


Notes from the Midnight Driver (Lesetagebuch)







Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa
Notes from the Midnight Driver
Chapter 1: MAY
↳ Someone is watching an old man in a
hospital bed. He knows this old man is
going to pass awa

Notes from the Midnight Driver Chapter 1: MAY ↳ Someone is watching an old man in a hospital bed. He knows this old man is going to pass away soon, which will leave him 'free'. Chapter 2: LAST SEPTEMBER Gnome run 4 Alex narrates his decision to steal bis mother's car in order to act out against his will drink the vodka that his dad left behind and then drive to his father's home, where he'll angrily surprise his dad. Alex went into the car and the next thing he knew that the car was a on a lawn and there was a head in front of the car. It was a head of lawn gnome. After this Alex was brought to the police station who he met "Sarge: Sarge was overcharged and called the ambulance and Alex foassed out. Chapter 3: THE WAKE-UP 4 Alex woken up in the hospital. It was his first time with a hangover. His mum was next to him and called him a idot. His dad came in and both started to BRUNNEN argue. The nurse Miss Anderson introduced her and declared that Alex isn't seriously injured. After this Dr. Friedman explaind the situation more precise. While Alex clad sermonized about responsibility he felt asleep. After while his mum was again next to the bed and Alex pretended to sleep. a Chapter 4: DAY OF THE DORK-WIT 4. It's Sunday and Alex plays his...

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E-Guitar. It was a present from his father. After few hours he went downstairs to his mum and she asks him why he was getting drunk and why he done some- thing like this. Alex answers that he wanted to do anything because she had fun a he was home alone without his phone. Alex mother explains how the month will be run. He will getting to school and back by her and bed time is ten o'clock pm. On Monday in school Alex talk to Bryan Gilson about last friday. Alex trys to do nothing stupid. His friend Laurie Flynn comes and help him. After this she talks to him because of the accident. BRUNNEN Chapter 5: MY DAY IN COURT ↳ Alex father trus to contact Alex but he don't want to. Alex thinks about childhood with Laurie and he meets his unced Larry who is at the same time his lawyer. grey Alex and his mother goes to court but it's different than Alex imagin. He thought it's like a film court but there is just a normal room and the judge wears a normal business clothes. Futher- more she knows his mother. Later two police officers and two ambulancemen come as Witnesses. Uncle Larry is contente after the dialog. They waiting for the verdict. Chapter 6: SOLOMON 4 Alex has his first day at social services. He goes to the nursing home and asks the nurses for the resident Solomon Sewis. In the room Solomon lies in bed and watches TV. The old man offended Alex in Yiddish and talks to an other resident. After his day Alex writes a letter to the judge and explains that he really wants to do his ours of community service but he's not cope with the situation with Solomon. Futhermore he explains the whole day. The judge responds and writes that it's good. Alex can leam to handle the responsibility. Also she gives him a yiddish saying because she is Jew too like Mr. Lewis. Chapter 7: PLAN 3 4 Alex has his second day at Mr. Lewis. But Solomon pretends first that he doesn't know Alex and calls the nurse. Solomon reads a book and Alex trys to talk about this book because he read it in school. This idea doesn't work and Sol (he wants to be named like this isn't pleased with Alex answer to his question. After this they play poker. At the end of this day Alex writes a letter to the judge again by showing her three aspeds about his punishment. He writes that he likes to do 200h where ever but not the 94h with Mr. Lewis. Futhermore according to him he can't get the demanded sum because of the pay and poker. But the judge says he should go on with his job at Mr. Lewis. Chapter 8: LAURIE MEETS SOL 4 Laurie persuaded Alex mother that she take care to Alex and go with him to Sol. On the way Alex warn Laurie that she shouldn't be friendly to him. BRUNNEN Solomon thinks that Laurie is Alex girlfriend and Sol and Laurie discuss about this. Alex out of the room to goes the nurse Claudelle and listen to her stories. After a longer time he goes back in the room and sees that Laurie make the bed and fluff Sol's pillows. Laurie thought that Alex do this things too but Sol Mied to her because she was friendly. At the end Alex says the statement a that women never listen. Chapter 9: SOL GETS INTERESTED Alex had jazz band practice and come to late to Mr. Lewis, Sol isn't there because he has therapie and that's why Alex protices in Sol's room. Sol surprises him while playing and he likes it. Mr. Lewis wants Alex to play for him and after some improvement suggestions Sol closes his eyes and just listen. After the day Alex writes again to the judge and tells her the positive news thank you for her trust. says and be Chapter 10: HALF AN AUSWER ↳ Alex leard a special song only for Sol. It's about a story of a Sew and it should be a present for Hanukkah. Sol is emotinal after this and Alex thinks he hears him crying. Chapter M: HAPPY HOLIDAYS e 4 Alex comes home and sees his father outside. Alex father wants to see him because he has news. He leaves the state and will go to Philadelphia for a new job. Futhermore he explains that Alex mother kicks him out." On Alex way to Sol be buys him a book about jazz as a present for christmas. But Sol has a transparent tube. On table are followers and Sol tells Alex about his daughter and after the talk Alex should leave. The nurses explains that his daughter never comes. At the end Alex rites AGAIN a letter to the judge. He mentioned that he leamd new things and asks if he can keeps his job at Mr. Lewis. Chapter 12: THE BALL FALLS 4 Alex makes coffee for his mother like former. Alex leaves the house and goes to Sol who can live normal again. Sol persuades Alex to come with Laurie because it's New Year Eve. Alex and Laurie meet and she tells him that her out of mother is pregnant from a goy the internet. At the nurse home Sol hears that Alex is with him because it's a punishment and he is very shocked. Alex T fast home but Sol apologiz over phone and come hopes he back. Alex doesn't want to go to Sol and Laurie goes home to Alex. At midnight Alex asks Laurie for a new years Kriss but she says no. When they were sleeping his mother comes home with his father and Alex is confused but pretends to sleep. Chapter 138 HAPPY NEW YEAR! goes Lauries mobil 4 The next moming Alex speaks to his and after this Laurie says good bye and Alex mother explains him that they fall new in love and that there were the wedding song. His father paid for it but she thinks it was a sweet idea and is glad about it. Chapter 14: ENTER THE CHA-KINGS 4 Alex have the idea for a benefit jazz concert and he think it has at the same time five advantages for him: 1. It would impress the judge with his apparent selflessness and personal growth. 2. It would entertain and amuse dozens of oldestes 3. It would make his mother think he might have some shred of redeemable goodness. 4. It is a chance to play guitar. 5. It might even shut Sol up for an hour. BRUNNEN T Alex asks the "Cha-Kings" for help. The Couple Steven and Annette did before things often. *some Chapter 15: HOME AGAIN Alex Steven and Annette want to do the concert but they don't have a lot time to practise. Alex goes to Sol and says sorry about everthing and that he doesn't tell him why he's there. Next Alex explains his idea of the jazz concert. Sol asks if he think about everything what he need and Sol want Alex to stop saying "but". After this Alex writes again a letter to the judge. He writes her his idea too and asks again about the job after his punishment. Chapter 16: AM IA GREAT MUSICAU, OR WHAT? 4 The first practice is a torture for Alex because Steven and Annette are really good and that confuses Alex. After this Laurie and Alex talk about their parents and after this conversation Alex knows Laurie doesn't want a relationship with him. Alex tryies to divert whilst he's saying that he have a crush on Stephanie. He invited the judge in a letter for the jazz concert but she can't because of private stuff. BRUNNEN Chapter 17: A NIGHT FOR SURPRISES 4. Alex has notice that Laurie changed and he thinks constantly about her. He wants the old Laurie back. On day, before the concert Annette says that Alex better don't play because he isn't good enough. After Alex tries to justify Laurie comes and says it was a joke. At the home Alex greets everyone and they play the song "Mercy, Mercy, Mercy". He doesn't play without a mistake but he is satisfied. In a little break Sol comes to him and beas Alex to fetch his glasses but Alex just finds a old key. It is a trick and when he comes back Sol plays the quitar very fantastic. After the concert Sol tells him that he don't played since and 3 month. Alex asks about 27 the key but Sol doesn't say something. At the end Alex brings Sol to his room. Chapter 18: DARKNESS 4 In Sol's room Alex asks why he never said something about playing guitar but answers tells Alex his story. For a long time he played guitar as his job and he had a wife named Ethel. On one gig they argued because of their daughter and she drove away.. She got caught from a BRUNNEN T drunk driver and died. Sol starts to little bit and Alex holds his arm. Now cry a Alex knows why Sol was so mad and when Alex goes Sol advise him to keep the key save. Chapter 19: THE VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE 4 Alex doesn't have a lot hope that someone ask him for clance. But Sarah asks him and he says yes an Laurie says yes to Brad. Right before the dance Alex get a call that Sol is in hospital and wants to see him. Sarah comes with Alex to the hospital and Sol thinks it's Laurie. After Sarah leaves the room Sol tells Alex he knows that this isn't Laurie. At the ballroom Alex reportes Laurie about the fattle from Sol Immediately they drive together to the hospital and after a longer tatk Sol wants to speak with Alex alone. He explains that Alex should use his chance and take Laurie to the dance In the elevator the nearly kiss but Alex acendently push the emergancy switch. Downstairs they them is Sarge and Alex is glad to see see two officers. One of him. BRUNNEN Chapter 20: GOOD MORNING, WORLD! 4 It's monday after the Valintinsday. Laurie hisses right in front of Bryan Alex on his forehead and pretends they having a relationship together. At the end both fool like best friends. But Alex wishes it were real. Alex writes a letter to the judge again and reported from the concert and that Sol is a quitarist. Futhermore be writes that Sol is now in hospital. The judge answers that she's glad to hear the concert was good and she thinks its a providence that Alex and Sol friends. Chapter 21: THE MISSION ↳ Alex is in the home and Sol begs him to play guitar again. But Alex doesn't want to because he means that Sol is a lot better. Sol offers him free guitar lessons and tells him that Alex plays in April a concert again. Alex just plays there if Sol plays with him. At home Alex sees his father and his mother wants to hang up a picture but punshed beside it. Alex father brings her to the hospital and Alex has burnt food. BRUNNEN Chapter 22 THE SAINTS GO MARCHIN' IN Alex has his lesson with Sol. After it Alex notices that they have only one guitar and they need a second one. But he has allready & plan and explains itto Sol. Thereafter Sol says to him that the key is for his locker and Alex finds there a expensively guitar. Sol gift him the guitar and Alex ist nervous to play Chapter 23: THE WORK OF BREATHING 4 Alex is at Sol's again but he is at the doctor for some tests. Alex plays guitar till Sol comes back. But he is very fierd and he wants Alex to play something nice. After a while he speaks to the nurse and goes to Laurie to talk about this. Laurie is very angry because of here mother and Alex fells her about the photos of Judy. The situation change and they kissed almost again but in this moment the bed cracks down. Chapter 24: PEACE IN MY TRIBE 4 Alex determines to talk to his parents about everything. They forgive him and after his mother goal to bed he talks to his father alone. Alex writes a letter to the judge that his 100 hours are BRUNNEN over and be leams a lot. He tells her about Sol and his daughter and that Alex understand that parents always love their children no matter what happen. Futher- more he invited the judge to the next concert. The judge answers that she will come. Chapter 25: FINALE 4 Before the concert Alex, Sol, Steven and Annette meet backstage. Alex is very nervous but the others bolster him up. On stage they do a very good concert and one song is singing By Sol and Alex plays guitar. After this the judge comes in front of the stage and calls Sol as her father. It's Judy his daughter. Chapter 26: CODA 4 Sol and Judy did in the last days a lot together. But the Pneumonia & getting very worse and Sol is taken to hospital. His last sentences in deathbed are? to Judy - He loved her mother and both loved Judy and he's very proud. to Laurie- Alex and her will kiss someday. to Alex - He should when he finish playing wipe his strings down with soft cloth. BRUNNEN Chapter 27: THE SAINTS GO MARCHIN' W AGAW At the commemoration are a lot people. After some speeches Alex plays a song on Sol's quitar. After this Alex, Steven and Annette play an other song and the atmosphere change from sad to happy. Alex writes a letter to Judy and tells her that he passed his tests and he plays futhermore guitar. His parents going to marry again and Laurie is at her mother But they have daily contact. In the summer holidays Alex works in the nurse hoore and get pay good. BRUNNEN Questions Chapter 1: MAY (S.5) 1. What were floating on the monitor? - little mountains 2. Where is he sitting?. next to the old man's bed Chapter 2: GNOME RUN(S. 6-10) 1. What day was it? - Friday 2. How does Alex names the officer? - Sarge Chapter 3: THE WAKE-UP (S. 11-15) 1. What is the name of the nurse? - Miss Anderson 2. Where did Alex wake up? - in the hospital Chapter 4: DAY OF THE DORKC-WIT(S. 16-22) 1. Which instrument does Alex play? - E- -guitar 2. Who is Alex best friend? - Laurie Chapter 5: MY DAY IN COURT (S.23-29) 1. Who is Alex lawyer? - His uncle Larry 2. What is the judge wearing-normal bussiness clothes Chapter 6: SOLOMON (S. 30-37) 1. Where is Alex social services? - In the nursing home 2. In which languag offended the old San Alex? - Yiddish Chapter 7: PLAUB (S.38-44) 1. How wants Mr. Lewis to be named? - Sol 2. What do they play together? - Poker Chapter 8: AURIE MEETS SOLIS.45-50) 1. To whos stories listen Alex?- Claudelles stories 2. What thinks Sol about Laurie? That she's Alex girlfriend Chapter 9: SOL GETS INTERESTED (S. SA-54) 1. Where is Sol when Alex come? - Therapie 2. Where does Alex practice? - In Sol's room Chapter 10: HALF AN AUSWER (S.55-58) 1. What does Alex leam for Sol? - A special song about? - A Jew song 2. What is the BRUNNEN Questions Chapter 11: HAPPY HOLIDAYS (S.59-65) 1. Who is outside?- Alex father What is the book for Sol about? - About jazz Chapter 12: THE BALL FALLSIS. 66-76) 1. Which evening is it?- New Year Eve 2. Who is pregnant? - Laurie's mother Chapter 13: HAPPY NEW YEAR! (S. 77-80) 1. When does Laurie go? - After breakfast 2. Who falls new in love?-Alex mother and father Chapter 14: ENTER THE CHA-KINGS (S.81-86) 1. How much advantages has the concert? - five 2. Who asks Alex for help? - The Cha-Kings Chapter 15: HOME AGAIN(S.87-90) 1. What are the names of the Cha- Kings? - Steven and Annette 2. What want Sol Alex to stop? saying "but..." Chapter 16: AM 1A GREAT MUSICIAN, OR WHAT? (S. 91-97) 1. Who is invited by Alex? - The judge and 3 month 2. Why the judge doesn't come? - private stuff Chapter 17: A NIGHT FOR SURPRISES (S. 98-108) 1. What finds Alex at Sol's room? - A key 2. How long Sol doesn't play?- 27 years Chapter 18: DARKUESS (S. 109-113) 1. What is Sol's daughter name? - Judy 2. Why Sol lose his wife?- because of a drunk driver Chapter 19: THE VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE (S. 114-128). 1. Why is Sol in the hospital? - He has pneumonia 2. Which color have Lauries dress? - red Chapter 20: GOOD MORNING, WORLD! (S. 129-134) 1. Where does Laurie hiss Alex? - On the forehead 2. What cloes the judge think about the friendship between Sol and Alex?- It's a providence. BRUNNEN Questions Chapter 21: THE MISSION(S. 135-138) 1. When wills Alex play the next concert? - In April 2. Who have to go to the hospital? - Alex mother Chapter 22: THE SAINTS GO MARCHIN' IN (S.139-144) What is in Sol's locker? - An expansive guitar 2. Does Sol gift Alex the guitar? - yes 1. Chapter 23: THE WORK OF BREATHING(S. 145-152) 1. Why is Laurie angry? - Because of her mother 2. What does Alex have find in the locker?- pictures of Judy Chapter 24: PEACE W MY TRIBE (S. 153- AS8) many hours Alex has done?- 100 hours 1. How 2. Does Alex invites the judge again? - Yes, because " Chapter 25: FINALE (S. 159-164) 1. What does the judge say to Sol? - Dad 2. Which song Sol sings on stage? - "Sunrise, sunset" Chapter 26: CODA (S. 165-166) 1. What is getting very worse? - Sol's pneumonia 2. What is Sol's last sentence?- "They'll last longer." Chapter 27: THE SAINTS GO MARCHIN' IN AGAWN (S. 167-170) 1. Where does Alex work in the holidays? - nurse home 2. Where is Laurie?- At her mother "everybody needs a second chance EF English Ex. 3.: Write a newspaper report Task You are doing an internship with your local newspaper. On a Friday evening in September, you want to experience the night shift at the newspaper. Around midnight, a call comes in, describing an accident in a suburb of the city. The newspaper sends a reporter who asks you to come along. On the scene, you take notes. Back at the office, the reporter asks you to write up the report. Who? To prepare for your report, organize your notes by filling in the grid below. You may have to make up some information not given in the text to make your report more realistic (city, street, exact date): Alex Gregory (16), police officer What? Where? M1 Why? ♦ • boy drove drunk into the neighbor's garden demolished a lawn gnome • the blood of the boy dropped on the shoes of the officer •was brought to the police station • later hospital 18.09.2012, When? (Friday evening! • neighbor's garden •Butternut 18th March 2020 wanted to drive to his father's home (storming the house) Now write the newspaper article. Use a separate sheet of paper. Remember: A newspaper article should ... ... concentrate on the facts (answer the important 'wh-questions') ... be written in a serious style (no irony, exaggeration, humorous language), ... be as objective as possible (no evaluation, no speculation, no opinion of your own). Newspaper report 18.03.20 The Midnight Driver On Friday evening September 18th in butternut streef, a sixteen old boy named Alex Gregory drove into his neighbor's garden due to drunk driving. He destroyed a lawn blood dropped onto the officers shoes. gnome and some Alex G. wanted to drive to his father's house to storm into it. He was brought. to the police station and from there he was later taken to hospital by ambulance. EF English Ex. 4.: Humour & Irony - Stylistic Devices pun Tasks 1 Alex's account of his accident and the events that follow is sometimes very funny. Look at the different forms of humorous language listed below. Then read the examples and explain what form of humour is used in each one. hyperbole unusual metaphors formal language quotation irony 'cool' language Example 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. M2 carnage (p. 8) play on words, often involving two words with the same or similar sounds and different meanings exaggeration; making something sound a lot bigger or worse than it really is surprising comparisons, often using language that is not normally used in every-day conversation Gnome Run (p. 6) choice of words that is normally used in very formal writing or in literature referring to well-known formulations saying the opposite of what you mean using language in a way known from certain film characters that are thought to be 'cool' 'Call me an ambulance!' - I couldn't stop myself. 'Okay, you're an ambulance.' (p. 10) I couldn't tolerate this Battle of the Italics any longer. (p. 12) March 18, 2020 I hadn't singled out this particular strand of discomfort in the thick rope of agony that was 14) twisting around my brain (...). ( Great. Head trauma without painkillers. Now there's a recipe for wholesome fun. (p. 14) Form of humour pun, irony hyperbole pun metaphor unusual metaphor, formal language Of course, he was also supposed to stay with my mother until death did them part, but we all know how that turned out. (p. 23) Your mom supervises you as you garb yourself for the battle in your only suit. (p. 25) squad-car amigo ... I hadn't exactly sown the seeds of love with these gents ... irony quotation, formal language formal, literary language 'cool' language, irony metaphor, formal 2 Explain the function of humorous and ironic language in the novel. language