


Oral Exam - Useful phrases







• Let me begin with...
. I would like to start with...
• Welcome to our discussion...
• Have you ever thought about....?/
What do
• Let me begin with...
. I would like to start with...
• Welcome to our discussion...
• Have you ever thought about....?/
What do

Beginning: • Let me begin with... . I would like to start with... • Welcome to our discussion... • Have you ever thought about....?/ What do you think about...? • Did you know that...? Making suggestions: ● I would suggest/recommend... • If I were you, I would... • The best thing would be to... You'd better... • Why don't you...? • How about....? • Have you tried/thought of...? Changing the subject: . (On) by the way... Before I forget.... I just thought of... • There is something else to say... • Let's also consider while I think of it... ● ● Balancing/giving in: . On the one hand... (but) on the other hand... • Although I must admit that.... • That is certainly true, but in the same time it is obvious that... • That is probably true but..... You're right up to a point. This might be case/true. Interrupting pointily: May I interrupt for a second? • Excuse me, could you explain that again please? • Can I jump in here? . Can I just make a point? Perhaps I can interrupt you there? . (I'm) sorry to interrupt..... . I hope you don't mind Expressing your opinion: • In my view.../ As I see it.... • To my mind.... • If you ask me... • I am sure/certain that... • It seems to me that... • Personally, I am in favour of.... Defending my point/myself: • I see your point but... . That's not what I was trying to say... That's not quite...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

what I mean... • You've got that all wrong. What I said was... • You're putting words in my mouth. • You are distorting what I actually said. Adding: • It's also important to know that... • I'd like to add... • What I'd also like to mention is that Giving evidence: • There is strong evidence that..... • I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that... • Try to see it from my perspective Asking for an opinion: • How do you feel about this? • What is your position on... Correcting misunderstanding: . That is not quiet what I meant by... • Don't get me wrong. I meant... Supporting someone: I fully support X view That's sounds very coning ● Including the partner: • Would you like to reply to this? • So, what do you think? • How do you feel about that? • What's your view on this? • What is your opinion about/of/on....? Playing for time: • What I'm trying to say is... • So, you mean that... • I'm glad that you asked me that . That's a tricky question, really • I guess an honest answer would be.... • I must admit I haven't really thought about it much before... • I suppose the simplest answer to that question is..... Let me think about this a sekond Using fillers . In fact... • Actually... . You know/see... . • Right, then. ● Now let me think/see... I wonder... ● The thing is... I see what you mean. • Exactly • Percisely I guess/imagin Drawing Conclusions: This leads to... For this reason... ● ● ● ● ● ● Time is almost up now. What has become clear in the discussion is that... Thank you for your attention gentleman Further discussion is pointless, so less end here. We've heard some interesting points/some new ideas, so let's stop this here I can understand you better now even though I don't completely agree with you Would you excuse me now please? Sorry but I've had to go now I'd love to stay and discuss this further, but... It's been a very interesting discussion Perhaps we can continue this another time Shall we try to come to an agreement?