


Oral Exam: Globalization







Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming
Everything you need to know
DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation"
Comes from "globe" and stands for the
worldwide coming

Globalisation Everything you need to know DAG Definition of the term "Globalisation" Comes from "globe" and stands for the worldwide coming together of countries and nations Content of the Oral Exam 1. The Pros and Cons of globalisation in general 2. Global Village (Technology) 3. Outsourcing 4. Fashion Victim 5. Local Activist 6. Helpful phrases you can use in order to structure your statements 7. How to describe a cartoon 1. The Pros and Cons + Pro • Advances in technology have made the growth of transport and communication networks possible People as well as countries can exchange goods and information more quickly but also in a less complicated way Exchange of cultural goods, knowledge, language and services • Sustainable posperity (prosperity=the state of being successful in making money) ● ● Has improved the living standard --> Income, Avaliability of employment... • Cultural convergence (different cultures blending together) has increased 1. The Pros and Cons + Pro• A so called "global competition" keeps prices low and quality high; New technologies (innovation) emerge from it • Global Players such as Amazon or Apple can produce their products cheaply in developing countries --> Companies make more profit and consumers pay less • Can lead to world peace since countries become more interconnected and interdependent • Can bring wealth to poor countries by providing job opportunities Especially Sout-East Asian countries have experienced an immense economic growth ● • Can help to protect...

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the environment --> Trading partners put pressure on each other 1. The Pros and Cons Ecological problems Contra Burning fossil fuels, deforestation, exhausts of airplanes/cars... increase the emission of greenhouse gases -> GLOBAL WARMING Environmental pollution caused by industrial activities and the transport of goods Developed/western countries exploit developing countries Child labour Sexual abuse at the workplace • Loss of cultural identity since all cultures blend togehter --> Homogenization of cultures could cause a monoculture ● ● ● ● • The world has become more competitive, this has made people work for more hours 1. The Pros and Cons ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Contra People work in "Sweatshops": Workplace with unacceptably severe conditions, extremely low wages, no social or health insurance Melting polar icecaps --> --> rising sea level Change of habitat; some animals become extinct Desertification --> crop failure Famine Spread of diseases More inequality --> Growth isn't spread equally among all people Some people get put out of business due to outsourcing Global Village Due to new technologies, our modern world has become one big community or village • Advances in communication networks have made our world interconnected and interdependent Geographical distances can be overcome due to innovative technology If a nation goes through a financial collapse, it has the potential to bring down most of the world with it More mobility --> Diseases spread faster and more easily Outsourcing Especially Global Players outsourced their production to developing countries in order to ● -...pay less wages and make more profit -...invest less money in good working conditions • Child labour Cons of outsourcing: ● Employees have to work under severe conditions • No safety --> No uniforms; Workers have to inhale toxic gases Transport back to western countries contributes to global warming ● Fashion Victim Someone who is really into fashion and joins every fashion trend. Arguments: ● You can be trendy How am I going to save the world by not buying new clothes? The climate is already messed up. • All companies produce so much carbondioxide that me not buying clothes every month won't make a difference ● I pay those peoples' wages buy buying their products; People in developing coutries would have no job if I didn't buy their products Why should I care about their health? It does not affect me, it's not my problem. Local Activist ● • Fast fashion companies like H&M, Primark are not sustainable ● ● Upcylcling to reuse a certain cloth Buy clothes with reliable certificates for sustainability like Fairtrade Cotton; Fair Wear Foundation Buy second hand FAIRTRADE Certified Cotton Siegel für Baumwollprodukte gemäß den Fairtrade-Standards. Alle Rechte TransFair e.V. FAIR WEAR FOUNDATION WE NEED CHANGE Useful phrases So, well, like, actually make you sound native • I'm not quite sure wether I have understood you. Would you mind repeating it please? Agreeing: That's just what I think/ how I see it. • I totally agree with you. • You're absolutely right. Exactly. Disagreeing: ● Well, I'm not sure about that. • You could be right but... • I see your point but... ● Useful phrases Expressing your opinion: • I'd say... ● If you ask me,... From my point of view... I'm convinced that... Making suggestions: • What about..? • Shouldn't we also consider... • You have to keep in mind that... It's important to be aware of the fact that... ● ● How to describe a cartoon 1. Describtion 2. Analysis 3. Comment 1. Describtion Introductory sentence with the author's name and date of publication • Describe the visual aspects of the given cartoon 2. Analysis • What do the visual elements stand for? • How does the cartoon refer to reality? WHERE IS THE INFORMATION DESK? IT HAS BEEN RELOCATED TO CHINA... PANCHO How to describe a cartoon 3. Comment State the message of the cartoon What does the cartoon critisize? How is the issue presented? Do I agree with the message? ● ● ● WHERE IS THE INFORMATION DESK? IT HAS BEEN RELOCATED TO CHINA... PANCHO USEFUL PHRASES FOR DESCRIPTION -the carton shows.../ In the cartoon, one can see... -in the picture, one can see.../there is... -in the middle/ center of the picture there is... -at the top/ bottom... -on the left/right... -in the top left-hand/ bottom right-hand corner -the left/right half shows... -in the foreground/ background -the focus of attention is on.../what strikes the eye is... -there is a contrast between... -... is clearly visible -the colors are dark/ bright... -...is seen from above/ below/ the front/ the back -This creates an...atmosphere -The light/ colors/ position of/ expression of...contributes to... -the carton has a/ no caption... -the caption reads... USEFUL PHRASES FOR ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION -the facial expression shows... -the...stands for/ is a symbol of -the cartoonist/artist illustrates/ wants to express the fact that... -the cartoonist intends to/ wants to make fun of/ criticizes/ points out/ makes clear/ emphasizes/ wants to make aware of/ aims to present... -according to the cartoonist... -the cartoon is a reference to.../refers/ alludes to/ is a criticism of... -the characters come across in a positive/negative light -this is due to their facial expressions/ gestures/ what they are saying -the message of the cartoon is.../the cartoon might suggest that... -in my opinion, the cartoonist is (not) successful in his/ her portrayal/presentation of -the picture/ cartoon is (not) convincing It is an interesting, multi-layered cartoon.../ It shows an exaggerated view of... -To get across his message, the cartoonist...