He had never seen anything like the streets... (cf. II. 12-14 Ugwu is surprised by the huge difference when it comes to his master's living conditions analysiert Ugwu's and his master's behaviour etwa: Ugwu: "They went past a sign, ODIM STREET, and Ugwu mouthed street, as he did whenever he saw an English word that was not too long", (cf. II. 19+20 Ugwu is eager to learn English but he is only poorly skilled. „Ugwu nodded attentively" (cf. I. 24 Ugwu is shown as a character being humble and willing to learn and serve. - Ugwu held back from reaching out to touch the cement wall, to see how different it would feel from the mud walls of his mother's hut that still bore the faint patterns of molding fingers" (cf. ll. 34-36 Backing away from touching the wall, Ugwu's overwhelmed ✓ feeling of immersing into a different world is highlighted. He belongs to a low social rank and has not experienced living conditions of people of a higher status. Master: "Master sat in an armchair, wearing a singlet and a pair of shorts. He was not sitting upright but slanted, a book covering his face, as though oblivious that he had just asked people in" (cf. ll. 44-46 Ugwu's Master seems to have forgotten that he has hired a houseboy. ✔ "The child?" (cf. 1. 49 Adichie puts emphasis on Master's ignorance of hiring a houseboy "Oh, yes, you have brought the houseboy. I kpotago ya." Master's Igbo felt feathery in Ugwu's ears. It was Igbo coloured by the sliding sounds of English, the Igbo of one who spoke English often" (cf. ll. 51-53 Still, the author shows Master's eager to create a comfortable atmosphere, by employing Igbo expressions to a child of a lower rank. 4 Schreibt ein Fazit mit Bezug auf die Deutungshypothese, dass die Hauptaussagen der Analyse in Bezug auf die Wirkung der Untersuchungsaspekte noch einmal zusammenfasst. Dabei wird die gezielte Verwendung der Sprache als Verdeutlichung des Kontrasts und auch das beschriebene Verhalten der Protagonisten erläutert, etwa: In conclusion, the author makes use of figurative language and particularly connoted expressions in order to emphasize the different social ranks of Ugwu and his Master. She also contrasts the 6 2 4 2 5 1 2 Der Prüfling leitet den comment sinnvoll ein (reference to the statement/novel excerpt, reason for writing), etwa: In the excerpt at hand, the reader is given the insight of a minor house servant, who seems to work instead of focusing on his education. The importance of earning money at an early stage of life, raises the question whether children at the age of 15 should not be allowed to work but focus on school. 3 4 1 Igbo and the English languages and its perception to highlight the status of its speakers. Igbo is spoken by rather uneducated people such as Ugwu and his aunt whereas English spoken by educated persons such as the Master. Moreover, English is perceived as being spoken by sophisticated members of the society. 2 Finally, Ugwu's and his Master's behaviour towards the new situation show the particular (non) importance for each character. Ugwu is thoughtful and worrying about his new life, obeying his new Master. In contrast to that, his Master has nearly forgotten his new employee. erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium. SUMME Teilaufgabe 2 3 Teilaufgabe 3a comment ● For: -health needs to be protected - children and adolescents need time for recreation (friends, hobbies) -focus on minimum level of education is essential (enrollments in secondary education are below 5 Million) - children who work are in danger of being exploited Against: - to work on a moderate level should be allowed (getting to know the world of work) - in countries with a low GDP, extra money might be more attractive for Adolescents - skills and personality are developed such as gaining self-confidence, learning to be responsible, improving your time-management - a part-time job helps to be mature Wägt die Argumente zusammenfassend ab und kommt zu einem begründeten Urteil, etwa: All in all, it can be said... erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium Der Prüfling Schreibt die Geschichte des Romanauszugs inhaltlich sinnvoll weiter, etwa: description of the house/ room ✔ description of the master Teilaufgabe 3b (Evaluation) [14 P.] SUMME Teilaufgabe 3 SUMME INHALT Ugwu's expectations of the next days and weeks (hopes and fears) flashbacks (feelings while travelling, when entering the house, when meeting his new master, former living conditions) ✓ Führt die Geschichte perspektivisch und stylistisch korrekt weiter: narrative perspective: 3rd person limited narrative (Ugwu) • Ugwu's astonishment, surprise of the new surrounding . rather positive and interested tone erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (4) 16 (Evaluation) [14 P.] SUMME Teilaufgabe 3 SUMME INHALT max. Punkt- zahl 2 12 2 (4) 14 42 max. Punkt- zahl 8 6 13 (4) 14 42 davon erreicht davon erreicht 6 6 12 34