


Notes From The Midnight Driver







Notes From The Midnight Driver - Chapter summary
Chapter / Name
1. Boop.
2. Gnome
3. The Wake-
(Later Alex
Notes From The Midnight Driver - Chapter summary
Chapter / Name
1. Boop.
2. Gnome
3. The Wake-
(Later Alex
Notes From The Midnight Driver - Chapter summary
Chapter / Name
1. Boop.
2. Gnome
3. The Wake-
(Later Alex
Notes From The Midnight Driver - Chapter summary
Chapter / Name
1. Boop.
2. Gnome
3. The Wake-
(Later Alex
Notes From The Midnight Driver - Chapter summary
Chapter / Name
1. Boop.
2. Gnome
3. The Wake-
(Later Alex
Notes From The Midnight Driver - Chapter summary
Chapter / Name
1. Boop.
2. Gnome
3. The Wake-
(Later Alex
Notes From The Midnight Driver - Chapter summary
Chapter / Name
1. Boop.
2. Gnome
3. The Wake-
(Later Alex
Notes From The Midnight Driver - Chapter summary
Chapter / Name
1. Boop.
2. Gnome
3. The Wake-
(Later Alex
Notes From The Midnight Driver - Chapter summary
Chapter / Name
1. Boop.
2. Gnome
3. The Wake-
(Later Alex
Notes From The Midnight Driver - Chapter summary
Chapter / Name
1. Boop.
2. Gnome
3. The Wake-
(Later Alex

Notes From The Midnight Driver - Chapter summary Chapter / Name 1. Boop. Воор. Воор. 2. Gnome Run 3. The Wake- Up Who? Somebody (Later Alex Gregory) ● Patient: old man ● (Later Salomon Lewis) Alex (16 years old) Police Officer 1 ● Police Officer 2 (Sarge) ● Alex ● Janet (his mother) → a Nurse Simon (his father) Miss Anderson (Nurse) Dr. Friedman (Doctor) When? May Friday Evening in September → year before the may from chapter one Saturday Morning in September morning after accident Where? Hospital Home from Alex Street (neighbour) Police office Hospital What? ● ● ● ● He gets faster drunk than he expected drives into Mrs. Wilson Garden and crashes her lawn gnomes → human? ● ● Sb sits next to an old man in hospital Float movements on heart monitor ● → jangle → patient will die soon → "free" Plan of Alex (wants to drink vodka, drive to his dad's house with the stolen car from his mum and surprise him with his new lover teacher) police come and arrests him at police station: Alex is asked for answers by a police officer "Sarge"→ fingerprint Alex has blood on his hands → Sarge gets him wipes ➜ Alex jumps up, Sarge's coffee on his pants → Sarge calls an ambulance Alex wakes up in the hospital → mother next to him →he is an idiot Dad comes in parents start fighting Alex calls Nurse → tells that Alex is not hurt that much and calls Doctor He tells what happened to Alex and clears up about his diagnosis: 1. Alcohol poisoning → causes dehydration 2. Concussion 3. Opened forehead → needed to suture it up His mum leaves the room, his dad gives Alex a speech...

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about responsibility Alex falls asleep 4. Day Of The Dork- Wit 5. My Day In Court ● ● ● ● Alex ● Alex His mother ● Bryan Gilson (rude classmate, son of a police officer) Laurie Flynn (best friend of Alex) Simon (his dad) Janet (his mum) Larry Sharpe (his uncle/lawyer) Judge Trent Sunday and Monday in September Thirty days after the accident ● ● Alex's home School ● Alex's home Court At home: ● ● Alex plays E-guitar → tells his guitar-story (got an "American Fender Telecaster" from his dad at his birthday, got lessons and played in a School-band) His mum wants to know why he got drunk and drove with her car → at first, he tells her lies → then the true: he wanted to yell his dad for leaving his At school: mum She tells him how he gets over for the next month until the court Court: → he will be picked up at school by her ➜ he does homework after that in front of her ➜ he will go at least at 10pm to bed What happens during the 30 days: ● His dad tries to call him He meets his uncle Larry (his attorney) ● Bryan Gilson talks to him (he has the lowdown) ➜ he is rude to Alex His best friend Laurie comes to them (there're is a short description about her) → they talk about it At home: Tells how he got ready for the appointment He is shocked → court hall does not look like he thought it would → people wear normal clothes → in general, the whole situation is not formal ● A ice officer and two paramedics walk in During a break, Alex finds out from Larry that his verdict will get his license two years later →shock for Alex He finds out that he will get human-service time 6. Solomon 7. Plan B 8. Lauri Meets Sol ● ● ● Alex Claudelle Green (registered nurse) Juanita Case (licensed practical nurse) Leonora ● McCarthy (Certified Social Worker) Solomon Lewis (patient) Mrs. Goldfarb (another old lady, patient) Alex ● Solomon Lewis ● Alex Solomon Lewis Laurie Flynn First day in nursing home: 27th October (?) + 29th October Time until Nursing home (included) 10th November + 14th November Nursing home Friday in November Nursing home ● ● First day as a social volunteer in the nursing home → volunteer for Solomon Lewis ● After this terrible first day, Alex writes a letter to Judge Trent and says that he would change his job and what Sol told him → she wants Alex to stay there ● At first, Alex talks with three nurses about his patient → tell him that Sol is not friendly and that Alex should not be nice to him either ● Alex walks in Sol's room →he lies in his bed ant watches TV → Sol offends Alex in Yiddish → Sol lies to another old lady ● Sol pretends that he does not know Alex and calls a nurse (Claudelle) → a joke The book that Sol reads, Alex has red it as well → they talk about it Conversation between a drill sergeant and an inner coward →in Alex's mind Alex visits Sol on his second day there They play poker together Alex writes a letter to Judge Trent again and lists three points: 1. Teach someone a life lesson 2. Learn a life lesson 3. Pay back $500.00 for the damage he did to Mrs. Wilson's lawn gnomes Also, he would rather work 200h at another job as for the rest 94h with Sol Response: he should do it until the end Laurie convinced Alex's mum to stay by him and care about him → Janet has a date again (the same man from earlier) 9. Sol Gets Interested 10. Half An Answer 11. Happy Holidays Janet ● Claudelle Green ● ● Alex ● (Mr. Watras ● Solomon ● Alex ● Solomon Lewis ● ● Other residents Other nurses → Mrs. Goldfarb Alex Solomon Lewis Simon Janet ● → conductor) ● ● Juanita Case ● ● Claudelle Green Leonora McCarthy 22th November December December until (included) 27th December ● (Alex's school) Nursing Home Nursing home Alex's home Nursing home They go to the nursing home Sol says that Alex is her husband → they start to argue Alex leaves the room and talks with Claudelle ● When he comes back, Sol and Laurie talk very friendly with each-other The next week, Alex is late because he had a jazz-band practice was not good for him ● ● ● ● Alex brings his guitar to Sol and plays for him → Sol likes it →Alex should play more ➜ Alex cannot believe that he found something he could do that Sol likes In the evening, Alex writes the first positive letter to the Trent Alex plays a song about a Jewish for Sol ● When he plays the piece, many people (residents & nurses) come into the room and listen Sol is emotional after the piece →he thanks Alex for this At home: Alex talks with his dad in front of the house →his dad said that he tried to call Alex and Alex apologizes for this ➜ his dad will move to Philadelphia in January (he has a new job and wats something new because of his breakup with Sandy Simonsen → his dad also tells him that his mum broke up with him and that Alex should talk with her about that Nursing home: ● Sol buys flowers for his daughter Judy every year for Hanukkah she never visits him Alex bought a book for Sol he is sad and They talk about Sol's illness (emphysema) →he needs oxygen this day 12. The Ball Falls 13. Happy New Year 14. Enter The Cha- KINGS ● ● ● ● Alex ● Solomon Lewis ● Laurie Flynn Janet Simon ● Alex Solomon Lewis Laurie Flynn Janet Simon Alex ● Laurie Flynn ● Bryan Gilson ● ● Anette Watson Steven Alper → The Cha- KINGS December → New Year's Eve Day ● 2nd January ● 1st January Alex's home Alex's home Nursing home Laurie's home School Alex talks with the nurses about Sol's daughter Then, Alex writes a letter again → he asks if he could stay there, even when dos not have to At home: (in the morning) ● ● Alex has a strange talk with his mum → has a terrible date Nursing home: Sol is not connected to oxygen anymore Sol convinces Alex to spend New Year's Eve with Laurie Laurie's home: Alex and Laurie talk → her mother is pregnant because she dated one guy from the internet ● Nursing home: Alex's home: ● Alex and Laurie organize a party for the patient Sol gets to know that Alex only cares about him because of his accident and its consequences → Sol gets angry and Alex leaves the party ● He spends the evening with Laurie (his mum has a date again) He tries to kiss her not successful His mum comes home with his dad ● Alex has breakfast with his parents and Laurie After Laurie leaves, they talk: (they had two dates) → at their first date (chapter 12 beginning), they were arguing about his dad's moving → at their second date (night before), they felt in love again ➜ Alex is very sceptical Bryan is again rude to Alex ➜ Alex gets an idea while Bryan is talking: ➜ he wants to organize a benefit jazz concert at the nursing home with profit's going toward future cultural events there there are five (17) pros: 1. It would impress the judge with his apparent selflessness and personal growth 2. It would entertain and amuse dozens of oldsters 15. Home Again 16. Am I A Great Musician Or What? ● Alex ● Solomon Lewis Alex Laurie Flynn Anette Watson Steven Alper 2nd January Time until (included) 26th January +30th January Nursing home ● School Walk home ● ● ● ● ● 3. it would make my mom think he might have some shred of redeemable goodness 4. It was a chance to play Guitar 5. it might even shut Sol up for an hour he wants to ask the Cha-Kings (named by Alex): → Anette (piano) and Steve (drummer) ● → they have organised many very successful events he goes to them right after school and asks them Alex apologises for running out and did not coming back → it is not a problem for Sol Alex tells him his idea of the concert → Sol likes it and wants to join then In the evening, Alex writes a letter again and talks about his idea of the concert and asks again if he could stay with Sol because he thinks that when he will not come anymore, Sol will be sad At school: Alex has his first practice session with Anette and Steve → they tell him that he must practice more → Laurie joins them and watches Walk home: Alex and Laurie have a deep conversation about whether it is possible to be happily married →Alex tries to show her his feelings → Laurie does not understand and does not agree → Therefore, Alex tells her that he has a crush on Stefanie Simon (Cheerleader) In the evening, he writes again a letter → he invites Judge Trent to the concert →→she answers that probably she will not be able to come because of unfinished private business 17. A Night For Surprises 18. Darkness ● ● ● ● Alex Laurie Flynn Anette Watson Steve Alper Solomon Lewis His parents Residents Nurses Alex Solomon Lewis January + Time until (included) 7th February 7th February ● School Nursing home Nursing home ● ● At school: (day before the concert) ● Throwback to January: → hard month for Alex ● ➜ he had midterms to write, practice sessions with Anette and Steven and a weird connection to Laurie Nursing home: (concert) ● Alex likes his performing there Anette and Steven do not like it → he needs to practice more Laurie joins them Alex is satisfied with his performance In the break, Sol wants him to go in his room and look for his glasses Alex finds a key instead of glasses Back in the room, Sol plays (guitar) with Anette and Steven → they are good After the concert, Sol talks with Alex, his parents, Laurie, Anette and Steven → Sol has not played for 27 years → Anette is enthusiastic Alex asks him about the key Sol does not want to answer yet → he needs oxygen and is brought to his room ● Alex speaks with Sol after the concert in the evening and asks him why he stopped playing guitar Sol answers that Alex has never asked him about his history: → Sol was a good singer back then (Lou Solomon), had many gigs and met famous singers → he was married to Ethel and had a daughter (Judy) with her → One day, Sol had a gig in Mountain Laurel (Poconos), Ethel drove to watch him, and Judy slept at a friend's house → Judy was at the emergency room with high fever → Ethel wanted Sol to pick her up with her → Sol wanted to stay → "you can trust Lou Solomon" → they had an argument and Ethel drove away → she had an accident and died →Since then, Sol had never played guitar anymore until this day 19. The Valentine's Day Massacre 20. Good Morning, World! ● Alex ● Laurie Flynn Sarah Bred Hunter Bryan Gilson ● Solomon Lewis ● ● ● ● Alex Bryan Gilson Laurie Flynn Bred Hunter Sarah Time until (included) 14th February 15th February + 16th February + 19th February School Sarah's house School Hospital At school: On Valentine's Day, there is a Sadie Hawkins Dance (girls have to ask boys out) ● Alex wants Laurie to ask him He is asked by Sarah → trombone player → he thinks that Laurie wants him to accept Sarah's question Laurie is mad and sad → she is asked by Bred Hunter → offensive of football team ● Night of the dance: → at Sarah's house → he got a new job (painted houses) and cares for his daughter → After school, Judy moved out and he is alone now ● Alec hears from his mum that Sol is in the hospital because of pneumonia (this illness kills people) →Alex drives with Sarah to Hospital ● ● Night of the dance: → at school: Alex tells Laurie from Sol ● ● Sol lies and thinks that Sarah is Laurie →Alex and Laurie drive to Sol again Sol is happy and tells Alex that Laurie is his girl In the elevator, they are about to kiss → Alex pushes the Alarm button →by mistake The doors open and security guards are there → one of them is Sarge Bryan talks to Alex and asks him about last night →Alex would not be brave enough to ask Laurie → Therefore, Bred did it and Alex can be together with Sarah Laurie enters the room and kisses Alex in front of Bryan he is shocked Bred and Sarah are a couple then Walking home: Laurie laughs because she Bryan believed her lie with Alex 16th February: Alex writes a letter again and talks about the concert 19th February: Judge Tent answers → she is happy about the success 21. The Mission 22. The Saints Go Marchin' In 23. The Work Of Breathing ● Alex ● ● Solomon Lewis His parents Alex Later... ● Solomon Lewis march? Alex ● Leonora ● ● McCarthy Solomon Lewis Claudelle Green Later that week Laurie Flynn Her dad Later... march? Nursing home Alex's home Nursing home Nursing home Laurie's home Nursing home: ● ● ● There will be another concert in April that the CHA-Kings will organise again → Sol teaches Alex to play better At Alex's home: ● ● ● Alex visits Sol Sol wants Alex to play guitar for him, but Alex dos not want it because Sol is better than him and laughs about him ● His dad cooks in the kitchen His mum wants to hang up their marriage picture → she hurts herself and the picture breaks down They drive to the hospital ● Alex practises with Sol → Sol explains the story of Jazz (it has to be played with Swing, also when it is a sad song) They will play a guitar song together in April → Sol will play on Alex's guitar, and he will buy a cheap one Sol wants Alex to open his locker with the key Nursing home: Alex finds photos and other boxes, and a guitar → it is a D'Angelico (a famous guitar maker from New York) → the guitar is for Alex → he does not accept it → later, they practise together Alex talks with Leonora → Sol went to a doctor (CHF) because of some tests Alex goes to the locker again and wants to take out the guitar → he saw all the things from Judy there An hour later, Sol arrives with a bad mood (tired etc.) After some music Alex played for him Claudelle wants Alex to leave → Sol needs silence then Laurie's home: She is very sad because she got pictures of the baby from her mother (ultrasound) Alex tells about Sol and what he found in his locker They almost kiss again → bed crashes and they fall on ground 24. Peace In My Tribe 25. Finale 26. Coda 27. The Saints Go Marchin' In Again ● ● Alex ● Anette Watson Steve Alper Solomon Lewis ● Alex His parents ● His parents Residents ● Nurses Laurie Flynn Alex Solomon Lewis Alex → all the people that know Solomon Lewis → from the book too 3rd April + 6th April The next Saturday April April until (included) 27th June Alex's home Nursing home Hospital Nursing home → concert hall → his memorial service ● ● Alex speaks with his parents, and they forgive each other Alex and his dad talk, and his dad wants Alex to ask question if he has some → Alex just wats to know why he broke with Mrs. Simonsen (she smelled like chalk) Later, Alex writes a letter again with two purposes 1. The lesson he got from Sol → to forgive people →Alex forgave his parents ➜ he also writes about Sol's daughter 2. Alex invites to the second concert → she attends ● Before the concert, Alex is nervous → The CHA-Kings tell him how good his development was ● On the stage, they are fantastic At Sol's and Alex's Solo, Sol sings instead of just playing → the audience is fascinated and applauds (+crying) The judge runs to Sol and calls him dad → therefore, Judge Judy Trent is his daughter ● ● Alex sits in the hospital next to Sol → he is sleeping, he will die soon (Alex will be free soon) ➜ Alex tells about the last days: Judy visited his dad every day or two weeks and they spent a lot of time together they have a good relationship again Judy also talked with Alex a lot One day, Alex, Laurie, Sol, Judy, Mrs. Goldfarb were sitting in Sol's room → Sol had Pneumonia gain → that was three days ago → Since then, he woke up twice → he talked to Judy, Alex and Alex&Laurie like "last words" ● After this, Solomon Lewis dies Judy wanted Alex to play a guitar rendition of Taps Then, he plays with Anette and Steve (from crying to smiling) Alex writes a letter to Judy: He will go to college and will continue working at the Nursing home, Laurie is better with her mum, his parents will probably marriage