


Nigeria Timeline







until the 18th century
town of
Bodagry was
the biggest slave port
(along the West African Coast)
as early as 1500
Portuguese slave traders
until the 18th century
town of
Bodagry was
the biggest slave port
(along the West African Coast)
as early as 1500
Portuguese slave traders
until the 18th century
town of
Bodagry was
the biggest slave port
(along the West African Coast)
as early as 1500
Portuguese slave traders
until the 18th century
town of
Bodagry was
the biggest slave port
(along the West African Coast)
as early as 1500
Portuguese slave traders

until the 18th century town of Bodagry was the biggest slave port (along the West African Coast) as early as 1500 Portuguese slave traders established coastal ports (especially around Lagas) later British slave traders timeline in the 19th century end of the British began Christian missionary activity in Southern Nigeria led to christianisation 19th century The Britain controlled whole of the territory Of modern day Nigeria (North) History of Nigeria at the same time meanwhile British control missionaries imposed their language and culture (on indigenous population) government directly exercised result: ethno- religious differences 1914 unification of Nigeria OS a British colony 1956 October 1960 in the "Shell British Petroleum was discovered Nigeria gained full independence from Britain timeline. south-east 1966 1967 breakaway from Nigeria (from the Igbo) →Republic of Biafra massacre of thousands of Igbo The History of in the north Nigeria 15th January 1970 1975 → reintegrated into oil industry was nationalized Biafran population starve and had to surrender Nigerian forces Nigeria 1975 - 1983 first period of Nigerian democracy until 1985 Major General Muhammadu was the of state head 1995 timeline EU imposed sanctions on Nigeria Buhan 1996 five in 1999 Nigeria political parties end of military rule The History of Nigeria April 2003 May 2010 Goodluck Ebele Jonathan President became first legislative election 2009 - 2012 ("Boko Haram") radical Islamic Group killed one thousand people The present: 2015 Muhammadu first Buhari was the opposition candidate in timeline. 2014 organization Boko kidnapped 300 young women re-elected in February 2019 Haram Nigeria has the The History of largest population in Africa seventh most populous country in the world Nigeria expected Largest economy in the 21st century to have the

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