


Notes from the Midnight Driver







•Motes from the midnight Driver
Alex father
Judge Trent (Judy)
Alex mother
Relationship between the characters
•Motes from the midnight Driver
Alex father
Judge Trent (Judy)
Alex mother
Relationship between the characters
•Motes from the midnight Driver
Alex father
Judge Trent (Judy)
Alex mother
Relationship between the characters
•Motes from the midnight Driver
Alex father
Judge Trent (Judy)
Alex mother
Relationship between the characters

•Motes from the midnight Driver Characters Alex father Judge Trent (Judy) Sol Alex mother Alex Annette Relationship between the characters Alex and Sol: - Sol is mean to Alex at the beginning and makes jokes (p.33) - Alex calls him Sol (p.40) - Alex plays the guitar for him (p.53) - cries because Alex is playing a special song (p.57) - Sol finds out about Alex's penalty (p.72) - Sol talks about his former life and what happened to his wife (p.112) - Sol teaches Alex playing the guitar (p.139) - Sol gives Alex his guitar ->memory (p.144) - playing a concert together (p.163) Laurie and Sol: - is way nicer to Laurie than to Alex (p.50) - makes also jokes (p.50) - likes Laurie because she reminds him of his wife (p.111) Sol and Judy: Sol buys Judy flowers Hanukkah every year but she never - Sol has a box where he puts in memories of Judy (p.151) - Judy is Sols daughter (p.164) Laurie's father Steven ows up (p.62/65) Laurie Sarah Laurie's mother Brad Laurie and Alex: - best friends (p.19) - Laurie often defends Alex (p.20) - First hints at romantic tension uttered by Sol-> they both disagreed (p.49) - Alex finds Laurie really pretty (p.69) - playing games together-> reminder of the old friendship (p.75) - romantic tension because Alex is thinking about the warmth of Laurie's legs on his (p.75) - thinks about Laurie's arm...

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on his shoulder (p.76) - Laurie is jealous because Alex likes Anette (p.94) -Laurie can't have a relationship with Alex because of their friendship (p.95) - both of them are jealous because they have other dates to go to the dance (p.116/p.118) - Alex tries to kiss Laurie in the elevator but destroyed the moment as he hit the stop button (p.127) - they act being in a relationship (p.129/p.130) - Alex needs to see Laurie because Sol is going to die (p.148) - Laurie and Alex get very close because of Sol (p.151) - Alex misses Laurie (p.170) Alex and his parents: - doesn't communicate with his parents (p.23) - Alex is disgusted of his dad cheating with his teacher (p.14) - Alex apologises at his parents (p.154) Janet and Simon: - cheated on her with Alex third-grade teacher (p.7) - sarcastic relationship (p.11) - arguing in the first chapters (p.12) - Janet kicked Simon out of the house (p.60) - developing a better relationship (p.78) - Simon paid a jazz trio to play their weeding song (p.80) - are officially dating each other (p.98) - are going to a couple therapy (p.116) - Simon is cooking for Janet (p.137) - Janet tried to hang up their wedding picture (p.137) - will remarry one day (p.169) Characterisations Alex Gregory: - Alex is the protagonist of the novel - due to a penalty Alex character changes - Alex is 16 years old and lives in New Jersey - he's a introverted boy - he has one best friend named Laurie - he likes to play the guitar and expresses his feelings by the music At the beginning - not very mature (=reif) -> he gets drunk an takes his mother car without having a license - not very sensitive (=empfindlich) -> causes his parents great worry - not ver caring (=fürsorglich) -> he gives up quickly on Sol - not very responsible (=verantwortlich) -> got drunk; tries to get out of his assignment - not very self-confident (=selbstsicher) -> doesn't defend himself at school - not very purposeful (=zielgerichtet) -> he had a plan but wanted to do something to express his anger At the end - a lot more mature -> talks to his parents; explaining his behaviour; is apologizing - more sensitive -> Alex comforted Sol; thinks about his parents feelings - much more caring -> situation at the concert; cries at Sols dead - more responsible -> takes responsibility for his actions; apologies for his actions, organizing a concert - a lot more self-confident -> apologising for his actions; more confident at school - much more purposeful -> knows what he wants to study; will work at the nursing home Laurie Flynn: - Laurie is Alex best friend - she's 16 years old - she is a very though and extroverted person - helps Alex in every situations - very loving and takes care of Alex - is really self-confident and mature - five feet tall - looks exactly like Tinker bell -blond hair, a little upturned nose, blue eyes - has a perfect gymnast body - her hobby is karate - her parents are divorced-> her mother gets another child Solomon Lewis: - is Alex's penalty - lives in a nursing home - is a old man who lost his wife due to a drunken car accident - has metallic grey hair and a hooked peninsula of a nose - has one eyebrow, blue eyes and thin lips speaks with Yiddish elements - makes jokes and always says "GOTCHA" - is very mean to Alex at the beginning - calls Alex always "boychick" - has a daughter named Judy (Alex Judge) Summaries - Umbrella sentence (author, novel, title, overview about the story, name of the chapter) The novel "Notes from the Midnight Driver" written by Jordan Sonnenblick narrates about the relationship between a teenager and an old man who have to deal with each other based on a judge penalty for drunken driving. How to write a summary - reduction (30% -40% of the original text) - leave out irrelevant details - don't copy word for word - leave out feelings, views or opinions - register should be formal - SIMPLE PRESENT!!!