


Nigeria - Englisch Abitur







ethnic diversity in nigeria
The culture of Nigenta is shaped by Nigeria's multiple ethnic groups.
The three largest ethnic groups ar
ethnic diversity in nigeria
The culture of Nigenta is shaped by Nigeria's multiple ethnic groups.
The three largest ethnic groups ar
ethnic diversity in nigeria
The culture of Nigenta is shaped by Nigeria's multiple ethnic groups.
The three largest ethnic groups ar
ethnic diversity in nigeria
The culture of Nigenta is shaped by Nigeria's multiple ethnic groups.
The three largest ethnic groups ar

Nigeria ethnic diversity in nigeria The culture of Nigenta is shaped by Nigeria's multiple ethnic groups. The three largest ethnic groups are the Hausas (North), the Yorubas (southwest) and the igbos (southeast). Historical past: - British colonies -Slave trade - Democratic process, agriculture, business yanguage: English as the official language Religion: Islam, Christian, Musum Lifestyle: More than one wife, woman are second class citizens, hierarchial rules, traditions Igbos: one woman (Monogam), woman are independent, African traditions Problems -cultures / ethics have own nies, languages, cultures, traditions -poverty, orphanes everywhere - no state to help -money, bible niles everything, no laws from government -colony problems, stolen history - Boko Haram : Islamist terrorist group, which is known for murdering Christians & Muslims who don't support them - Serial harassment - comuption -yap between rich and poor - Kidnapping - Abuse of guns and drugs and crime - environmental problems: oil spills are a serious environmental threat, waste management is a problem, pollution of both watemays & groundwater economy industry -oil extraction - Nigena heavily depends on the oil industry -The money coming from the oil industry is not reinvested into schools, health or infrastructure → mostly used to pay off debts - Nigeria does not have the infrastructure to refine the oil themselves have to export the oil to refine it → have to import the refined oll back at a...

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much higher pri Positive impact -Oil and gas industry: more than 60% of Nigeria's economy -creates workplaces (Shell) →shell reinvested into local infrastructure: health care, electricity, education →help people to build their own businesses →011 companies contribute to the country's development A lead to significant income for the local economy & government Negative impact -dring conditions don't improve for everyone: bad working conditions - Problems to find work for young generations -Taking profit from Nigeria (resources) -Environmental impact is menacing →yas is burned (oil foring) Oil spill & Leaking pipes cause pollution of the grounds (destroying water & food supply) → damaged local farmers/ fishers & their livelihood → Bunkering: organized criminal gang damage pipes to steal oil → causes environmental damages lagos largest city in the country overpopulation: -Organisation problems - Bad infrastructure - Many people & Happik, chaotic, rubbish, not enough place, noisy, loud Prosperity/wealth:- Dreams come true - Rich people -Staking a new life City of optimists: - work hard → successfull -dreams come thee Pros: - an honest city, feel saved & arrived I cons:- drug dealer -chance for people who have a vision -ritual killers -money everywhere -City that never sleeps - bad living conditions - lots of danger -daylight -city with good memories - inspining gap between rich & Poor -two different sides in Nigeria → rich and developed side & poor and undeveloped side - more than 112 million people are living in poverty in Nigeria -over 60% of the population of Lagos live in slums -Poverty in Nigeria can also be caused by the political instability - Nigeria is dependent from the all industry → 211 is reflected by xagos, because there are slums and shopping Centers nearly together (gap between rich and poor NollyWood - 2nd largest film industry mysterious disappearances → Nigeria's dream factory - low production costs, improved skripts, bad light & sound → "New Nollywood" with higher quality & higher budgets -pliacy is a huge problem -poor implementation of copyright laws → pirates make copies and sell them illegally -movies have a great diversity and a lot of variation (genres & languages) the slums - more than 112 million people are living in poverty in Nigeria -over 60% of the population of Lagos live in slums A slum is an area of a city where the living conditions are very bael. Also the houses are in a bad condition, e.g. many run-down-houses → there are more than 100 suums in Nigeria →no/bad infrastructure Country's challenges hopes & ambitions -end corruption -secruity and safety -good health care system -become economically stable -good education -equal opportunities -end oil pollution -peace Efe oraka's song- nigerian Dream → songtext: - everyone should think that they're okay -in reality: they are sad -everywhere is tissh -protests -police violence -fake smiles, so everyone thinks that they're okay ("pretending everything is alright") -wids are "messed up" because of poverty → udeo: important aspects that shape Nigeria's national Identity & future -history: → slave trade, grew cotton → British colony 1914, formed Nigeria's boarders, British rule created new values. → Independence (1963) -the president: Muhammadu Buhari - the terror organisation: Boko Haram -the oil, the corruption -the floating school The Nigerian Dream nigerian nightmare? reality: -tenorism (Boko Haram) -violence -corruption & injustice -poverty -drug problems -bad electricity -money income bx of oil - bad education Absolute Poverty (%) -differences between nich & poor -environmental problems →oil pollutes everything → water is polluted → new vegetation is almost impossible →gas pollutes air animals & humans suffer education - Nigeria has the wond largest out of school numbers -children from a poor background are disadvantaged → they miss school, because their family need to earn money 4 by sacrifing their education they're trapped in a cycle of poverty -education can change ones life and could gain knowledge - Frosting school: school on water, place for education & community place -education means to leam about religion & accept each other - lack of education affects Children (in Nigeria) in a negative way → with education you can be an independent person the impact of british rule in nigeria positive negative Bribin Nigeria -free navigation in the African area - Britain had to deal with a lot of inner conflicts regarding religion and independence Connections to other topics Nigeria →a united Nigeria -new forms of money, communication and education - Nigerian chiefs lost authority. -The British Empire took the decisions -Forced westernization Britain (colonialism, culture & language) Dystopia/Utopia (Nollywood-Hollywood) - Globalization (English language, trade & open markets) -Shakespeare (inspiration - Nollywood, class systems) • visions of the future (historic developments is future, religion) •American Dream (Nigerian Dream, achieve what you want (conflict!)?)